So I have been lurking around the forums for months now, and now that I am coming close to surgery I thought I would ask a few questions.
I had my final nutrition appointment yesterday (6 month required for insurance), and my case worker submitted my information to UHC this afternoon. I got a call about an hour ago from my insurance company letting me know that they have approved my surgery!! I called my case worker and she said that was the fastest she has ever received an approval (less than 2 hours after submission). To give some background for comparison, I am 29 years old (BMI 51) and have no co-morbities at all. I don't even have high blood pressure, the surgery is more about prevention than anything else.. The woman from the insurance company asked that I mention the quick approval to my companies human resource department?? I didn't understand why, I assume they have had problems with them in the past? My company is huge and the human resource department is in California. Anyway, I don't mean to brag, I am just super happy!
My question is this: I was told that my insurance company covers the cost of surgery at 100%. My deductible is 500 dollars (which I've already met 200 of that). I've never had any surgery before and I don't really know how much I will be paying? The woman who originally took my information told me that I wouldn't have to pay anything.. is that possible???
Thanks for your help!