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LAP-BAND Patients
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About candyl41

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    Senior Member

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  1. candyl41

    Pen Pal Goodie Boxes?

    Hi yall just got my box from karen who ithink its just wonderfull .Ihope become good friends .I got some coffee for my keriug got peanut butter crystal light popcorn skinny cow chocolate uce tea mix pepperoni ,note pads lotion which i luv how she knew that splenda and clips which i also need. From not getting bix in march she def made up for it. Thanks karen
  2. Never heard of slimpressions need check that out
  3. candyl41

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    I will be praying and thinking about you on tuesday im having ny surgery on thursday.. and i think this forum is great and we all help each other. Everyone needs suppirt and u will def need it after all u bern through.. ket us know how your delivary went and pics if your baby
  4. candyl41

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Been reading your story im sending prayers gor birth if your son. Thats around time im having my surgery.. good luck
  5. Good luck tommrow i hoped to have my surgery in couple weeks keep us posted
  6. candyl41

    Isopure In Jello

    I heard it works good i wonder if putting unflavored in woukd be better
  7. Has anybody mix isopure in jello powder when your makin it i heard of people doing this. To get protein in
  8. candyl41

    Just Got The Call... Approved

    I got my dr appt so hope to have a date fir sure. Hope its in next2 weeks
  9. candyl41

    Wait Wit

    Good luck i see dr on friday then ill have a date.. it will be here soon
  10. candyl41

    Surgery Date Is Set!

    Congrats and good luck i go see dr on 27th then we set a date.. good luck
  11. candyl41

    Return To Surgery

    Glad see u doing better ive never heard if that.. i will say prayers ive caught staph ibfection after a back surgery so i know how it is to have2 surgeries.. goid luck
  12. candyl41

    Newly Banded

    Welcome ive not been banded yet but i go see ny dr next week for my consent appt. And my surgerydate will be determind. Little nervous but everybody on here is so nice and helpfull. So glad see your doing great..
  13. candyl41

    Hey New At This

    Hi im from louisiana westbank of new orleans. I just got approved last week just waitin see dr sign consents then surgerydate.. hope to have it in couple weeks.. how did u do. Where ate u from?
  14. candyl41

    New Guy Here

    Welcome i just got approved last week hope to have my concent appt soon.. this site has helped me get ready for my surgery everybodys really helpful. Good luck to u congrats in medical school

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
