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LAP-BAND Patients
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About stevens4

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    Senior Member

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  1. stevens4

    Salmon Patties

    I'm so sorry! I can't eat tilapia. Who knows with the band?! I'm glad others are liking the recipe. It's a go-to recipe at my house. EASY. I found a quiche recipe that is easy and lowfat/high Protein that I will post later today.
  2. stevens4


    It could be both. I can't eat white bread and I know a lot of people can't have pb unless it's mixed with something 'wet' like oatmeal, yogurt, or smoothies.
  3. stevens4

    Full Signals

    When I went in for my last fill I made a comment to my dr about full signals. He said that I shouldn't have full signals- that meant I ate too much. I guess. I'm just kind of confused. I guess I thought feeling the full signals was a good thing because they kept you from overeating. How am I supposed to know how much to eat if I don't feel those full signals? Anyone else heard of this?
  4. stevens4

    Weight Training, Yay Or Nay???

    My doctor just told me that I should be doing weight training. One of the most successful weight loss success stories lost weight when she started alternating cardio with weights. She lost over 200 pounds doing that!! That was good enough to convince me. I start at the gym in June. He also said not to worry about bulking up- women weren't made for that without steroids or massive amounts (more than we eat or drink!) of protein.
  5. stevens4

    Looking For A Buddy

    Hi! I'm from Arkansas too- with 2 kids and a wonderful hubby. I'm 43. I was banded on Match 20. I've lost 38 pounds so far, had one fill (2 ccs) and feel some restriction. I'm making lots of healthy changes and exercising. Are you on myfitnesspal? If you are you are welcome to add me - madalias is my username.
  6. stevens4

    How to Eat Like a Bandster

    Awesome! Thank you for posting!!
  7. stevens4

    How to Eat Like a Bandster

    Awesome! Thank you for posting!!
  8. stevens4

    Feeling Down

    I knew going into this that it wasn't a quick fix. I read all the information and knew that it was slow and steady. I guess that even though my head knew this, in my heart I was hoping it would be easier. When I dieted before the band, all I thought about was food- and the next meal- and what I could cook for me and my family. I don't know why (I know it's irrational), but I thought the band would help it not be all about the food. Now all I think about is, "How am I going to get all of that protein in"- especially when I was never a protein eater to begin with, or "What can I eat that doesn't have any sugar or carbs in it?" I am losing weight slowly (1 pound this week- 35 total). I am worn out emotionally. It is taking its toll on me. I didn't even go to church and my MIL's house for lunch after because she never has anything for me to eat there. My husband and kids are noticing that I'm sad and staying to myself in my bedroom. It's just easier than being out where everyone else is eating whatever they want, whenever they want. I know I'm probably just having a pity party, but I am still frustrated at how much harder this is than I thought it would be. I am not finding the freedom from food that I had hoped would be there with the band. Please tell me this is normal and it will get better.
  9. I got my first fill a month ago. At first it seemed tight, then just right, now- not so much. I'm getting hungry at about hour 3 and don't have any full signals. I did at first- hiccups, heavy sigh. I thought a fill would last longer than a month, but I am new to this. Do you ever stay at a certain fill for a long period of time?
  10. stevens4

    Tingly Toes

    I have tried multiple pairs of tennis shoes, but after about 10-15 minutes of walking/ jogging/dancing- whatever- my toes are hurting and feel like they have gone to sleep. They are tingling, but also kind of hurt. I end up taking off my shoes and finishing in socks. I can't imagine this is good for my feet- with or without shoes. I have tried wide widths, loosening the strings, and not tying tight. I've tried Nike and NB. Currently wearing Saucony. I am frustrated bc I am TRYING to get into an exercise routine, but it seems like everything is standing in my way. Any other suggestions?
  11. stevens4

    Should I Be This Tired?

    I'm taking 2 Flinstone's chewables every day. I know my bp has been low and have changed the dosage on my meds after seeing my dr.. My diet has completely changed- I'm eating 75 protein/50 carbs average, but only 1000 calories. They said 800-1200. I'm trying to get calories in, but that's the best I can do. This is all so new to me. I am exercising most days- even if it's just walking a couple of miles. I'm following the 'rules.' I have to get up early to exercise- if I don't, I am too exhausted to do it in the evening. I teach school (2nd grade) and have early morning duty and have to be at the school at 6:30. It makes for a long day. I'll be glad for summer in another month. Maybe that will help.
  12. I am so so tired- going to bed at 6:30 and waking up at 5:00. That's been 3 nights this week. Has anyone had this experience? Something has to give.....
  13. I am two months out (3 weeks pre-op/5 weeks post). I was wondering if anyone's periods were messed up bc of the change in diet, etc. I am cramping so so bad, but no period other than spotting. Is this normal? I hate to go to dr if this will resolve on it's own.
  14. stevens4

    Drinking Water

    No straw! Dr. told me it makes you swallow air, so it makes you gassy. I will call Dr. tomorrow and find out the answer tomorrow. I'll let you know what they say!
  15. stevens4

    Had No Idea

    Gas X strips! That was my saving grace. Many GasX strips. Hang in there- it gets better!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
