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LAP-BAND Patients
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About my5grlz

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/18/1963

About Me

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    Gig Harbor
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  1. Happy 50th Birthday my5grlz!

  2. my5grlz

    Marchies: In June

    That works Mrs. H--I'm creeped! :biggrin:
  3. my5grlz

    May Marchies May

    My sister just got her insurance clearance for lap band surgery. June 30. We are sooooooooo excited! That will make 3 of siblings to get a band since I did!
  4. my5grlz

    May Marchies May

    Spin Class has never been something I love--makes my feet and my crotch ache. I found a bike workout that I love though--it's called an espresso bike. It's kind of a virtual experience. You set the computer program for the level and the route you want to take and then compete with the other "bikers" as you try to keep up with your pacer. It's all computerized but you have to actually shift gears as you go up or down the hills. You can program it to be as tough as you'd like. I have a friend who teaches spin and she says she gets a better workout on the espresso--so if you ever see one it the gym--give it a try. I love it. I just signed on to teach a cardio-circuit class. Today was my first day. For someone who has always been super heavy and was always a "closet" exerciser--this is way out of my element. Who would have ever guessed I would start teaching class at the YMCA when I was in my 40's. The band truly gave me a new chance at life! Tammy J--You have always been one of my favorites. I'm sorry you are struggling right now. Please know I am sending up prayers on your behalf and just try to white-knuckle it through until this is resolved. Sometimes it is really motivating for me to look at my "before" pictures. Paste one of yours on your refrigerator! Julie--I see by your new picture that you successfully graduated! CONGRATULATIONS! What an accomplishment. We are all proud of you and thrilled for you. Mrs. Husker--you are always in my thoughts and prayers.
  5. my5grlz

    May Marchies May

    Janine--I'm still laughing about the little Zumba dancer! It IS a workout! I love it. They say when you find the exercise that you love--it won't be such a chore to exercise and I totally believe it. Never have I exercised like this! And I DO believe the consistent exercise has played just as much of a role or more in my weight loss. Now that I teach 4-5 days a week and I don't have the option of "not exercising today," I have much more success with the scale. I love the commitment that teaching brings. Instead of having to put exercise into my schedule--it IS my schedule. And that has made all the difference.
  6. my5grlz

    May Marchies May

    Hi. I've been a silent member of this group since the beginning. I've posted a couple of times but mostly I just keep up with you guys. (Sounds a little like stalking, doesn't it?) I've been very attached to you and am sad to see so little action on the board--It's made me think I could be part of the solution. I had my surgery on March 27th 2007 and have enjoyed a 100 pound weight loss. My life is very different now. I used to need an electric cart to go places of any distance and I used the lift to get in and out of the pool. Now I teach Zumba at the local YMCA. Even though you guys don't know me--I've been so happy to see your progress and have been motivated by your successes. I've laughed with you, cried some and prayed for you. I just wanted to thank you for two years of support.
  7. my5grlz

    ~magnificent Marchies In May~

    O.K. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone and I gave my brother hell for being so irresponsible with his band but I couldn't help laughing at this story. So my brother also has a lap band and this morning he gets nailed for going 71 in a 55. As the cop was pulling him over he was in a panic thinking "I can't afford a ticket. I can't afford a ticket!" So he reaches over and grabs his lunch--a meat and cheese roll-up and takes a huge bite--chews twice and swallows. He feels it immediately as he is pulling over and he takes another bite and does the same thing. Then he grabs his drink and chugs it. He said by the time the cop was walking toward him his eyes were streaming and his chest was feeling like a bowling ball was inside struggling to get out. As the cop got to his door--he opened his door and threw up right at the cops feet. Cop says "man--get outta here--and just so you know I was going to write you up big time because your driving record is really bad. Even tho your sick I think you're a jackass." My brother was driving away chuckling and thinking "who's the jackass?" He told me "And that's going in my book which I will call--101 ways to use your lapband!" Like I said--I gave him hell. But I've been laughing about it all day.
  8. my5grlz

    Marchies Bandiversary Month

    I never post but I hopped on last March 29th and am coming up to my one year. I have kept up with you guys daily for the last year--I feel like I know you all even though I don't add much--I'm the same way in a group of people anywhere--just really shy that way. But I am excited about my weight loss this year and my before and after pics. The after pic was actually taken on Christmas day and I've lost 20 pounds since then but it is the latest picture I have. You guys are such a great support even to people you don't know are there. I've joyed with you as I've watched your progress and cried with you at your pain. I even talk to my husband about you guys and he even knows some of you by name. Thanks. lapband pictures.bmp
  9. I've lost almost half my weight and my blood pressure is now below normal. I take hydroclorthaizide for BP. I was wondering if anyone else has been weaned off this medicine and what to expect.
  10. my5grlz

    Is hair loss a given?

    I was wondering if it would help the regrowth happen faster?
  11. my5grlz

    MaRcHiEs IN MaY

    OH JULIE--"There is no turning back. This surgery means no giving up. EVER. If there are bad days where I eat too many calories or don't excercise how I planned then the next day I will dig a little deeper and do better. The scale is only one measure of my progress it doesn't tell me if I have a spring in my step or if my knees don't hurt. It doesn't measure if my pants fit differently. It doesn't pick up my all smiles attitude or how I walk with my shoulders square and pass the candy isle with out a thought in grocery. Those are just numbers that my describe my weight at this but they do not define who I am." OH JULIE--This was so thoughtful and well said to me that I copied it out and taped it on my wall! Thanks!:clap2: KYETHRA And I understand that many believe that it is ok to discriminate against fat people because fat people can lose weight (supposedly anyway). They (whoever "THEY" are) say that obesity is the last acceptable form of discrimination. DEMMEMOON I'm sitting here with you in bandster hell. Can't wait till Tuesday.
  12. my5grlz

    MaRcHiEs IN MaY

    OH Julie--you're right. I keep telling myself--Just hang in there-Just hang in there-Just hang in there........
  13. my5grlz

    MaRcHiEs IN MaY

    Medge--I know what you mean about putting the scale away and trying to keep an upbeat attitude. April was much tougher motivation-wise than I expected it to be. I'm back to exercising and my food intake is about 1200-1400 calories a day but the scale won't budge. I do get to have a fill on May 8th but judging from everyone else's experiences that I've been reading, I'm not expecting it to do much. I'm kind of tired of waiting.
  14. my5grlz

    MaRcHiEs IN MaY

    I've been lurking around for 2 months. But I am going to take the May exercise challenge. I really enjoy checking in on you guys everyday.
  15. my5grlz

    Marchies In April

    I was banded on 3/29. :clap2:All went well. He also repaired a hiatal hernia so I don't know what is normal as far as pain and gas. It hurts alot when I breath deeply and the gas is constantly on the move. I was wondering if that is why the gas X? I bought some but I havn't taken any yet because gas to me is kind of an acid reflux. Other than that I feel fine. I'm on full liqids for a week and am trying to figure out what a good balance is for me. I have no hunger and drinking seems to be more of a bother than anything--so I don't know how much I should push it. I know I need to stay hydrated and am working on that. Also I have been putting some benefiber in my drinks because I am stopped up to last Wednesday. :help:Any ideas?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
