Hi there can someone, anyone help me i was banded on 4/13/10 i weighted 271 today almost two years later i' m 180. whats killing me is that before march 30th i was at 8 cc and with all the restriction in the world of lap band! well on this day my doc and his assistance gave me less than a quarter fill the problem is that know i have no restriction at all its as if i don't have a lap band inside me i' m now able to eat anything and everything i wish for like before i had the wls! mind you it was a little difficult for my doct to find the exact spot to stick the needle in but after two intents and a little bleeding he gave me the fill well his assistant did with his help cause he was there all of the time but i must have been better off with out it because now my stomach is open than ever. before and yes i'm still burping all the time though I feel as if he must have punctured my band or if the band has slipped because at this point i can eat a whole house! please help me tell me what must be the problem. I'm so scared to gain all this weight bk it's hasen't been an easy journey at all!