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Everything posted by TaniaB

  1. TaniaB

    Camping After Surgery

    I went camping at 2 weeks out and felt great the whole time, swam and walked and fished... I've had no problems at all sleeve of steal, been on regular food since 2 weeks, dr doesn't suggest purée stage as you eat more, rather you get full on protein then drink down extra calories. No issues with throwing or nausea.
  2. I'm only 4 weeks out and have lost 26lbs, was hoping for more but it's in the right direction... I have 200lbs to lose, ouch.
  3. Yes had major ripping burning pain from week 2-4. Woke up on my 4th week and pain gone, but becareful turning in bed has caused me to tear it again.... Standing at first hurts but the longer your up the pain goes away. Hope it heals fast.
  4. TaniaB

    Edmonton Alberta- Sleevers

    I saw dr davey, in bonnyville, because I live 2 hrs from Edmonton. He comes here once a month for general surgery and appointments... I do believe he started the wwc, and was head of surgery a couple yrs back.
  5. TaniaB

    Edmonton Alberta- Sleevers

    Why go out of country when it's free here? I had mine done at the royal Alex in June 18, by dr Doug davey, didn't go through weight wise, only saw a nut once and took about 6 months from time I started seeing him till surgery... I'm 4 weeks out feel great down 26lbs and can eat everything in small quantities, also had no preop diet... Didn't have a drain, haven't thrown up once, and nothing upsets me yet... Best decision I ever made. Also the pani lift is free in Alberta too.
  6. TaniaB

    June Sleevers! Hows It Going?

    Will be 4 weeks tomorrow... Down 26lbs last week.... Will post tomorrow my total lost. I'm eating everything I want, very little of it but if I want a taste I have it, trying to stay away from junk food though. Was away all weekend and had French onion soup, broth and one bite of the cheese, and the onions are all I ate, also luv luv butter chicken, ordered some today for lunch no rice, chicken very tender and sauce so good, but again only ate about 1/4c at a time. My downfall will be drinks, love my ice coffee, chai tea lattes, mochas, orange julious, smoothies, may take me hrs to drink but unneeded calories. It was really hard spending the weekend away surrounded by yummy foods, would love to have a regular meal.
  7. I was sleeved on June 18, and just got back from camping this last week eager to weigh myself.... Lost 20lbs first 2 weeks, but only lost .4oz in last 10 days... Very disappointed, we are having a heat wave hoping I'm retaining water. I've been on regular food since 2 weeks, dr doesn't suggest purée foods as they just slide and you tend to eat more calories, so I did start with meats this last week 4 or 5 bites, but also had ice cream and cheesies, was so hot and camping... Went down easy. Nothing bothers my sleeve. I know the little bit of ice cream and cheesies I had wasn't enough to harm me, I just know from the past that my metabolism is so slow, and any cheat effects my loss.
  8. TaniaB

    Pain On Right Side

    I am 3 weeks out and still have knife ripping pain on my right side incision, i keep on twisting wrong and feels like im tearing my muscle, last a few days feels better and i do it all over again.
  9. TaniaB

    June Sleevers! Hows It Going?

    Hi I was sleeved on June 18, not sure how much I've lost as Ive been camping for the last week, and when I got home the battery in scale was dead but 2 weeks nnout I was down 20lbs.... I have been on solids for the last week... got to skip the puree stage. I think I have a sleeve of steal, nothing upsets me, haven't thrown up, not even in hospital and am enjoying eveythink in moderation... hard to eat healthy when your camping, but the little that i did eat wont be enough for a gain, I do wish that my sleeve was a little bit pickier, when it comes to sugar, ice cream and ice coffee's still taste so good, and go down so easy. Off to find a battery first thing in the morn. Oh and does anyone have muscle pains still.... I keep on twisting wrong and feels like im tearing my muscle at one of my incisions, hurts for a few days then feels better and I do it again.... hurts to walk, cough and sneeze... like a knife jabbing into me...
  10. TaniaB

    How Do You Feel?

    Today is 2 week post op, and I'm feeling real good, going camping tomorrow, been on the go all day getting ready, this first time sitting down. Haven't tried solid meat yet but I will this week, dr said I could go right to solids and skip the mushie stage... I have no hunger eat only cause I have to, today all I had was protein smoothie for breakfast, and small peach smoothie from McDonald's for lunch and 3tbsp cottage cheese for supper, right now sipping on another protein smoothie. I haven't been getting my protein in, have to work on that.... Had no pains the last 2 days, but last night I turned in bed and felt a sharp pain near one incision, been in pain all day... Incision didn't rip open but think I pulled something inside... Hurts every time i stand and bend over. Oh and I'm 20lbs down in 14days:)
  11. Today is day 12 post op.... I felt normal today, no aches or pains, was able to sleep on both sides last night. Im suppose to be on full fluids till Monday but this morn I broke down and had about 1 1/2 inch of banana, went down fine, made a protein smoothie about a 1 1/2 cup milk powder and sm pc banana, went down fine in about 45mins, then got fam KFC for supper, so made myself some instant mashed potatoes and had some KFC gravy, about 1/2c... No problem, and about 6 cheese puffs... I feel I stopped myself but could have eaten more, I wish I was more restricted, I don't want to be able to eat more, I haven't had any vomiting and was secretly hoping the mashed potatoes would make me. I don't have the cravings and I'm not hungry, just worried I'm able to eat to much... Anyone else able to eat more than they thought they should?
  12. I had no preop diet, and I'm 12 days preop today and doing great... Haven't thrown up or felt nauseated at all, still need a daily nap but who doesn't.... My dr said I don't have to do purée stage as its just like drinking your meals and you will take in more calories than needed... Said its better if you try to eat your regular foods and let your sleeve do the work, you'll get fuller faster but your eating normally.
  13. I'm 12 days out, and have been taking my pills since day 3, I'm on Paxil, as well been taking 2 advils 4x a day.... I had no trouble taking my pills, a little hard at first with not being able to take big sips but it went down and stayed down... I took Advil to help with my swelling of the stomache haven't taken any since yesterday morn, things do get better... Not sure why u have problems swallowing, I had no hose in my throat that I know of no drains and no catheter, all dogs r diff I guess. Hope you feel better real soon:)
  14. TaniaB

    Cream Of Wheat

    I've been eating cream of week for past 5 days I'm 11days post op, it goes down really well, I add a lil fat free French vanilla international Creamer, and cinnamon, very yummy...
  15. TaniaB

    How Do You Feel?

    I have to mention, I started at 345lbs so weight will come off faster at first...
  16. TaniaB

    How Do You Feel?

    I'm 9 days post op and last night was the first night I could sleep on both my sides... Today I'm feeling great, but if I over do it I get shaky and sweaty... I've lost 16lbs in 9 days:) I'm not worrying to much about getting my protein in right now I see dr tomorrow, my days have been 1 Greek yogurt, 1/2 cup of gardenay soups, 1/2 c of cream of wheat, and a pudding cup, that's all I need I feel, I drink lots and have no problems gulping down water, quiet enjoy cucumber cut up in my water, refreshing. I'm just hoping my sleeve is small enough, I haven't thrown up or felt like throwing up, I only had trouble drinking cold water but as of yesterday cold water went down fine, I can eat my 1/2 cup easily in 10mins, with out discomfort, I'm not hungry and cravings aren't bad, did have a bite of my sons sub and salad, chewed and spat out, don't want that to become a habit... Overall I'm doing good 5 more days of full fluids....
  17. TaniaB

    Was Sleeved 6/18!

    Nope I couldn't keep my eyes open, and have slept tons, nap eat, sleep, pee, walk repeat... Don't get out till to tomorrow, 4 days in hosp... No complications just there preference.
  18. TaniaB

    Was Sleeved 6/18!

    I too was sleeved on the 18th, still in hospital, just waiting to see if I can get my 1/2 cup of fluids in each hr, discharge tonight I think.... Still very tired and week, and gas pains in my higher chest... But overall not bad no pain Meds since last night.
  19. TaniaB

    Starting My Preop Tomorrow

    I'm having surgery on the 18th as well in Edmonton, with dr davey... Why go all the way to Tijuana when it's free here in Alberta? I didn't have to go through weight wise and my wait has only been since nov not to bad... I'm so excited, but scared not scared of surgery but scared ill some how fail again and, find away to eat to much... Not get my exercise in....

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