I used it and it worked really well- I ate something that seemed logded about 12:00 Wed, and had never experinced this without it it going away fairly quickly. This didn't hurt as bad as everything I'd Drink would come right back up. so I intially emptied my stomach before I went to bed, I actually peed all down my leg, from tring to throw up so hard to dis lodge it (if I'm being honest). Then drank the meat tenderizer with hot water (like hot tea). All day long yesterday I was able to drink well and started muschies last night, so definate improvement!!!! My stomach and ears even burned all day, like the tenderizer sat in there and tenderizered my stomoch walls as it did its thing. It was an aweful feeling- I'm back to normal now!! Thank Goddness. I was always real relaxed for 5 months now will be much more careful. We live and learn.
FYI: I think it was the top of the chiken pot pie crust from Cheddars that was stuck, and I only had about a teaspoon full of it!!!