@Deedee12Thank you! I don't know quite who to talk to @ Aetna, I was thinking a case manager may be able to help me. I too would just barely meet criteria if just applying for a sleeve as I am just obese, have no co-morbidities.
In the clinical policy bulltetin there are options A-D for repeat bariatric surgery and all of them require "compliance" with diet and exercise program which is hard to show because when I was successful I did not frequently see a doctor for my band. I started seeing a doctor when my reflux started and i started gaining weight. My doctor prefers to do the removal and revision in 2 different surgeries but if there is no complications will do it all in one. My fear is that if i Just get the lapband removed I will be denied for a sleeve. Even without the "compliance records" I feel like with the damaged lapband evidenced by xray and the reflux and weight gain I should be approved for a revision---I feel that with all the research and data out about lapband complications insurance suggesting another band or a band fix is ridiculous!
The person at my doctors office just keeps saying this may be tricky, I want to know from someone at the insurance company what I need to submit exactly to be approved. I have a POS II policy. I don't know who to talk to there or where to start and would like to speak to someone before submission because I know a denial can be difficult to fight.
I am also choosing to go out of network because the previous physician I had seen did not catch all the problems visible on Xray with my band.
I appreciate all of your advice, thank you! If you have any other suggestions I would appreciate it!