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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pbmls223

  1. My office has me taking these.... http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/optisource-post-bariatric-surgery-formula-chewable-vitamin-%26-mineral-supplement-tablet/ID=prod403359-product
  2. pbmls223

    Liquid Diet ?????

    Wal-Mart. Body Fortress $15.
  3. If you are like me, then one of the 100 reasons (and one of the top reasons) is so those of us that have kids can see them grow up, be in lives a very long time! So to you mommies, Happy Mother's Day!!!! To you out there that are not mommies yet and want to be, I've been there. Trust me. I know this isn't the fertility board, but I have stories I could share. God has blessed me and I hope by this awesome, healthy thing you are doing for yourself, He will bless you too! To those of you who aren't moms, you are still my peers and as a mom, you inspire me to do good. I know I'm one of the last to get banded in our group, so I'm like the little sister, so you kinda have to put up with me for a while. Thanks for helping this mommy out!
  4. pbmls223

    Making A Declaration!!!

    Right now I can't really add anything yet to them. Right now I'm on the very strict 10 day pre-op diet, but thank you for the ideas
  5. pbmls223

    May 21St!

    May 21st here!!!!
  6. pbmls223

    Day 10 Pre Op Diet

    Maybe you could get the unflavored protein from this site to add to your stuff so you're still getting your protein. http://www.unjury.com/store/protein/reg/unflavored_protein.shtml
  7. pbmls223

    Day 10 Pre Op Diet

    I've heard Body Fortress from Wal-Mart. I start my 10 day tomorrow. Nectar from The Vitamin Shoppe. It's pricy but it's thinner.
  8. Whatcha eatin'? I went shopping today and I want to make sure I have most of what I will need post-op. I already know I forgot something, eggs. So, what did you like, have to have?
  9. pbmls223

    Post-Op Mushie Foods

    The nutritionist told me just to get the sugar free pudding.
  10. Whatcha eatin'? As mentioned in a different post, I went shopping today and I want to make sure I have most of what I will need post-op. I already know I forgot something, eggs. So, what did you like, have to have?
  11. What are/were they? I'm gearing up! I went to the store today and got a bunch of stuff but want to make sure I don't miss anything. My office does an 8 day - 3 protein shakes, 1 yogurt, 1 small piece of fruit or 1/2 cup of canned lite fruit, 1 lean cuisine or similar entree and 1 cup of salad w/1 tbsp of lite dressing and then 2 days of liquid diet. Anything you had to have in the house?
  12. Since there's no "real" fix to the app and I don't know about you, I can't really seem to see much on the app. Certainly not our little group here, my little fix is to open up the safari Internet window and open it up like I would as if I was sitting on the computer. I know this probably redundant to most of you, but I hate having to lug out the computer when the iPad is just so convenient. Just thought I'd share.
  13. pbmls223

    Anyone Else Close To My Date May 21St?

    You'll have to tell us all about how it is to get a fill and how much they put in, etc.
  14. So, I went yesterday for my pre-admission testing appointment. It's where you go through everything and make sure they have everything and you have everything answered. There is a long story, but my NP is out on materity leave (due back next week) the other NP from the other office took her job of a lifetime, so need less to say, I've been waiting for this appointment and had to go to a completely different office. I get to the office yesterday (I'm 12 days out today from my surgery) and they had me down for the wrong surgery!!! And the worst of it is that the doctor only does gastric bypasses on one day and bands on another. So basically, my "band" surgery is scheduled for a bypass day. So now the NP and the office manager need to try to fix it while I'm there because I then explain to them that I have two people taking the day off (my husband and mom) and have child care for my kids already set up for that particular day. They called my surgeon and he said mo problem! So now, I'm going to follow with MY NP when she gets back in next week to make sure someone followed up with the hospital and it was changed there because what if I get there and the actual hardware, the Realize Band, isn't even there. Then the whole thing will be a bust!! Maybe I should go ahead and call my office and have them check. I'm afraid my NP might be overwhelmed when she comes back in. So, that's my story. My good news, I'm down 19 lbs in the last 2 months and 3 numbers on the BMI scale
  15. pbmls223

    Biggest Concern

    Im being banded on May 15th. We are right now in the middle of a crazy financial situation as my hubby literally just went back to work today, as a matter of fact, after being off work 7 weeks with his 6th knee surgery. But I got a bill in the mail for my surgical consultation and it doesn't look like they tried to even bill the insurance at all. Before I even started the process I called my insurance company to make sure everything was going to pretty much be covered and the doctors office assured me as well. I just hate doing other people's jobs and dealing w/insurance we all know isn't a cup of tea. My biggest physical concern, believe it or not, is my shoulders. I heard the as can really cause discomfort and I am more nervous about that than anything. Also, do they use anything to close the incisions? Thanks! Bethany
  16. pbmls223

    Biggest Concern

    Well, found out my insurance doesn't cover the facility fee my office charges. It's quite a pain to be a partial self pay especially since its such bad timing financially for us but the do knock 30% off when you self pay and the hospital actually owed me some money too so that helps. But, what a pain......
  17. pbmls223

    Sure Is Quiet In Here!

    I spelled there's wrong....duh. Their's......sigh.
  18. pbmls223

    Sure Is Quiet In Here!

    Well, I had a long 2 hour pre-op appt. my surgery is 3 weeks from Monday. I'm nervous about all the rules. This many grams of this and that and portion sizes. I'm sure it's going to become second hat once it gets going just overwhelming. I have lost 15 lbs in about 5 weeks so I'm excited by that! I also went and picked up my post surgery vitamins. Anyone else get there's?
  19. pbmls223

    Looking For Good Protien Powder

    I was going to say my nutritionist likes the Body Fortress which she said is at Wal-Mart and Kroger. I have the Soy Protein from Sam's (not a fan, but I'm finishing it because I paid for it). I also have the nectar from the Vitamin Shoppe (pricey), it's foamy and it was very thin when I made it. I need to try it again.
  20. pbmls223

    Biggest Concern

    My son had some pretty overwhelming dental work today so it didn't happen today but I will. Thanks for the info
  21. pbmls223

    125 Members So Why Are We So Quiet???

    How long do they have you doing liquids before surgery? Everyone's surgeons seem so different.
  22. pbmls223

    Biggest Concern

    No, not May 15th, May 21st......sheesh. Guess is bed time.
  23. pbmls223

    Surgery Dates?

    May 21sr for me
  24. Now that you all have worked with Dr. Kia, what are your thoughts? I'm boarded for May.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
