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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tomosia

  1. tomosia


    It has been hard, but no sodas for two weeks. Mine is mental, and I know that so I just have to keep battling the mind.
  2. tomosia


    It has been hard, but no sodas for two weeks. Mine is mental, and I know that so I just have to keep battling the mind.
  3. Well I have had my second meeting with the dietitian and GP for my medically supervised weight loss and I have lost some weight, which is good. I know I have one more, maybe two o go. I have the first part of the psych exam and go next week for the last part. Then all I need is my stress test. In some ways time is lying and in others it is dragging.
  4. Ok I think I know how, tell me your facebook name and I'll add you. I'm caling it LBT Friends.
  5. I wish I could give you answers, but I'm new to this myself. I went to a seminar in early March and had my first consultation on March 30th. I was told I had to do 3 months of doctor supervised weight loss for my insurance to pay for the procedure. Which is meeting with my doctor and a nutritionist. I've had my first meeting with both, and have my second one on May 7th. I also have to have a pschy evaluation which I'm doing on the the 30th and a stress test and cardiac clearance which I've not schedule yet. If all goes well I'll be having surgery sometime in July.
  6. tomosia

    Just A Few Questions

    I understand how frustrating it is, I've done all kinds of diets, doctors, etc. But I none documentable in the last year. So I've have to do 3 months for my insurance. I'm only on month one, and at times, it seems like it will take forever. But I tell myself I can do it and think about being healthier. I know it seems like forever, but remember it is just another day closer to your goal.
  7. tomosia

    Surgery Tomorrow - 4/26

    Good luck!!!!!!!!
  8. tomosia


    I think they can stretch your pouch and they can crate gas that is difficult to release. I think mine is mostly mindset. I'm used to drinking them, so I want them. I had one on Monday, and it was ok, but I found myself constantly burping, so maybe I'm getting used to not having them. I've not had the surgery yet, just in the dr. supervise weight loss part. I've gone from 3-5 a day to 1-2 a week. And it definitely saves money .
  9. I don't plan on lying if asked, but I don't plan on volunteering information either. I've told my sister, because I know she'll help keep me accountable. I would love to join a private facebook group. And I will probably tell more people as time passes. I'm still in the 3 month dr. supervised weight loss program, so I will see how I feel once I have the surgery about telling others.
  10. I have only told my sister and plan on being very selective on who I tell. One I am a private person, two I don't want foodolice watching me and lastly my mom is such a gossip. I love her but she can't keep a secret and she tends to get her facts confused. So for now I am keeping quiet, but who knows shat the future will bring.
  11. I have only told my sister and plan on being very selective on who I tell. One I am a private person, two I don't want foodolice watching me and lastly my mom is such a gossip. I love her but she can't keep a secret and she tends to get her facts confused. So for now I am keeping quiet, but who knows shat the future will bring.
  12. tomosia


    It is a combination of flavor and bubbles. I'm not a big fan of flat soda. Right now I am doing the mios and that is helping. I have been told to freeze a soda and then blend it like a slushy, I might try that if I am desperate.
  13. tomosia


    I think the idea of giving up my diet dr. Pepper is what held me back for so long. I love my sodas. I am in my dr. Supervised wl part. One of my first goals is to limit myself to one soda a day. The first week it was very hard, but it has gotten a little easier. Last week I only had two. I really like the mio drink mixes, especially the tea version. In fact I will mix the tea and orange or cherry which is really good. But ther are days when I really want that soda. When it gets bad I tell myself to wait 30 minutes and if the craving is still really bad then I will have one. So far that has really helped.
  14. tomosia


    I tried my first quinoa this week, I cooked it in FF chicken broth and it was quite good. The brand I bought was pre-rinsed, so I simply put 2 parts broth to 1 part quinoa. I think next time I'll mix in some chickpeas or black beans, a maybe some onion.
  15. I had my first meeting with the Dr. on 3/30, so I understand right where you are. It is a little scary....ok a lot scary at first, but I finally realized, my weight was only getting worse, not better and I needed help. It is a big step, but one I have faith that will make my life better. I've been reading everything good and bad about the surgery, and I know it can work, if I let it. So for me I'm working on changing my mindset to go along with the physical changes that are coming. Good luck on your journey!!!!!
  16. tomosia

    Hoping To Get Lapband Surgery!

    Hi Denise, I too am new to this journey. I'm in the process of a 3 month Dr. supervised weight loss program to get approved for lapband. My goal is to get off as much medication as possible. I currently take meds for type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. I've been big all of my life, and it has taken it's toll on my knees, but hopefully if I lose some weight I'll be able to get off meds and move easier. I don't want to be a size 2, I just want to be healthy.
  17. tomosia

    Starting My Journey!

    Hey Andriea, I'm new here too. Like you I've been looking at the surgery for a couple of years. I recently had the doctor check and my insurance will pay if I do 3 months of Dr. supervised weight loss, so I'm on month one of that. In the mean time I am reading everything I can find, both good and bad. I'm excited and scared at the same time, but I know it is what I need to do. Good luck on your journey!!!!!
  18. tomosia

    Hello Everyone

    My desire not to tell is based on several issues...the first being my mother, although I love her an she loves me she is the most negative person I know. She has always been negative but lately it is even worse. I know she would be watching to see when I fail so she coul report it to everyone she knows. The second is I feel that people would be watching me, both for good and bad, but I just don't want to live in a fish bowl. I'm not saying I will keep it quiet forever but for me I think I will do better if for now it is on the downlow.
  19. tomosia

    Hello Everyone

    I am in the three month dr. Supervised weight loss program my insurance requires, but I don't plan on telling anyone except my sister who is my accounting person. I selected lap band because I didn't want super drastic weight loss, just something more natural.

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