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Everything posted by LeaveItToSleever

  1. LeaveItToSleever

    Labor Day Challenge 2012

    I've resigned myself to the fact that I can't control my weight loss time frame. I can't eat less, and I can't exercise more, than I am already. Mathematically, the numbers say I should be losing 3 lbs a week, but I am not; I'm only losing 1 lb a week. I don't know how this is possible, but that's the reality. My fear is that it will slow even further, or I'll have an extended stall.
  2. LeaveItToSleever

    Wedding Ring Issues?

    I had to move all my rings onto fatter fingers.
  3. I use a refilled "Gatorade G series Fit" bottle. It is a squeeze bottle. Before that I was using another recycled squeeze bottle, but the neck was very narrow and hard to refill. The G series bottle works much better, and it won't spill even if I knock it over -you have to squeeze it to get the water out. Plus it is narrow enough to fit comfortably in my hand, even when I am sweaty from working out (gets slippery).
  4. LeaveItToSleever

    Back To Normal?

    My tastes have not changed, nor has my sense of smell. I can eat anything. I've never vomited or been nauseous. At 3 weeks out, the only difference is that I am full after 2-4 bites. I still get hungry at mealtimes (wish I didn't) but my ability to indulge my appetite is gone.
  5. LeaveItToSleever


    It seems paradoxical, but that is the way it happens for me too.
  6. LeaveItToSleever

    The Stuff They Don't Tell You

    Yes, I'm positive. I didn't have a big gut before surgery.
  7. LeaveItToSleever

    The Stuff They Don't Tell You

    I didn't realize how badly it would affect my abdomen. I know the scars will heal, but I'm talking about what happens when they inflate you. Obviously, they blew me up like a balloon, but 3 weeks later my stomach is still a big, sloppy, defated mashmallow. My mid section has NEVER looked THIS bad. Is this what happens when you give birth? LOL I hope sit-ups will help me get it back.
  8. LeaveItToSleever

    Former Obese Ppl Judging Obese Negatively? Wtf...

    Kumbaya, people.
  9. LeaveItToSleever

    Feel Like I Am Losing Part Of My Identity....

    Yes. And good riddance!
  10. LeaveItToSleever

    Liquid Diet....need Some Help!

    It's easy to make soups. Use unflavored or chicken flavored protein powder, combine with water or broth, and add soft cooked vegetables or lean meats. You can add even more protein with fat free greek yogurt. Spices to taste. The 14 day pre-op diet is to shrink your liver so it isn't in the surgeon's way. So the no fat, no sugar, and no alcohol part is very important.
  11. I am 19 days out, and feeling fine. No complications whatsoever, it is working exactly how it's supposed to. It's quite a different way of eating. I still get hungry, and when I do, I still *think* I want a whole pizza or a 16oz ribeye. But I start eating, and BOOM I'm full after a few bites. I mean, stuffed, can't eat another bite full. My NP asks me how satisfied I feel after eating a half-cup meal, and I tell her to ask me next time because I can only eat 1/4c meals.
  12. LeaveItToSleever

    Who Are You?

    Another middle aged childless here, and very happy with that status! We socialize a LOT and we always feel so fortunate not to have the endless worries and financial hardships our counterparts have with their kids; not to mention how lucky they all tell us we are!I am an extremely BUSY person, and always focused on goal achievement. My life is my career, it is such a source of joy to me. I travel frequently for work, and when I'm not working I am volunteering (in my field). Best wishes, all!
  13. LeaveItToSleever

    For Those Who Weigh Every Day -

    Same here! Who says we aren't supposed to weigh every day? Research shows that people who DO are more successful at achieving and maintaining their weight goals. It is information, nothing else. Why would anyone not want it? Count me among forever daily weighers!
  14. LeaveItToSleever

    Got Sleeve August 1 ! So Glad I Did!

    I was sleeved on Aug 1st as well. I lost 18 lbs in the first 10 days, but in the past week, only 1 lb (boohoo!).
  15. LeaveItToSleever


    My hunger is similar to yours. I feel hungry every few hours, but after a few bites I'm stuffed. Very different from the way I ate before... takes some getting used to.
  16. LeaveItToSleever


    I think your request that they leave their desks was unreasonable.
  17. LeaveItToSleever

    Got Sleeve August 1 ! So Glad I Did!

    Your progress is phenomenal! Congrats!
  18. LeaveItToSleever

    What Do You Tell People?

    I'm sick to death of the tell vs. don't tell argument. I don't care what anyone else does, WHY in the world does anyone care what I do? And for the record, I am even MORE sick of the condescending explanations of what words and concepts mean, as if readers who have different opinions are imbeciles who just didn't grasp the point.
  19. LeaveItToSleever

    Gallbladder Issues

    I agree, the gallstones cannot be due to your WLS, they had to be there beforehand. How did they find out that you had gallstones? In my case, it took an abdominal ultrasound, which was performed PRIOR to my WLS. They removed my gallbladded at the same time they did my sleeve. Didn't they do an abdominal ultrasound before you had your sleeve? If so, why didn't they just take out your gallbladder when you had the sleeve done? Putting you through two surgeries is insane. I really feel for you.
  20. LeaveItToSleever

    What Do You Tell People?

    Easy. I say "I am dieting". If they want specifics, I just tell them I am under strict doctor's supervision. If they want even more detail, I say it boils down to calorie restriction. Most people quickly catch on that I am not on a fad diet I got from a recent best seller and they stop asking questions. Most people seem to expect you to name a recent fad (ie: 'I'm on the cabbage soup diet' or I'm on the sauteed sawdust diet') and when you don't mention a specific diet by name, they quickly lose interest. Nobody wants to hear about restricting calories and following doctor's orders.
  21. LeaveItToSleever

    Hope This Isnt Tmi...

    Same here.
  22. I think calorie cycling (low-low-low-high-low) is a good strategy. In the past I've been able to break stalls by having one big ol' carb fest, then resuming a sparse diet.
  23. LeaveItToSleever

    Tmi - Enema Anyone?

    There's nothing inside me to move out! Still on liquids, basically the diet of an infant, so similar BMs. Have you tried prune juice? I'd really hate to go the enema route.
  24. LeaveItToSleever

    Having Boy Problems, I Feel Bad For You Girl...

    I'm very sorry to say this, but from what I've just read, he sounds like a selfish, cruel jerk. No, I don't know the whole story but how does someone who loves you speak to you like that, or treat you like that? A relationship therapist once gave me a quiz: in 30 seconds, name 5 reasons you are sure he loves you. Then another 30 seconds, 5 reasons you are sure you love him. This should be SUPER EASY if you love someone and feel loved! You'd be surprised at the number of people who insist they are in love but can't even come up with ONE reason why, then get angry with the therapist and defend it 'just because'.
  25. LeaveItToSleever

    Just Curious

    Well, what do you mean by "issues"? 'Cause that could be anything. It depends on your point of view what you consider a good trade off for the end result. Personally, I haven't heard ANYTHING I would consider a horror story... just routine surgical outcomes, really no different than a woman might experience when she goes to the hospital to have a baby. Whether it's a healthy fit body or a healthy baby, it's the end result we're after, not the pain and recovery.

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