Hi. I am a 60 yr old professional woman. For the last 25-30 yyrs of my life, I have been so overweight; going up and down on diets but never being able to keep it off. I have 3 grown children who the youngest 2 have never seen me thin nor have any of my 3 grandchildren. I was in a car accident in 1995, had spinal surgery in 1998 and have previously had 3 ankle surgeries form a quadrulple break. I have now acquired severe spinal degeneration, osteoarthritis in my ankle and hip. In December, I had an epidural in my spine for pain and the 2 in January of this yr. I gained 30 lbs from the steroids within that time. I was out of breath walking just one block, was not able to run around with my grandkids and was constatnly in pain.It was a viscious circle...epidural, pain releif then weight gain and more pain. I finally decided February 1st, 2012 after discussing it with my primary MD, who has known me for 25 yrs, that I needed a drastic change in my life because this was nit working. I was not happy with myself or how I functioned so made my Surgeon appt, saw all 7 MDs required with a couple of weeks, got approved for surgery right away and just had my sleeve surgery on Wednesday, March 28. I was discharged from hopsital on Sunday, April 1st and today is a wk post surgery. I have not really been in pain, but today had a bad day. I had laproscopic surgery and have 5 incisions plus the one in my bellybutton (that's the one that bothers me). Thy took off bandages before I left hospital, but left sterastrips on saying that they would fall of as would stitches disolve. Only 2 steristrips have come off and I don't see stiches so I assume that they dissolved already. I guess I am being neurotic but am scared of infection and stitches dissolving so quickly.
Yesterday was my 1st day I was able to eat all my (little) meals, snacks and protein drink, but today had trouble eating 1 scrambled egg and the protein drink. I don't want to force anything and am just chalking this up to having a bad day since it is only a wk after sugfery. Amazingly enough I have lost 14 lbs but probably because I am not able to eat much. Really looking for support through this journey.