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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Tweety40

  • Rank
    Guru in Training
  • Birthday October 19

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    New York

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  1. Tweety40

    Staying Focus !

    I hide the fact I eat things from everyone because I don't want to let them down.
  2. I am really Struggling . I had my sleeve a year ago this past January. At the last weigh in I was down 100 + not sure exactly I know it was over 100. I am so disgusted with myself at this point. I have lost my focus on eating right and feeling good about myself I find myself snacking on my son's Snacks and hiding it from everyone. I find that I can eat almost anything s ok metime a small amount or not. Simetimes I feel that I have stretched out my sleeve. I am under a lot of stress right now. I need some advice on how to get my butt back to focusing on the right things.
  3. Tweety40

    12 Days Post Op

    I was on the 13th and feeling pretty good now, after have an infection in the larger incision. Just till feeling tired. I am trouble getting it all in too. I'm surpose to have 70 gm of protein and 800 cal. I usally get 500 cal and 50 gm of protein. I'm so glad the worse is over!
  4. Did you have any drainage from it? Mine is draining yellowish fluid. It's still open. I'm 2 weeks out. Dr just put me on antibiotics yesterday.
  5. Not all surgeon's use them. I didn't have one.Did any of your income drain at all? Not all surgeon's use them. I didn't have one.Did any of your income drain at all? Incision sorry
  6. I am now 2 weeks out. I have had drainage coming out of the large incion since Saturday. At first the Dr said just keep it clean covered. Which I have been doing. Yesterday it was hurting and was red around it. So the Dr put me on antibiotics. Hopefully that will help. Has anyone had this issue and if so how long did it last?
  7. I add extra milk to my premier shake, it helps alot.
  8. Tweety40

    Returning to work

    I probably could.take the rest of the week off. Today my Dr called in an antibiotics because my incision is red again and still draining. I'll see how it feels in the morning.sometimes I think I should have waited but I was feeling pretty good then it went down hill.
  9. Tweety40

    Incision pain

    Yep that's the one I have had an issue with since Saturday.
  10. Tweety40

    Returning to work

    Thank you I'll have to look for them.
  11. Tweety40

    Incision pain

    I'm 2 weeks today and I am still sore.
  12. Tweety40

    Returning to work

    I probably ate too much. When I eat while am at work I eat while I'm working.
  13. Tweety40

    Returning to work

    January 13th 2 weeks out

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
