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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by RawrrAshleex3

  1. RawrrAshleex3

    Open Surgery?

    I didn't have one... Between having a lower BMI and it staying steady for 6 months dr said no need liver should be ok.
  2. RawrrAshleex3

    One Week Post Op And I'm Craving Fruit!

    Not sure if you can, check with your nut, but I puréed watermelon, strained the juice into a cup, and added water to double the volume. At 3 weeks I was able to start tolerating watermelon, melon, cantelope, apples, and even peaches in reallllyyyyyy tiny bites chewed to juice. Check with your nut though, everyone is different! I've been craving fruit, oj, pickles, and sushi like crazy! Part of this is to get past the head hunger unfortunately
  3. RawrrAshleex3

    Open Surgery?

    So it does t cause complications or need to be smushed out of the way as much. I ended up back in the hospital for 5 days a week later due to so,even and liver complications.
  4. RawrrAshleex3

    One Week Post Op Food Ideas

    Or try making your liquids into little Popsicles. Stick em in an ice tray with a tooth pick (:
  5. RawrrAshleex3

    One Week Post Op Food Ideas

    Full liquids I was allowed to have sf Popsicles, sf fudge pops, and sf freezer pops..
  6. RawrrAshleex3

    Open Surgery?

    5 small incisions, + I had a terrible hiatal hernia repair at the same time.
  7. RawrrAshleex3

    Water Hurts Going Down, Any Advise?

    My nut told me water cold sit "heavy" and to try flavoring it to get it down. Im 4 weeks out and still can't drink much of it.
  8. RawrrAshleex3

    Yikes! Yet Another Reason To Lose Weight

    It's funny, I think we are the only people to say "I CAN'T WAIT TO BE OVERWEIGHT!!!!" lol
  9. RawrrAshleex3


    I can imagine. I worked at a day care until abt a month ago, and they have these pads that go on the children's chairs so adults can sit on them. I was so embarrassed when I sat down and broke one ): one day, we'll be skinny Minnie's and the angels next to someone in that situation (:
  10. RawrrAshleex3

    87 Pds Gone Before And After

    Hot mama on the prowl!!
  11. RawrrAshleex3

    Getting Out Of Bed

    I sleep propped up a little with pillows and grab under my knees, push back, and straighten my legs to rock myself into a sitting position. I'm strange though lol
  12. I didn't have any massive food funerals, but I did eat a few things and traveled "one last time" to eat something I knew I wouldn't have for a while and tried things over the last few months before d-day. I don't regret it. I do wish I cut out soda and oj further before, I really miss and crave them. Oddly, fountain soda, I don't miss cans or bottles. I also wish I slowly cut off 2 things I love and miss most: acidic fruits and sushi. Especially sushi rolls drizzled with spicy sauce and soy sauce
  13. RawrrAshleex3

    Fast Food Drinks

    Wendys/McDonald's/bk/taco bell. What are some low sugar or sf drini options other than water? Anyone find a place with frozen drinks that arernt obnoxious in sugar? Id love a mango smoothie from McDonald's, but forget that sugar content! No way Jose! (tried making it at home, but can't seem to get that slushy icee consistancy)
  14. RawrrAshleex3

    May Sleeve Buddies!

    It's getting better, healing is just gonna take a while and be a little painful at times. Finally on puréed though (:
  15. RawrrAshleex3

    Am I Allowed To Sleep In A Bed?

    Slept in a recliner the first week and a half. Some nights I still end out on it. I'm usually a right side sleeper, and still can't 3 weeks out. I sleep in bed mostly now though, but on my back propped up with 4-5 pillows.
  16. RawrrAshleex3

    May Sleeve Buddies!

    Omg that's AMAZING!!!!!!! Good job!!!!!!!! *standing ovation!!!*
  17. RawrrAshleex3


    I haven't even started exercising and feel this way lol our bodies are going through some serious healing still! Are you getting in enough nutrition and water?
  18. RawrrAshleex3

    ".... But You're Not That Big"

    Heard it from the nure before I went under....havent heard it since from anyone. W00t! Just gets tiring to hear over and over like a broken record.
  19. RawrrAshleex3

    Feeling A Little Off

    Might be acid reflux. Do you take a ppi? I've been going crazy not being able to sleep on my side, can't imagine sleeping on my stomach with my acid reflux. I've been very short of breath too,nsomething I've never had much of a problem with. Follow up in a week and a half I'm going to ask why.
  20. RawrrAshleex3

    May Sleeve Buddies!

    Sleeved 5/16 and down 33lbs. Also having spleen complications though
  21. Why do I always get this taste after "eating" or drinking something like I just threw up or something?
  22. RawrrAshleex3

    Iam I Doing Something Wrong

    Random ? But are you having bms? My nut also told me there may be points I need to return to liquids for a little. I guess if I get constipated to help move things along?
  23. RawrrAshleex3

    Iam I Doing Something Wrong

    My nut has me watching cal protein & sugar intake but concentrating on liquids first (still early in the process, only on purée). Ive seen in the threads it can last a couple weeks, but that's when your body in inches start catching up with your weight. I'm waiting because I know I'll hit one in the next week or two by the way my weight loss per week is slowing (21, 8, and 5 this past week)
  24. RawrrAshleex3

    Iam I Doing Something Wrong

    For me, liquids are more important than anything else, need to stay hydrated!!!!! ESP wih this 90 degree weather in our area! (from Hamilton NJ, not far from Philly)
  25. RawrrAshleex3

    Iam I Doing Something Wrong

    Are you working out or walking? What's your cal/fat/sugar intake? Smaller you get, you lose slower. Maybe it's just a stall, in which you may not lose # but inches (:

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