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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by XS-2011

  1. XS-2011

    Getting Back On Track

    Hello Sleevers, I finally decided to go to the gym for the first time in my life. I am still nervous and dread walking in there, but I need to continue with my weight loss. Long story short, I was sleeved 10/10 and lost 70 pounds without exercising at all (I am not proud of admitting to that). I started eating bad again and gained 7-10 pounds since June 2011. I just completed the 5 day pouch test and started the Leslie Sansome "Walk away the pounds" 1 mile. My 10 week body sculpt start Monday April 9. Wish me luck, Xs-2011
  2. XS-2011

    Premier Protien Shake

    I thought I purchased a bad box. My shake was thick like sour cream. The taste did not bother me. I had to shake it several times and still nothing!!!! I am calling later on today.
  3. Try Isopure smoothie: Orange/berry, peach, or pomegrate/berry. It's 16oz and 32 grams of Protein.
  4. I had surgery 10/19/2010 and I have lost 32 (+/-2) pounds and I've exercised maybe 3 times since surgery. I can not get it together. I don't know what it will take to jump start me. I'm always on my mother because she is not exercising. Ok, sunday morning I got on the eliptical for 5 minutes, I was dead tired, but I had to do it. I have Leslie Sansome walk away the pounds and I will not play it. I am a true couch potato and I am stressed out with my job, relationship, and finance. I know exercising will help the stress, but I just will not put forth the effort. 5 years ago, I lost 40 pounds with diet and exercising, I do not know what happened to that will power. Is anybody else having a problem initiating or maintaining an exercise regemin?
  5. XS-2011

    Looking for a workout buddy in Dallas

    Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas has an exercise program for post weight loss surgery. I do not remember the price. I believe you have to get approval from your surgeon, but it has the exercise classes and nutrition classes post surgery. I really hate that I moved back to Houston. Houston does not have any exercise program for post surgical patients.
  6. XS-2011

    Gentle Exercise DVDs

    Leslie Sanson or Sansome has a exercise DVD Walk away the pounds, 1 mile that is very good. She has one lady not using weights in the video and one lady doing half reps instead of the whole (arm stretch). My mother was sleeved 11/14 and she was able to get through half of the video. I am really proud of her.
  7. Texas T is right, I have the Premier nutrition protein bars and the shakes. Costco sell the shakes and bars. Sams sell the bars only. The protein is: protein blend soy protein isolate, whey concentrate, and whey protein hydrolysate. 60 grams of protein total with the 1 bar + 1 shake.
  8. Hello, I'm 7 weeks post-op and down 27 pounds. I was upset as well, but I know I have to exercise 5 days a week and right now with my crazy work schedule, I might get in 2 days of exercising. Hang in there. The key is: you are losing weight.
  9. XS-2011

    October Sleevers

    19 days since surgery and I have lost 18.5 pounds, I am happy.
  10. XS-2011

    Protein Bars

    Premier protein bars are pretty good. I was impressed!!! 30g protein, 10g sugar, total carb 24g a little high on the carb and sugar, but my Bariatric coordinator said the rule of 10's no more than 10g of fat and 10g of sugar.
  11. XS-2011

    11 Days out and Nausea

    I'm really struggling with the protein shakes. Which shakes do you buy from COSTCO?
  12. Are you taking Nexium on an empty stomach? Sometimes it does not work well with certain people, I received the IV Nexium in the hospital and now I am taking the generic dissolvable prevacid. Both medications do the same thing except Nexium is prescription only and cost more $$$$. Pepcid is a Histamine 2 blocker which reduces acid production in the stomach. Nexium is a proton pump inhibitor and it also reduces acid production. Just notify your physician and let him know you used another medication for acid reflux. Are you taking any other medications? Some medications may interact with the pepcid, so again, notify your physician and let him know you are taking the over-the-counter Pepcid.
  13. I do not have a food scale with me. I used the unjury chicken soup today and the unflavored protein powder. I noticed there was a line about half way on the scoop, I do not know if that is the serving size or 1 full scoop. please help.
  14. Hello Sleevers, My surgery was so quick, I can not believe it really happened. Post op day 1 was horrible. I kept throw up the liquids or I could feel the liquids coming up (heartburn), so I had to stay another night. Post op day 2 I received some IV Nexium for the heartburn and I was able to keep the liquids down with no problem. I can hear the acid or gas sizzling in my stomach.
  15. I just arrived to the outpatient registration, waiting for the service to open. I'm ready for the surgery!!!!! Will keep everyone posted.
  16. Hello everyone, I can not believe my surgery is tomorrow morning at 7:15 am. It's really gonna happen. Nothing but Clear liquids today and nothing RED!!!
  17. XS-2011

    The Fat Girl Wakes Up

    I don't think my moment will happen until I wake up from anesthesia. Now, that my surgery has been approved and I am going through with it, I just imagine how I think my life will be. For starters, I have hidden emotions too. I try to avoid certain areas, I have not applied for certain jobs due to fear of discrimination or uncomfortable working environment. My life has evolved around working night shift and staying in my apartment when I am off. I would love to go the park, mall, or movies at anytime of the day/night instead of trying to go early in the morning when there is hardly anyone at the mall. I live close to a beach and never visit, because I am afraid of the strange looks or the quick turn of the head or eyes whenever I try to make eye contact with someone. When I go out with friends (maybe once a year or 2) I pretend I am busy texting or something when a guy comes over to the table. In my mind, I know he is not at the table to flirt or talk to me and if he does, he will ask me about one of the other women at the table. So many broken feelings to share. The psychologist recommended this book called "Thoughts and Feelings" I think I will purchase it this week.
  18. Congratulations, I am on one combo blood pressure and diuretic, so I can not wait to get there as well.
  19. Hello future SLEEVERS, I had all of my blood work, x-rays, and EKG done yesterday. I currently weigh 299.5. 10/19 right around the corner. I can't believe I'm not trying to have 20+ last meals this week. I am really looking forwarding to losing the weigt and enjoying life. Best success to all!!! Pics coming soon.
  20. XS-2011

    Top 10 reasons to have VSG surgery

    1. Enjoy Life 2. Wearing a shirt without worrying about covering my 2 front rolls and 3 back rolls. 3. Wipe front to back without pulling a muscle. 4. Only put deodorant under my arms and not under my gut and other fat rolls. 5. Go to Victoria Secret without being ignored. 6. Fit in that sporty CHICK car. 7. Sleep in my bed without having a horrible back ache when I wake up the next morning. 8. Go out with friends be more sociable. 9. Prevent early arthritis, Diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, stroke, heart attack...... 10. Be able to squat without my knees hurting. 11. Sex in comfortable, but exotic positions.
  21. XS-2011

    who did you tell?

    I told my parents, brother, a few relatives, and maybe 3 co-workers. People are so negative when it comes to weight loss surgery. They either comment on the complications, people re-gaining weight, or ask why don't I just try to diet and exercise. Most of these people have never had weight problems. People are more sympathetic to alcoholics, smokers, and drug abusers, all of which have some underlying psychologic issue.
  22. XS-2011

    Pre-op diet, WHY?

    My VSG doctor said the same thing. I do not have a pre-op diet with the exception of Clear liquids the day before surgery and of course NPO after midnight. I was really getting scared for a minute, but like a lot of things in the Medical field, some physicians are very conservative and others go with the research trend.
  23. XS-2011

    October Surgeries!!

    9 days left until I am sleeved. I have an Pre-op assessment on Monday. I can not believe this is really happening. I am so excited!!!!!!!
  24. XS-2011


    I work in the recovery room as needed and the anesthelogist "wakes you up" and removes the breathing tube in the operating room, then they transport you to the recovery room. People do not remember ever having the breathing tube (for short procedures), unless the tube has to stay in for some reason (too sedated, problems with blood pressure, etc). Grey's anatomy and ER exaggerate things a bit.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
