Hello, I am new to the community and just wanted to say Hi!
I am really looking forward to getting to know people and getting to share my journy as I make the steps toward my own surgery!!
so a little about me:
I have three amazing kids, 7, 2, and 8 months. My husband and I just moved from CT to DE (I am from the area) and I am so happy we did!! I am employed full time and I go to school part time, I am working on my MBA and hope to be done sometime in 2014. *fingers crossed*
I have always been a pretty active person, played soccer and swam during high school and I played rugby for my university in college, but even still I was considered overweight. with having my children the weight just kept coming, and I have tried pretty much everything with limited sucess. My mother had gastric bypass in 2004 and she has kept the weight off and has a much healthier life then before. I remember as a child her not being able to walk far because it hurt, and I have found that I am strating to feel that way. It was this realization that made me jump into action, I needed to do something! I didn't want my children to see me in pain and feel like they could do nothing, the way I did.
I have already had my first appointment with the Doctor, she has determined that I am a candidate for surgery and now I am scheduled for my nutrition classes, blood work and other dr appointments all scattered through out April, May, and June. Once I am done, I then have to get approval from my insurance, which I am worried about because I have heard the horror stories about getting approval! I hope to have a surgery date in August or September!!!