Hi I am on two years since my band surgery and I have had the same problem as you I was choking on acid in my sleep my stomach would get bloated and sore from vomiting when I would eat it would feel as if someone kicked me in my ribs and same when I would drink my stomach sounded like the predator lived in ther with all the notices coming from it, I called my dr and he had me come in loosened my band because I wasn't able to eat Or drink, did some blood work because of low blood pressure and did X-ray to make sure I didn't have slippage from the heaving, all turned out ok he removed most of my fluid to let my body heal and regain some valuable nuterients I lost in that two weeks, I am currently with only 4cc of fluid I have found out any more then that causes me the same issues, he has also given me nexium to help with the reflux, and also advised me not to eat or drink 2-3 hours before bed because of the slow digestion