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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by BrittanyRose

  1. So I will preface this post by saying I am a pretty big hypocondriac but I am stumped as to what could be going on with me so maybe you all could help!

    To start off I was banded on may 15 2012. I was 257 at my highest weight, 225 on my surery date and I am 180 now

    Here's what's going on. I am having this weird discomfort/pain on my left lower rib cage, pretty much right where the underwire of my bra is and extending that way towards my side/back. The weird thing that I have recently noticed is that my left rib cage is raised a decent amount higher than my right one. When I lay flat on my stomach or press down on both sides of my rib cage it is pretty obvious. But, I don't know if this is just how I was born or something new because I never noitced my ribs as much when I was more overweight! It hurts to sleep on my left side and when my boyfriend accidentally squeezes me there or pokes me there it is a pretty sharp pain that takes a few minutes to go away.

    I have shown the weird rib thing to my doctor before and the first time he said it was probably just how I was born and more recently when I told him abou the pain he said I had probably pulled a muscle in my ribs working out and that they were swallown and that it was nothing to do with my band.

    However, I do not know what else could be causing it! It have laid off doing anything put cardio as far as excersie goes and it hasn't gotten better. While I am not really having any problems eating or any real signs of a lap band slip I am still scared of it! I have had a werid lump kind of feeling in the back of my throat while eating sometimes but it is nothing major and only once in a while. I also know I am not too tight because I recently got a slight unfill because my prior fill was too tight.

    I was thinking it would be something with my spleen but I am no expert so who knows! I have a fill on the 25th and will feel better emotionally once my doctor looks at my band and says it is ok but if anyone has any thought until then I would appriciate it!!

  2. So I was banded on 5/15 and at my two week post op visit on 5/29 I had lost 11 pounds since surgery making my total weight loss 45 pounds. However, since that apppointment I have not lost any weight, maybe 2 pounds at most. I know slow weight loss is OK but I am getting a little frustrated so I was wondering if I posted some examples of how I eat during the day some veterans could let me know if I'm doing anything wrong? By the way I am still on my full liquid diet!

    Breakfast: 8-10oz of protien shake made in blender with 1-2 scoops of whey Protein Powder, 1/2 cup of fresh frozen fruit, 1/2 cup low fat yogurt OR 1/2 cup skim milk, and occasionally 1 pack of sugqar free pudding pack.

    (I ussually have this meal twice a day, once in the morning and once at night to get my Protein in)

    lunch - either 6 oz of sugar free pudding or low fat yogurt

    dinner - 8 oz of some type of creamy Soup, I've been getting cream of borccli and Tomato and basil from the super market because it tastes a lot better than the canned soup but it makes it hard to know the nutriounal information because there isn't any calorie information on it!

    So those are usually my four meals for the day! I also drink coffee occasionally but other than that liquids are only Water and crystal light but I know I am not drinking anywhere near the amount of water I should be. Sometimes if the timing works out I'll have 6 oz if skim milk before bed so that I don't wake up starving in the morning. I'm also not on any of my Vitamins yet becaue I am finding a hard time finding them in the stores. As far as excersie goes I haven't been cleared for any real excersise but my job has my moving around on my feet for hours at a time and I try to go for walks as often as possible.

    Also, my nutriosint told me I should be eating ever 2-3 hours but I do not find myself that hungry during that time, which might be because I think my Protein shakes are larger portions than I should be having, but I find myself eating one of my meals then anyway because she told me I'm supposed to which has me worried that I;m not really getting over the whole "mental hunger" vs. actual hunger issue. However, I am never really full during any of these meals, just satisifed and I've never felt any restriction from my band yet, (I don't have a fill yet).

    Anyway, if anyone has any tips as to how I can help my wieght los I would really appriciate it, thanks!

  3. Hey guys! So, I got banded on 5/.15 and came home from the hospital yesterday and it's been rough. It is a lot harder getting around at home and in and out of bed. Also, the pain meds I was given in the hospital made me feel great and the ones I have at home are not doing the same thing. Anyway here's the questions I have for you guys!:

    How much were you drinking the first few days post op?

    How did you take your pills? Did you just crush them and mix them with Water and suck it up how gross it was?

    What was your pain level at and what day did it become more managable?

    Did you take anything speical for the gas pains?

    How much did you walk around post op?

    AND most importantly, how did you seperate the feeling of surgery pain and pain from being full? I've been drinking so little because I feel as though I'm not going to be able to tell when I'm full :(

  4. Extremely frustrating situation and I need to vent about it!! My surgery is scheduled for May 15th and I've been going through my 6 months with the nutritionist and getting my testing done but this weekend I got a letter from my insurance company saying my doc is not a participating physician with my plan and saying we owed over $700 to the doctor for one visit. I am only 18 so my mom was the one that talked to the office about surgery officially but they told her they take our insurance. The doctor even works out of the hospital that my parents work at and that my insurance is through and many other people my mom knows in the hospital have gotten the surgery through this doctor! We have not gotten letters like this for the other appointments but I think that is because this month was the first time I met with my doctor after my nutritionist appointment (actually, the made me meet with a Nurse Practitioner instead because the doc was too busy and the "appointment" was less than three minutes long"). My mom is going to call the office tomorrow to try to get to the bottom of it and said that she will refuse to pay for this appointment because they told her our insurance was accepted but I'm scared that I'm going to have to change doctors so close to surgery. I made all of my plans with my job and internship for the summer around my current surgery date so that I have exactly a week before I have to go back to work!!

    Ok vent over!! If something like this has happened to anyone else let me know how it went!

    Happy Easter/Passover

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