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Everything posted by Jennifur

  1. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning all Tracy - Hey there sister! I think getting out of the house would do you good. I was going stir crazy when kids all went back to school last year and I was home alone. get your butt on a plane and come visit me! Suzanne - it is chilly here for August too. Pool will be closed right after labor day at this rate Kat - I heard some stories... I'm so glad you had a good time. Did you find me a shirt??? Plain - that was funny Michelle - Thanks, and yes he was here for me for a reason, I've really never had anyone to just talk to after work either, we talked last night for a long time and I don't know what it is he does to me to bring me back to earth, but I was so decompressed I slept great for the first time since Saturday night. I know I'm not quite there yet, I could feel myself straying from quiet life this week but back to good place today. I had more but lost it... I guess I need to finish my coffee and get the heck out of here, I don't have to be in until 7 so I'm just chilling and of course now going to be running late, need to be out of here in 15 mins Have a great day everyone my friend is turning 50 tomorrow so we are having family pizza and cake tonight right after work, golf at 9am tomorrow and then grown up family dinner tomorrow night, we are going out and then stopping at the pub for a bit. Oh, I am going to find out how much a fill is without insurance. I'm so stuck where I'm at and one day can eat and next I can't. I'm just about ready and maybe can get rid of my last 20 - I'm a 10/12 mostly 10 right now depending on clothes, most 12's fall off. I want to be an 8/10...and I'm done
  2. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey all Back Yesterday from my Trip with George, I am kinda sad because I think I know that was it - but we had such a great weekend and ZacBrown was amazing, get up and dance concert, great music and sounded amazing. Kat - still so jealous, some of my guys from work went and boy did I get some stories, but I so want to go next year Hey all, i'm late for work so I'll check in tonight, or this afternoon since i'm going in before most normal people are out of bed
  3. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning all working 10-12 hr days this week, nice for paycheck but I'm exhausted. Going in late today (6:30) go me! Angela - I'm so sorry you are having issues, i hope it helps and you start to feel better Cindy - we don't start school until the Wed after Labor Day, so we still have a little time left Suzanne - nice pics - you look great too btw Tracy - hey sister! glad Macy had nice Bday. and yes I talk to George every day - I wonder what is going to happen to us after this weekend, He misses me, speaking of he just sent my good morning text I so can't wait for ZacBrown this weekend... ok the entire weekend off to get ready for work Hope Kat is having a great time
  4. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    MORNING Yes, it is saturday at 5am and i'm ready for work, I can tell you all I am sleeping all day tomorrow! Tracy hope you got your point aross and i don't see you on the news lol have a good day all
  5. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Have fun Kat! Morning all UGH.. father of the year did not send me money for dental, I don't know what bs games he is playing but he had 2 weeks to send me money and it thas been over 3. I will violate him if i have to, its 150 and I have another visit next week. he is such a loser anyway, off to work in 5 mins and working tomorrow for a full day, but I think I am going to bring my laptop and work on my class while I'm getting paid, maybe I can almost finish it. have a great day, will pop in tomorrow am, have a meeting today and a benefit ride tomorrow, which shoot... now typing all this won't be able to go if i'm working until 3 ugh!!!
  6. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey all running out in 10 mins Kat - my original 10 years old is starting to fade a little and if it was not next to one that is only 2 years old, it would not look bad at all. I do take very good care of my skin although, I might have my dragon fly and butterflly touched up with color. It almost surprises me they still look great with all the sun I get well i have to finish my coffee, have to be to work for 6
  7. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning all wow busy week Kat - I have a better idea... find me a hot guy with a nice ride and send him back for me... I'm ready. LOL Tell Rick Happy Bday! I know I'm late sorry Ya'll know I have my share of tattoos... I'm so ready for another, I am done with my back for now.. I do want a Fairy or guardian angel to finish the moon and stars I did last year, and want to finish my foot, just can't because of wearing boots all day. My last one is going to be on my wrist, I am just not 100% sure, and other than my breast cancer one, I have put a lot of thought into the ones I have Tracy - email me! I'm going to send you my work address, I'll get it out in the field. You know I love you for you... its all good. Take care of you how did dr go? I miss you! Well ladies, I should do multi quotes because I can't remember my thoughts, I don't know what is wrong with me these days. I swear I'm blonde under this dark hair. Actually, I think I'm dehydrated again, been sick to my stomach, tired and realized last night I have not been going to the bathroom. I'm up 5lbs, which I usually do when I don't drink enough. I'm going to do 3 qts of water today and see if that is it. It sure is not from eating because I want to throw up from smelling food. Cindy - YIKES!!! My dd is 16, she can't get her license until Feb, but will have her permit tomorrow. If I don't get a company truck by then, I will spend my tax money on a used 4x4 of some kind, either a truck or jeep. I don't need fancy or new, just 4x4 and something that drives - I'm pulling for the company truck, but I have until Feb to figure it out when she gets my car, I just don't want 2 car payments. off to get dressed and leave, got my hours changed back to earlier shift.
  8. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey all Thanks for Bday wishes... she is getting them from all my friends and loves it all Tracy - I am so happy for you... you sound so much better well i'm tired and hungry, i'm going to cook some spaghetti squash my friend kerry wants to walk with me later, so that will do me good, i need exercise I'm using her as a personal reference for the fire department, she is social member of our neighboring town and does a lot of fund raising, and before some bs happened at my FD her husband was active member there, now he is social member of neighboring town, so I have her and a former Cheif from our department. I think I'm nervous they won't take me because of my age - but then again a friend of mine is paid ff and just completed his training last year and is 47, so why should I be so worried??? I'm off to cook... tomorrow is back to strict diet
  9. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    hey all Tracy - well?????? how did it go Kat - when you leaving? I went out last night after work and my BIL was there, we had a nice night, chatted he sincerely apologized and we had a good night. Somehow we ended up chatting with this guy from the main company and we ended up staying and talking for over 2 hours after everyone left. He said he had noticed me at work and had been asking about me... how funny anyway have to shower its my daughters bday
  10. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning Up and getting ready for work, getting in at 7 is really screwing me up and we are having a foreman meeting today so i get to go in early, getting out at 3 and going to happy hour with my foreman. Kat - I would love pics if you get them. how exciting. How about a long sleve sturgis shirt. Men's Med or ladies med or lg. I have tiny boobs so I can get away with a med in ladies. I trust your taste, no gem stones.. lol I had someone who said,... oh i know the perfect thing came back with a pink head wrap with gem stones all over it.. needless to say... returned lol I am so clueless, part of why i was so upset the other night was because of something my BIL honestly belevied about me... So I have tons of guy friends, always have, Kev knew how dedicated to him i was so he never cared (until the end) but anyway... I ride with whoever will take me out, I have friends in their 50's to 62 and have been riding for years and will take me out... aparently... when you ride with a guy that automatically means you are doing him and it is a completely sexual experience and that is it... so I am sleeping with a ton of guys and he really thought it was true. I was very hurt that he thought I was like that and. Really????? I can't have guys who are friends? maybe some of them want more, but they never act on it,, I have dated one or 2 of them but we went out a couple times nothing happened and we stayed friends. This is why i like older guys, they are still big kids, yet have a totally different outlook on things I don't care about rumors, most of them are funny, what I did care about was BIL thought they were true and should I be with George or anyone else at work, work is work, and professional... what happens off site is another story and my business. hope you all have a good day Tracy - when I see my mom this weekend I'm going to see what her schedule is going to be like and check out the osha class schedule. I'm going to be working a ton of ot the next few months with the new building that has to be closed in by December, so I need to plan accordingly, but i'll be using that voucher Morning everyone, got to run... need more coffee
  11. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    have a good day all
  12. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    kat i love love love kid rock will you get me a shirt and i'll send you money? Tracy too late sister, i'm in a funk, not because of kev, but because of me... I let him walk all over me and i can't commit to anyone unless there is no chance of commitment. my bil just called me out on screwing around with someone I went for a ride with at lunch 2 months ago. i'm so glad they have such a high opinion of me have a good night all - going to bed be back soon
  13. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Kat - I'm so jealous, I know a bunch of guys going and the more I hear are traveling, I am starting to ask if they will take me with them.. LOL Suzanne - hope you are getting lots of pool time in to make up for not being able to get in. I miss George, I talked to him lots last night - I was not in a great place being discouraged to do stuff and all. I am learning to let go of my past and my fears - I knew George was leaving and I think that is why I was so relaxed with him and didn't freak out, there was not the threat of commitment. I can acknowledge it, and I want to change it - I'm trying - I want to forgive Kev in my heart, and myself...I'm glad he came back because I got my closure, but he messed me up a little, I already forgave him and now I'm just angry at him again and that is not good karma blah blah, sorry, my mind is jumping all over this am Have a great day - off to work
  14. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning all up and drinking coffee, going to get my big fat butt on the elliptical at 4 I gained 7lbs last week, and as some of it may be water, I know what I ate and I need to get it undercontrol. OK slight lie, I gained 10 and lost 3. OMG what is wrong with me? I think I am tired or bored eating. I felt like i ate a ton with George, but in reality I ate dinner and that is it, no munching and he kept me busy. Tonight is my night to go to the fire dept, I'm nervous but very excited So, last night dd and I were talking about her going to college. for years she has toyed with the idea of forensic science, influenced very young by CSI, and Bones and then took a couple of science classes. Anyway... I told her she should follow her dreams, our local community college has a great 2 year program and has a very good specific transfer program (i looked into it) She says... well.... I want to but my friends talked me out of it because there is not much you can do with it.... I LOST IT These are the same kids who's parents talked me out of joining the firedepartment 2 years ago which I am now doing. I told her when I was her age, even younger I wanted to be a state trooper or firefighter, mostly trooper, but my friends back then talked me out of it, said I could never do it... blah blah blah. I listened and now here I am, pushing 40 going to follow my dream. I told her what was the worst thing that happens, you get a degree and still have all your liberal arts classes out of the way...FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS and don't listen to anyone. I told her all the specific fields she can decide to focus on when done with her 2 year and there are tons of jobs. I'm so glad she is going to do it! I wish she would join the fire dept with me, because fire investigation might be cool, but she is young and can always do that ... plus hot responsible guys over there... i love her, but she needs to get some different guy friends she is soooooooo me.. i love her to death Kev dragged us all down for so long, I am going to build her up to where she deserves to be! well, its 4:10, time to get my lazy butt up Hope you all have a great day xoxoxo
  15. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey ya'll Tracy - love ya, do what ya need to do, just don't bail ok? I had a good friend and was banded and didn't work at all.... ever for her, she got bypass and is better than me, long story short. she has new bypass friends i don't want to lose you! take care of you ok???? !!!!! well time for bed. already took a nap but ready for bed, getting up at 3 so i can get on the elliptical and to work at 6:30, got my hrs back, that only lasted a day... i got a new superintendent - i love him, he doesn't put up with any shit and i have a crew to do what needs to happen. anyway - have a good night, off to bed
  16. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning all i'm up drinking coffee ready to jump on the elliptical. I have to be in the shower in 45 mins so I might just do 30 mins. I woke up at 3 and should have got out of bed, i just started to fall back asleep when the alarm went off Kat - I was on FB last night for the first time in a while. LOVE your new Pic, you look incredible and sure don't look like your pushing 50! OK well just took my last sip of coffee - off to exercise and get ready for work
  17. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    i can't believe it, just did 40 mins on the elliptical and could have done more, just have things to do my legs don't even hurt yipee i'm going to get on every am since i can leave 30 minutes later... yipee i'm back
  18. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning Angela - that is sad. the entire thing. I'm sorry sister is bi-polar. my kids dad, besides being the biggest selfish ass in the entire world, was in a motorcycle accident and has short term memory loss and is bi-polar and my life was a living hell dealing with him for the last few years. YIPEE I"M FREE!!!! lol sad thing is my kids have no father and unfortunately know him, my dd will never ever give him a chance not now, not in 35 years... Sadly your short version sounds so familiar. He has a grand son who is 2 years younger than his son and doesn't have anything to do with our child either. BOY i needed that... I'm so glad I didn't take him back the last time - Arent you all so proud of me? I am - I've come so far anyway never made the walk yesterday, neighbor was having a party and i went out to let ds go in the pool and they invited us over... so here i am this am, going to do a couple chapters and then exercise, a couple more chapters and get some stuff done around here for the week. hope you all have a great day
  19. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    it was not so nice here either, i'm going to get a chapter or 2 more done, stopping at 6 no matter what! DD is turning 16 next week so we went out driving a little while ago, she is pretty good I am either going to go for a walk or hop on the elliptical to see how fit i still am.. this is going to be a joke. I'm sure I won't come close to my hour Kat - it rained all day here too, good thing in a way, I got to study after George left but wanted to do it outside Tracy - it is nice to be missed, I really miss him too. I hope he has to sublease his house here so i get another 6 months of visits, he keeps me out of trouble, I stopped at the bar last night after my long week, had 2 drinks and came home, Hi Suzanne - i see you
  20. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning all Tracy - how nice you sound like you I still take my wellbutrin and well, I need it, I tried to go off it last month and I just can't I snapped at everyone, so it is just enough to keep me from exploding and I am much nicer, and don't want to go off it. Oh i could go for a pinacolada yummy The last 10 days I have been out of control eating. I don't care either... what is up with that ladies??? Monday I'm going back to shakes, but I decided I'm going to do breakfast shake, my big lunch and shake for dinner and see if i can jump start this weight loss again, 20lbs... i can do it...right??? I am going to join the firedept Tuesday, so excited just signed up for my next safety course... hav 26 hrs to complete so I WILL be done by next Friday. My boss is threathened by me for some reason and is doing everything in her power to hold me back. It is the only thing I hate about my job... My BIL (owner of the company) has no clue what she does, he thinks she is great.... she may have classes but she is a HORRIBLE people person and does not know how to manage people. She should stick to the paperwork part she loves and leave it at that. So Yesterday she was being such a control freak (ok all last week) that by yesterday I was ready to look for work. One of the companies I love is going to need another safety, so I am going to talk to the head of their safety on Monday just to let him know when they are ready to keep me in mind. My boss has someone new starting Monday and wont give me any info, but he will be doing the new building and I will be moved to the left over shit of her building when mine is complete in 6-8 weeks. I love everyone i work with, including project managers but I cannot function not being able to have supplies or information needed to work, and I'm not crying to BIL, he just tells me to play nice and make her happy because it is hard to find safety people. UGH oh well, This class and my cpr alone will make me able to be completely self sufficient on this site for any company so away I go! Hope you all have a good day, George is coming down for a noon meeting so he is coming to take me to breakfast and see me before his meeting Nice surprise, I think he misses me as much as I do him.
  21. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    good morning all my computer is so old but... mu modem, which WAS 10 years old, decided it was not going to work anymore. I've been without internet since monday. Bad thing... next week is dd's 16th bday, so spending 100 on something right now is not what I wanted to do, good thing, she is happy because she couldn't get on all week, and, my internet is so much faster, it is nice! Michelle - that is crazy about the dogs, but...if your neighbor does come over... DON"T attack them and punch them and draw blood, they could have you arrested... LOL for those who don't know, or remember, i went to talk to my crazy neighbor last year about her dog that just about drove me insane, out at 3 am in at 10 or 11pm barking all the time... attacked me...ahhh... they keep the dog in or don't lock in fenced area right by my pool and she is not allowed to talk to anyone at my house, not me, my family or my friends, no one... it was worth the scars kat - omg please be careful! that is so scary Tracy - so glad you are feeling better. what are you taking? suzanne - at least you can go swimming :biggrin: got to run, have to leave in 20 mins and still working on coffee sitting in my pj's
  22. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    suzanne that is funny, but nice a 10 year old is willing to work for the money... hard to find these days I think i might be allergic to something, my eyes were swollen and purple but now that swelling is going down, seem to be dry Patches... anyone every have true hives knows what i'm talking about i'm going to bed have a great night all
  23. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning all Tracy - hope you feel better, we are all a mess here too Kat - you are too funny, glad you had a great time! Suzanne - my face is fried and blistered again too I am not sure what is going on with me, this is the 3rd time blistering this summer, and it is not like I'm not in the sun Angela - I know I'm much calmer in life than when I met Kat and Tracy - I use to be the flasher.. lol Cindy - will keep dsd in my thoughts, and no internet for 5 days. LOL... wait... you should get on your ipod touch! Michelle - I'm so glad ds gets the movie thing, boy I remember how frustrating when they don't understand. well, off to work have a great day all!
  24. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    hey ya'll Kat - I'd take the harley and the pool... my bil has 03 soft tail he wont ride and i keep trying, he won't let me take either, doesn't want anything to happen to me. I'm going to have George ask him to take it for a ride in August when he comes to get me for the concert Suzanne - so glad you got back in the pool Tracy - did you see the movie??? We went last weekend, and we all loved it! worth the trip I promise Call me when you get up, i forget the time difference. I'm going to put chlorine in the pool, shower, tan and either go golfing or go for a ride with a friend from work. have a good day all
  25. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning all Tracy - I'm calling you this weekend, that is it! I wish I could talk to you today, it is going to be a crazy week for me. did i tell you i have a $450 voucher from South West ??? Kat - I hear you between my left over student loans and a ton of medical odds and ends.... I should just clean the slate, I'm never going to get my credit back with all the little things popping up and working a profession that I could be laid off again for the winter... Suzanne - holy smokes it is hot and humid here too, pool is high 80's to 90. I bet you are counting the minutes until you can swim. hi everyone, off to get ready for work, finally slept last night, was in bed and sleeping before 8 and going to try to do it again tonight I left a message for my fire dept, I want to become a member, go through firefighter I and emt training. Not just for my own personal reasons and my friends talked me out of it 2 years ago (great friends right??) but I want to focus my construction training to hazmat and confined space rescue. I have a defined direction, girls... I think I'm growing up... LOL Those of you who really know me understand i have been far from grown up have a good day!

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