I was banded 10 years ago and due to some band issues and then my own issues, I will be getting a revision to the sleeve on May 25th. I would certainly say that I have an unhealthy relationship with food. I would like to create a healthy life for myself long term with the help of the sleeve. However, I really believe that I have to find a way to deal with the obsession/addiction issues and the grief of losing types/amounts of food that I struggle with. I know from experience that forced restriction works, but not forever.
So my question is, have any of you worked with a therapist/counselor to work through head issues? When looking for a therapist, what did you look for? How long did you work with them before you felt you had a healthy relationship with food?
For those of you who feel that you had the addiction issues but have conquered them without professional help, how did you do it? What tools/tricks/skills did you work on?
Thanks for your feedback.