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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by purtyfulpnay

  1. Hello! Been awhile since I've posted on here.

    I had my third almost a month ago and I was wondering if anyone has the same feeling as I do.

    After I get my fill, for maybe a week (or two if I'm lucky), I'll definitely feel the restriction, WHICH I LOVE, but after that week or so, I feel nothing.

    Does anyone get like that?

  2. Hey all!

    I've been having some port pain today and my major incision where the port is hurts today too. I'm thinking I may have just laid on that side a bit too much lately. What are your port sides feeling like around about 4 weeks post-op?

    Just before two weeks post-op, I no longer had any pain or discomfort around my port, or from lying on it or on my side.

  3. Just had my first post-op appointment today. They kept asking me why I haven't been in sooner, and I told them, "You guys made the appointment for today, not me." Hahaha... Anyway, the doctor said I dropped a lot in almost three weeks. He also said that they normally don't give fills until 4-6 weeks post-op, but he scheduled me for this Saturday (happy dance). I'm glad to be getting my fill so soon, because I am SO hungry all the time. I know any restriction I might have had from the swelling is gone, gone, gone. I haven't lost any more weight, but I haven't put on any, either, which I'm happy about.

    The doctor also gave me the ok to eat solid foods again, just to chew really well and eat slowly. I thought it was a bit weird considering I'm only a few days into my mushy/pureed phase. But I have experimented with solids yesterday and every thing went down smoothly. I made sure to take my time and chew, chew, chew.

    Hope everyone is having a great week!

  4. What is this green Zone I hear people talking about ?

    From what I've read, the Green Zone is that perfect amount of fill for each person. You have just enough fill in your band, where you have the right amount of restriction (for you) to where you're not eating too much (at once or too frequently), or too little (can't eat at all or enough; get in your daily calories/protein), and are still able to lose weight. It's a guessing game for each person. Sometimes you need more, sometimes you'll need less, and it will have to be adjusted later down the road for more weight loss.

  5. Great job on the weight loss! And ya knw I had forgotten all about the 1st 90 days being included thanks for the reminder! Lol..I wonder how much fills are and are they covered by insurance? Guess I need to check with my surgeon's office. Congrats again!

    The fills are ~$600 (maybe more or less, depending on your doctor). And whether or not insurance covers it all depends on how the doctor files the claim with insurance. Some insurances will cover it, some wont. So some doctors will have to file the claim not as a fill, but as something different to be covered, and at most, you might have to pay co-pay.

  6. Wow! That's amazing!!

    Thank you.

    So kick ass! I would love to be down 22 pounds before my cruise =P What liquids have you been eating/drinking....protein shakes?

    I have Ensure in the morning, Premier Protein shake (Costco) for lunch, and for dinner it's either another Premier Protein Shake or a weight loss shake (Costco). Plenty of Water in between. Between Breakfast and lunch, I have this multi-Vitamin mix that you mix with 16 oz of Water (costco, again). So I try to get that in. I really don't have much of an appetite, but I try to get some calories in. Once in a great while if I do feel hunger, I'll eat a cup of sugar free Jello or sugar free pudding.

    That's so awesome. Congrats!

    Thank you.

  7. I almost got Mirena, but I opted for Paragard. The nurse that was going to do the insertion thought I was crazy for even wanting no hormones. She even tried to talk me into getting Mirena instead. I understood where she was coming from with how hormones can ease PMS, suspend my cycle, and how hormones have been linked to preventing some cancers in women, but I don't like how I felt with hormones. It totally killed my sex drive.

  8. I was banded May 25, 2012.

    Had to be at the hospital at 6 am. My family and I probably sat in the waiting room for 30 minutes before someone had me come some sign some paper work.

    After that, around 7:15 am, they took me to the back. A nurse had me give a urine sample (for a pregnancy test) and dress down in my room, into a gown and socks. Another nurse came in and hooked me up to an IV. From 7:30-9:15 am, nurses and doctors would come in, tell me what would happen, asked if I had questions, took down some of my information/vitals, checked my blood pressure a couple of times and heart rate.

    At 9:15 am, I was wheeled on my bed into another room. The doctors and anesthesiologist came out and talked to me, letting me know about how the procedure would be done, how many they have done, etc.

    Minutes before I was wheeled into the OR, I watched a patient come out that was just banded. She was awake right away and crying. It kind of scared me, because I didn't know how much pain I might be in, or be sick from the anesthesia. I remember it being just after 9:40 am when the anesthesia kicked my butt and I was out.

    I don't know what time I was out of the OR, but I was still in the room I was in before the surgery, with a nurse by my side monitoring me. She asked how was my pain level. It was maybe a 5 out of 10, so she administered some morphine into my IV. I didn't cry or anything, just felt really tired. Maybe 5 or 10 minutes later, she asked me about my pain level, again, and gave me more morphine. She did this one more time until I barely felt anything.

    I was then wheeled back into my room with my parents waiting for me. Right away I asked for ice cubes because I was so thirsty. I decided to walk around a bit, so I walked up and down the hall twice before going back to my bed.

    They gave me a bottle of Water, so I began to sip that slowly. Maybe a few minutes later, a nurse brought in a tray with liquids: another bottle of water, cranberry juice, some really watered down chicken broth, and Jello. I took a few sips of the broth and a couple bites of the jello. After the jello, I realized I was feeling a bit nauseous, so I stopped eating and lied back down.

    Few minutes later my mom urged me to walk some more. I walked up and down the hall several times, then went to the restroom.

    In order to be allowed to leave, I had to be ok with three things: my pain control, able to take in water and not get nauseous or vomit, and urinate. I was hardly in any pain. I just made sure to move slowly when getting up and off the bed. I wasn't feeling nauseous anymore and I finished half a bottle of water.

    I was ready to leave around 1:30 pm. Had my mom help me change into my close and was out of the hospital by 1:45 pm.

  9. My stomach felt very heavy when sleeping on my side at first, so I did prop the pillow under it so it wasn't just hanging there. After awhile that goes away. I am 19 days post op and sleep on my side no problem. I can even sleep partially on my stomach. But not all the way.

    I tried the pillow, it feels like it's pushing up too high. :lol: I can't win, so I'm just waiting it out.

    Do any of you ladies have blogs? I have thought about starting one I just don't know if I would be as inspiring and creative as some of the ones I read. I also barely have time for the forums much less a blog. I would like to though.

    I follow some bandsters (pre- and post-op) on Tumblr. Not really a blog dedicated 100% to WLS, but they share their stories. Also, a few of us do video blogs/journals on YouTube. I'm listed as purtyfulpnay on YouTube.

  10. It took me about 2 weeks to sleep on my side... I would try all the time, but I would always feel a pain... Now I can finally sleep comfortably on my side... Tomorrow will be 3 weeks since I was banded.... You have so much to look forward to!

    I know! Patience is important, but darn it I want me some good sleep! :lol:

    I'm a side sleeper as well. Um I think it was about 5 days before I was able to lay on my side. I placed a pillow under my stomach to help hold my stomach up and slept great. But I had the pulling that you had as well. I hope this helps just try the pillow and see.

    Thanks, I'll give this a try tonight. Hopefully it helps for now.

  11. Just curious...

    I read on a few posts that people had no problems sleeping on their side/stomach or use pillow while sleeping in these positions. Has anyone tried sleeping on their side but feels like an abdomen muscle is being pulled (from the weight of your stomach)?

    I was banded last Friday and I would love to be back on my side and stomach again, but I don't want to do anything that might cause problems...

  12. Hello! I was banded on the same day as you. The post-op pain wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. I saw/heard the lady that was banded before me and she was crying out. Not sure if it was from pain or from the anesthesia, or perhaps a combo of both. But from what I was told, I didn't make a peep.

    I get a few sharp aches in my left shoulder and back from the gas, especially when I try to burp, but other than that, the incision sights pain is dull.

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