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Everything posted by Soulfulwhim

  1. Soulfulwhim

    My 1st post

    My name is Jennifer but most call me Jen. I'm 31 and the mother of the most precious 8 month old little boy. I've been overweight my entire life starting in elementary school. I'm here because of my son. I'd like to teach him very young how to eat healthy and make healthy choices. I've had to battle weight issues all of my life and I don't wish him to go through what I did growing up. My weight peaked at its highest when I was 9 months pregnant. I was 308 pounds a week before he was born. I'm now 239. 69 pounds gone. I was 285 at my surgeons consultation and he wanted me to lose 10 pounds. I lost a little over 30. Then I lost 10 pounds on the liquid pre-op diet. I weighed 246 right before my surgery. I had the gastic sleeve on 9/26. I'm just a week post op and down 6 pounds since surgery. I know I made the right choice for my family and for my health. I'm already feeling better than I have in a long time. My doctor is Dr. Naik from the Bakersfield Surgical Group. My first post op visit is on thursday. I embrace the new changes that are to come.
  2. [quote name=Lisa ' timestamp='1317701337' post='215078] Congrats to all!! I was scheduled last week and my date is November 9th!! I have to attend a bariatric education class at the hospital in two weeks and my surgeon still wants me to lose 10 more lbs. by surgery date. No last Thanksgiving dinner (Last Supper) for me....but I'm okay with that!!! Congrats on your surgery date!
  3. Soulfulwhim


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