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LAP-BAND Patients
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About BthSlim

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  1. BthSlim

    Having Surgery Today!!

    I was banded at 7 this morning. Have some pretty wicked heartburn. My right shoulder hurts, but not bad. The stitches- not bad at all- sore but doable. I've crossed over!!!
  2. Meant to say, I think it's normal- but make sure you are ready for the changes you are going to have to make in your life. If you are ready go for it!
  3. I'm being banded this Friday. I've spent a year looking into it. Even went to a consultation last year before backing out. I know this is going to help me. But I must admit I'm nervous, more than nervous a wee bit scared. Sometimes more. I'm doing ok on the pre-op diet- hungry but I'm getting in the groove on how life will be after. I'm ready.
  4. I know exactly how you feel! I'm also being banded on the 13th. I want to be excited, and I am - but I'm totally nervous about everything. From being strong enough to not cheat on the pre-op, to waking up from surgery, etc. etc. etc. But I'm not going to miss this opportunity. Let' s support each other.
  5. I'm being banded on the 13th too. I'm so scared that I won't have the strength to even stay on the pre-op. mine is 2 shakes a day, and a small no carb, high protein meal a day. This is not to mention being nervous about the actual surgery. Total, complete jitters today.
  6. BthSlim

    April Bandsters!

    I know how you feel. I've had a hundred last bites..... Hopefully, I'll have the strength to keep it that way. Just so nervous about everything.
  7. BthSlim

    April Bandsters!

    Getting banded on Friday the 13th. Very excited! Ready to change my life for the better.
  8. BthSlim

    Excited- Got A Surgery Date

    Ahhhhhhhh, Thank you.
  9. First time posting. I've stalked for about 6 months. Got my surgery date for April 13th. I'm excited, but scared. Just want to be successful. Really want to make the changes in my life, but can I?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
