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Everything posted by diochick

  1. Carbs, anything carby has been hard for me to give up. Chips, tortillas, pasta, potatoes, etc.... I obviously can't eat anywhere near the volume I could prior, but also being 4 months out and down 70+ lbs, I must be doing something right!
  2. diochick


    I actually discussed the use of ppi's longer than 14 days with my dr years ago, prior to wls. I was told they are perfectly safe for extended use. The reason the boxes say to not take longer than 14 days is because you should call your dr and get to the root cause of the issue (ex. endoscopy). Since there would be a chance you could have ulcers, or the gerd could cause pre cancerous cells to grow in the esophagus, it's something that should be checked rather than self medicating.
  3. So, I've never belonged to a gym before. I have (errr had) one on my work premises for us employees to use for free. When I was 280 lbs I didn't care about that. Now that I'm 211 and still very much focused on losing most of my workplace was shut down, gym included. (oh the irony). I had my 3 month check up with my dr, and while he's very pleased with my progress thus far (45% of excess weight, gone!!) He does want me to step up my exercising. I'm thinking of joining Planet Fitness, there is one on my way home from work, and I like how it's a 24/7 facility. My long drawn out question would be- any positive or negative reviews of this gym? Are there people who would be helpful to a gym newbie such as myself? Also, what workouts, or machines have you found most beneficial. I'm 27 with no joint or health problems (other than that pesky obesity issue I'm correcting, hahaha). Thank you!
  4. diochick

    Planet Fitness?

    Thank you for all the advice. I decided to join. I do like how I'm not bound by a contract, so if I end up not enjoying it I can walk away free and clear.
  5. diochick

    Night Shift

    I exercise after my shift is over, it helps me sleep better and I'm finding it does give me energy through the night. Not only that, but I'm not pressing the snooze button as many times when my alarm goes off!
  6. diochick

    Will I Ever Enjoy Eating Again?

    I am also apparently in the minority, but I still enjoy food. I am 3 months out and while I certainly eat less than I used to, my enjoyment level has in no way decreased. It's been a little challenge to see how my tastebuds have changed, but I've pretty much got a handle on that now.
  7. diochick

    "yes, I Asked For The Side, Not The Large Salad..."

    I've run into the issue of being asked constantly if everything is ok. I do have my card, but I haven't used it yet. Typically when we go out to eat, I order a kids meal for my 1.5 yr old, and nothing for myself. We share her meal, and she gets the drink. Thankfully it hasn't caused an issue... Yet. I know it's only a matter of time though.
  8. I've read numerous posts on here about people becoming lactose intolerant after surgery, but my question is- could the opposite happen? I used to not be able to tolerate dairy (didn't stop me from eating it though). I'm almost 3 months post op, and dairy- especially cheese-leaves me bound up for days. Definitely a new experience for me, anyone else run into a similar situation?
  9. diochick


    Super fatty foods cause dumping with me. I ate cheesesteak meat-had an episode, and also experienced it after trying some beef hot dog. My doctors did say it can happen to sleevers.
  10. Through my insurance I had to do the 6 months supervised weight loss. I had to call my insurance after my 5th weigh in, so they could review everything, that took about a week, then the dr called me and gave me available dates for surgery (I could have had it done the following week, but I opted for 2 weeks, due to work). In all it was about a 3 weekish process.
  11. Man, I wish I had thought of that!!! These pics are so cool! I'm sure if I had disclosed the surgery to my mom she would have requested a pic. I had a benign tumor removed when I was 14, and per her request the dr made a slide with a slice of the tumor so she could examine it under the microscope (she's a biology professor). That was really awesome to see.
  12. diochick

    Dumping Causes

    I ate some cheesesteak meat, and I was a mess the rest of the day. Nausea, poops, sweaty, I couldn't move off my couch. Thats the only time I've experienced dumping and it had to be from the fattiness of the meat. Just the thought of having it again makes me feel sick to my stomach.
  13. diochick

    Night Shift

    Congrats on the great results! I was sleeved 3/12, surgery weight was 271, as of today my weight is 225! I'm very pleased with the results considering my job is as an analyst so I sit and stare at a computer screen for 10 hours a night.
  14. diochick

    Sleeve Research

    I'd be willing to help!
  15. diochick


    I had a sip of my hubby's soda, it was just a small sip (I'm almost 3 months out) and while it didn't hurt or anything it certainly didn't taste right. I used to LOVE soda, but it just tasted too syrupy tasting. Entirely too sweet. I have been craving seltzer water like crazy though, and am still coming to terms with probably never drinking it again.
  16. diochick

    Holy Zit Face!

    I went through the same problem! It was awful. Mine cleared up on it's own around the 1.5-2 month post op mark. Hopefully thats the case for you as well.
  17. My husband and I took our kids to the carnival in town, they had rides there. The last time I had been on an amusement ride was over 3 years ago, it was an extremely tight fit, and so embarrassing I stopped riding all together. I thought I'd give it a shot since I'm almost 50 lbs down. I fit in fine and there was a little room to spare!!!!! This smile hasn't left my face all day
  18. Thanks everyone!!! The only thing that would have made it better was cooler weather. I'm in PA, and it was close to 100° today, blech. All I could think was, jeez last year I was outside walking around in weather like this weighing 282 lbs. I couldn't imagine having all that extra weight anymore. No wonder why I was always miserable!! Good luck to everyone who is also going to visit the parks
  19. diochick


    I've had some from sonic, and while it's carbonated you can hardly notice that it is after the syrup and ice mixes in. I'm a little over 2 months out if that helps.
  20. diochick

    Night Shift

    I'm not a nurse, I work nights in an office, so I have limited movement. I went back to work 3 days post op, but my results have been great. I'm 2 months out and down almost 50 lbs since surgery. I went into the operating room weighing 270, and as of yesterday I weighed 229. Hope that helps. The loss was slow at first, but now I'm averaging about 5 lbs/week
  21. diochick

    Eating Beef?

    I had ground beef 7 days out, when I was approved to eat chili, then about 2 weeks ago (2 months out) I broiled up a steak for myself. It was mostly ok, but I did have my first experience with food getting stuck (which was VERY nasty and unpleasant). I'd recommend chewing very well, but overall I don't see it being an issue.
  22. Sending one off now-Cassady Ward
  23. diochick

    Why My Size Is The Same

    I feel your pain! I've lost 40 lbs since surgery. Was wearing a (tight) 24 day of surgery, and I'm still wearing the same pants. They're a lot looser now, and I went to the thrift store yesterday and apparently jumped the gun. I bought 1 pair of size 20 and a few 18's. None fit. I'm not even going to attempt to try on the cute xl shirt I got until I drop at least another 20lbs.
  24. I had spicy food 7 days out. The dr cleared me for mushies then, and on the approved list was chili. My husband made some for supper that night, and it was fantastic. Other than not being able to eat much at all, I didn't run into any problems. In my pre surgery class the surgeon told us that there is no reason to shy away from spice or flavor.
  25. My food list also says decaf, however the dr said that's only because caffeine can cause dehydration. I'd say as long as you're conscious of this, so up your water intake for the day, and you're sleeve handles the coffee ok, it shouldn't be an issue.

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