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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sktatey

  1. Thanks for letting me now - yes 7-10 pounds sounds realistic - I was not sure what would be realistic - as i am so used to yo yo dieting when i could lose 5-7 pounds in week etc. I think i started at the same size as you - tho never bought pants that big - just forced my way into a 22 and spilled over the top (nice visual??!!!)
  2. Hi all I was banded a week ago and now feel so much more comfortable than a few days ago. I wanted to ask how people set their target weights for motivation. I have no idea what is realistic - but am a natural goal setter so I love the idea of saying By June 1st i will be etc! I currently weight 267 and feel like i need to get my head round this! i am so very appreciated to the people on this website, it has really been useful over the past week Thanks Sarah
  3. Hi All After the surgery I found it difficult to take any deep breaths or speak much. Now on day 6 I still find that my chest feels very bruised and if i try and yawn hurts. Can someone tell me when this feeling goes away - as i find this is almost more restrictive to me when i try and exercise (walking), than the soreness of portal area. Thanks Sarah
  4. sktatey

    Feeling A Bit Down

    too true!!
  5. sktatey

    Feeling A Bit Down

    your obsession seems to have got you fantastic results. I think you need to be obsessive to lose that much weight - don't you? Many congrats!
  6. sktatey

    What Is On The Left?

    You are lucky then:-) yes, try peppermint tea - even my nurse suggested it!
  7. yayyy - I havent hit gym yet - but am going for long and fast walks each day - built up to 7,000 steps this morning - yayyyyy - hope u did'nt fall off tred mill lol
  8. sktatey

    What Is On The Left?

    Hi Jackieu - apparently this is quite normal. i had my op on 20th March. My shoulder is lot better - but i have ben walking long and hard over the past 5 days - trying to shift it - I know exactly what you mean - like bad heartburn? thinking back, when i had the op - i think the only pain i felt after was really this trapped wind - then the port was sore later. try walking - i mean it and also maybe try peppermint tea. Apparently this is fantastic for wind and i drunk a bucket of it and feel much better! just keep remembering we only had op v short time ago - all will soon feel very natural i am sure Sarah x
  9. sktatey

    Could I Be Your Mentor?

    How much Water are you drinking? I find that drinking regularly and good quantity really helps with hunger pangs - as often I just misinterpret - i am not hungry but thirsty. Hope you are having a better week :-)
  10. sktatey

    What Is On The Left?

    I think this is due to insertion of gas and moving the diaphram whilst conducting the operation. (Damn i almost sound like a surgeon - too much ER). If you watch a you tube of the operation - you will see why you hurt afterwards - it might be keyhole - but still quite invasive. My trapped gas in the shoulder is still there - but i find walking long and hard is really helping. best of luck to you Sarah x
  11. Yayyy congrats. Yes the gas pain is horrible especially in the shoulder and chest for me. But you did it!! I am about 9 days post op ( and 6 hours 52 mins!!!! haha) and feel a million times better - take it easy and you will be as right as rain Sarah x
  12. it's weird I feel great too now - thought i was gonna die till day 5 lol went for long walk in sun today - felt a million dollars. Remember i told u that on day 2 after op i was 9lbs heavier?? Well now it has all come of and i am starting to lose each day - still swollen fingers and tummy
  13. queen, I would definitely give your surgeon the flick and speak to another expert. There is absolutely no reason why you should put up with lack of advice or support. A fresh perspective and a friendly doctor might well be able to address your issues so that you can feel positive about the changes you have made. Alcohol is toughie and also takes away appetite for some - I am fresh at this but for the medium term i don't really want any as it lowers my resolve with food and i am very overweight and can't afford the calories. Looking at this afresh might help you - find a good doctor to advise - set short term goals and build up to eating the quantity you need and temporarily stop the alcohol. Sounds easier in words than practise i know, but maybe you just need to rewind and remember the enthusiasm u felt when u first got banded, and make a fresh start. Wishing you all the best
  14. Good for You!! You will be fine 2 weeks post op, I started walking at the start of the year - after just walking back and forth to the fridge over the past 5 years! Now have a pedometer ap on my phone so i can count the steps and distance etc - i find this quite motivating. Am considering doing a breast cancer run/pant/wheeze/walk in June - there is a program called couch25k which people talk about - seems like a good plan. Sarah x
  15. That's fantastic! You were banded the dy before me - how are u feeling physically now - i woke up on day 7 and felt like a different person! Are you exercising much?
  16. Wow! Can't wait till i get to that! -have only just left twoderland!! this feels like will be a long road - but I am so grateful to have had the op and feel 100% better on day 8! Maybe clothes are a better way of setting goals than endless weighing - I am pretty strong minded so am sure will stick to the food regime well - but I travel a lot with work so nervous about that and eating in hotels etc etc. What weight did you start at? Sarah x
  17. What a great idea ty I suppose what would help is understnding - what is a one month weight loss target after lap band surgery - then after 2 month 3 etc Ha! yes most people keep some of their "fat" pants to look at at the end - i am ready to burn mine !!!
  18. Hi all - has anyone else had this experience, i got on the scales 2 days after surgery - as a motivator for the horrendous pain i was feeling and the scales said + 9lbs!!! So of course, being rationale, I threw the scales in the bin and........ bought another set, Guess what?...SAME result! I almost cried. Can anyone tell me if this is normal? I am now day 5 post op feel a lot better then trapped wind feeling in my left shoulder and chest is easing. My incisions are a bit itchy today - which i think is a good sign no? I have the same protectiveness about my stomach as when i was pregnant - really weird!!! Let me know ur post op news Sarah x
  19. sktatey


    Hi all This is giving me a whole new enthusiasm for my liquid diet!!! throwing away the cookbook and grabbing the cocktail menu!! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy Sarah
  20. sktatey

    Weight Gain On Liquids

    I weighed 9lbs heavier on day 2!! still up 4lbs on day 6
  21. sktatey


    OIC!! As i said total beginner here - just so aware of where my portal is cos it hurts so frickin much!!! I have a huge belly - now worried they have not burried it enough!!
  22. sktatey


    Ok - I am new to all this - freshly banded and all - and no fill yet. I am not being sarcastic at all, but isnt it completely obvious where the port is - mine sticks out like a frisby on my side , whenever i try and turn over// At what stage did u get your first fill?? Sarah x
  23. Day 6 post op - feeling better!

  24. u too :-) let me know how u get on Sarah x

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