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Everything posted by TaniaB

  1. So June 18 Is my one year anniversary. Need to lose five more pounds to meet my one year goal of losing 100 pounds. Down 95 pounds from 345 to 249.8 . I have no troubles eating anything sometimes I feel like I can eat to much. Of course anything bad goes down very easily. The surgery was just a tool is still a lot of hard work and my metabolism is so slow it's taking me forever to lose this weight. But I feel I will make my goal however long it takes. I've been getting dizzy spells or almost blacking out spells this past week. Once while driving that was scary I get hot flushed jitters shaky nauseated and have to lay down. Takes about 15 minutes for it to pass. I've read other posts that this has happened to other people about a year out I think it's hypo glycemic attack. Did go to the doctors and they did test my glucose level was On the low range of normal. I don't have diabetes and it doesn't run in my family. Waiting for the thyroid tests and a few other tests to see if that'll determine anything. Cut out coffee hoping that might be the culprit as I read that has helped others. Anyone else with almost blacking out spells? I have no regrets, Love shopping love being more active bought a bike first time riding in 20 years. Hope next summer I'll be down to goal weight and skinny mini.
  2. TaniaB

    i am such a hypocrite!

    Just keep doing what your doing and as they see you losing weight and feeling better they may get on board and if your doing the grocery shopping but healthy high protein snacks slowly bring up the subject of hey why don't we do this together, but I wouldn't push it.
  3. Let's see where we're all at, weight wise, June 18th 44lbs, 2 lbs from first goal 299.
  4. I'm from Cold Lake, and was sleeved in Edmonton. 1yr out next week and almost 100lbs down. No regrets at all, at first you look at at your tiny little portions and miss eating a supersized meal but your satisfied on so much less, and around 10 months out you can eat much more, maybe 1 - 11/2 cups of food... Meat fills you faster, but I can now eat a big salad. Just remember how much better you'll feel and how good you'll look when the weight comes off, and never really being hungry again. I had no problems at all a sleeve of steel, can eat everything and do but in much maller portions. I'm a slow loser, so that's been frustrating but slowly still dropping weight. You may mourn for your food but that will pass as you lose the weight and feel so much better. Oh and my wait for surgery in Edmonton was only about 6 months and I didn't go through weight wise clinic either. Plus it's free.
  5. They gave me a cup in the hospital, after surgery. I didn't drink it but did ask why, my dr was very lenient no restrictions.
  6. TaniaB

    Edmonton Alberta- Sleevers

    All you need is your doctors approval, and maybe go through the weight wise clinic moduals. I myself seen Dr. Daveys in Bonnyville, he comes in once a month as a general surgeon and use to work with the weight wise clinic. Didnt have to go through weight wise, just kept a food journal and saw dietician. Within 6 months i had my surgery, wad expecting a 2 yr wait was happily surprised. 8 months out 73lbs down and no complications at all.
  7. Do you have a my fitness pal account would love to look over your food diary
  8. TaniaB


    Me too, I'm 4 1/2 months out and that I can't swallow another bite feeling is gone, I get full but not overly stuffed like I use to feel, and can now eat a whole McDonald chicken salad or can of tuna, when before maybe 1/2. I don't want to lose that feeling of nope I'm done, at 5-6bites.... Scares me that I might eat to much.
  9. TaniaB

    June Sleevers! Hows It Going?

    And what is your loss Courtney?
  10. TaniaB

    June Sleevers! Hows It Going?

    June 18th, 54lbs down 150lbs left to lose, slow going.
  11. This weekend was Canadian Thanksgiving, and in 2 days i gained 3lbs. I grazed badly didn't have mashed potatoes or even turkey, but i snacked on crackers and cheese, chocolate. I'm afraid if i can gain so easily now when i get down to my goal i'll gain it all back. I'm finding I'm able to eat more than i should, i eat my meal get full real fast then 10mins i can eat more than another 10 mins eat more, I just cant stop grazing. I want to be able to eat and stay full. I know how to do this just old habits are popping up and it scares me. I'm 4months out and have lost 53lbs so not bad but i have 150lbs left to lose. Guess i better get back to basics I know this protein and veggies, and need to excercise, saying and doing is two different things. Get it together girl.....
  12. TaniaB

    Afraid I'll Fail. :(

    Good idea, did this when I was on the hcg diet and it worked wonders, Ty for the reminder.
  13. My 3yr old asked me to put on a movie this morn, so got up to do it and he stole my spot, I was sitting on our lounger part of couch, asked him to move and let me sit back down and he scooted over
  14. TaniaB

    Nsv :)

    Sorry hit reply before I was done... So he scooted over and I sat beside him, first time we were ever able to share the chair like this, gonna love our cuddle times now.
  15. TaniaB


    You must be tall, I'm currently 292lbs and still in 24 or 3x, regardless congrats...
  16. TaniaB

    Afraid I'll Fail. :(

    Thanks all, I'm hoping salt has something to do with it too. I'm drinking drinking drinking, made hubby take all the chocolate out to his truck, mini bars. Don't want any temptations near by.
  17. TaniaB

    I Have f**king Had It!

    Drink warm liquids, tea, water, soup, warm soothed my belly first 3 weeks couldn't do cold.
  18. TaniaB

    June Roll Call

    Stepped on scale yesterday, 50lbs down, sleeved June 18th. Start 345lbs, only 145lbs to go, ugh.
  19. TaniaB

    Start 335!

    I was 345lbs to start, surgery June 18th down 48lbs, I think it's rather slow compared to other diets I've been on but I know that it's not coming back on, so I'm ok with the pace...,
  20. Finally, 3 months 2 days and 45lbs later I finally have left the 300's. Never to return. Pic morning of surgery and pics today.
  21. TaniaB

    Awsome Crackers

    Found these crackers at Costco, super thin wafer , low cal, 0 fat 34 Crisp Bread, Craquelins.
  22. TaniaB


    I did hcg 3 rounds, but really only did one round to the tee, lost 60lbs... And yes after a yr gained it all back. I'm a slow loser always have been, have to eat nothing and exercise like crazy to lose, so far ive lost 46lbs in 3 months so not bad but not super fast either... Was thinking of using the hcg again to help my body release the fat faster, but not sure. My start weight was 345lbs so I have lots to lose, wish it would go faster.
  23. TaniaB

    June Sleevers! Hows It Going?

    No stall, wow your lucky. June 18th and finally under 300 yesterday 299.4lbs, 45lbs down.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
