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Everything posted by cab0ad

  1. In a few days I'll be able to eat cottage cheese and eggs. can we use spices of any type? I like salt/pepper on cottage cheese. I also thought at easter I could make deviled eggs if we can eat mustard/paprika. I know lowfat mayo is approved. it is on my dietery guide. anyone know about mustard, salt, and pepper?
  2. I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one so close from surgery eating too much! I'm only 6 days out and tonight I ate a cup of cream soup too! I wasn't even full! Funny how our diet progressions are so different. I was on liquids 2 days, on day 3 I was able to do full liquids (cream soups, protien shakes, oatmeal, cream of wheat, yogurt) and on day 8 I can eat: cottage cheese, string cheese, babel cheese, deli meat turkey, soft cooked veggies, Water packed tuna, canned or deli chicken, any seafood/fish, and canned fruits with no skins! I don't even have to puree them. They just said to make sure to chew to baby food consistency. Even though my doc approves of the above foods at 8 days out I don't think I'll be ready for them. I'm sticking with softer foods for a few more weeks! I might try eating the string cheese and the cottage cheese because I know I can chew those down to baby food consistency, but chicken and tuna!? No way! I still get a lot of gas and a few crampy sensations with my cream soup! LOL
  3. cab0ad

    I Just Got It Done Thursday

    Billie, I had mine last Tuesday. I can down a 10 ounce protein shake in about an hour without even putting much effort into it. I tried yogurt the first time yesterday and I was only supposed to eat 2 tablespoons. I ate 3 ounces and had to stop myself because I had gone way over the limit. I wasn't full! I'm with you! I worry I can eat too much!
  4. crop queen, mine have pointed south since I was a teenager! LOL! I don't know what it would actually be like to have them point in any other direction!
  5. funny dooter! LOL. I remember having c cup sized boobs in 6th grade! Of course, I was largely overweight at that time already so i don't know if it was my weight or my actual boob size. Gosh, I'd LOVE to lose 2 or 3 cup sizes!
  6. wheetsin, my sleeve was last week. I had kowalski at KC Bariatrics do it.
  7. I'm actually happy at the prospect of losing some of my boob size! I've always been big and it has caused a lot of problems for me! I don't love the fact that they will probably end up long and saggy. I so want to wear those cute sundresses or tank tops with built in bras! I refuse to have plastic surgery after this. everyone says the plastic surgery is worse than the sleeve procedure. I am only 6 days out from my sleeve and still uncomfortable. I'm sure I'll NEVER consider another surgery! LOL
  8. cab0ad

    3 Days Post Opt...

    I sucked on ice chips constantly for my first few days out. swallowing actual water hurt too much but sucking on the chips and swallowing them as they melted didn't hurt at all.
  9. cab0ad

    6 Days Post Op

    hey wonderwoman! My sleeve was 3/13. What foods are you allowed to eat right now? I'm allowed yogurt, thinned cream of wheat, or strained cream soup right now. I haven't had room to actually eat any of it though! I'm curious to know your food progression. Most people seem to be on liquids only for a few weeks! I was starting to think only my doc would let me eat sooner!
  10. I am now 5 days op with a few questions. I have gone from "I think I'm gonna die and this decision wasn't so hot" to "I'm uncomfortable but it is manageable and I will be fine in a few days. I'm glad I did this.". here are my questions: how much should I be able to drink at a time? In the morning when I get up I can drink a 10 ounce Protein shake in just at an hour. Is that too much? Should I still have pain on incision sites? I still have a pretty significant pain on my left side by one of my incision sites. How much solids should I be able to eat? I am cleared for yogurt and I was able to get down 3 ounces in about 30 minutes. Is that too much? I guess I was under the assumption i wouldn't be able to eat but a teaspoon of food at a time. I was shocked I could eat the yogurt. when I stopped at 3 ounces i didn't even feel really "full" or uncomfortable. I just stopped since it was the first time I'd eaten anything. I guess I am ultimately worried I have a leak in my stomach and I'm able to get so much food down because it is leaking into my abdomen! The doc did a leak test on me and it was fine at hospital. I just didn't think I'd be able to get this much down! Is this normal?
  11. swimmer and dorrie, thanks so much for the reply and encouragement! I feel much better! I was worried I wasn't following the normal pattern! It feels much better to know your experiences and hear that I'm doing okay! I really want this to work for me!
  12. thanks 5dogma! I feel much better! I didn't know the stomach was pulled out the left side. that makes sense why it would hurt so much more. I was very nervous that I was eating too much for only 5 days po!
  13. mews, thanks for the reply. I feel a difference in my attitude and pain every day. every day has gotten significantly better. The first 2 days I was miserable. I couldn't even sip Water without severe chest pain on every sip. I couldn't sit down or get up without pain. I couldn't even sleep in bed because it hurt too much to get up (and I couldn't get up by myself. hubby had to help me!). Day 4 was much better. the pain was more manageable and the chest pains when sipping were only there occasionally. today is day 5 for me and I feel even better. Today i have reached many milestones already. i can get out of bed myself with no help (still hurts, but at least I can do it!), I can reach to wipe after using the restroom (tmi...I know), I can drink without chest pains--they are much fewer and farther between! I can stand and sit without much pain. I feel SIGNIFICANTLY better today. I can't wait to see how much better I feel tomorrow! hang in there! Each day truly does bring more surprises that you will be thankful for!
  14. cab0ad

    Day 3 After Surgury

    niahri, there is nothing wrong with you. this process is every bit as mentally challenging as physically challenging. I am 5 days PO and I have had a lot of the same feelings you have had. I have had mental breakdowns over the past few days wanting a slice of pizza or a bowl of cereal! My daughter's birthday is today and she chose to celebrate at Cici's Pizza buffet. Oh boy, this is gonna be tough for me! you have to keep pushing on and remind yourself that this is for your health. You WILL be able to enjoy a cheeseburger/fry meal a few months off, just in a much smaller portion. Look at it that way. your body isn't ready to deal with that now. Sadly my body isn't ready to deal with pizza and it won't be ready by this afternoon either! I feel your pain!
  15. My doc had me start protein shakes on day 3 post op. I currently get 2 of them down a day (EAS 17g protien each)
  16. cab0ad

    4 Days Post Op - Help!

    I was sleeved on the 13th and I can't get all my liquids in either. I get about 40 ounces a day right now. i find I can get about 5 more ounces each day. What has really helped me is sucking on ice chips CONSTANTLY rather than try to sip Water all day. The first days it hurt so bad to swallow even a sip. I had chest pains on every swallow. but sucking the ice chips allowed a constant flow of tiny amounts of liquid to go down and no chest pain. yesterday and today it doesn't hurt near as much to swallow. I actually got a Protein shake down this morning (10 ounces) in an hour! only had a few chest pains when my drink was a little "bigger". I'm only day 5 po but I feel better every day. I'm not up to par but I know that a week from now I'll feel great and probably be getting in a lot more! chin up! we will be better soon! just keep sucking those ice chips!
  17. cab0ad

    I Know This Isnt Much

    congrats! I'm a little bummed. I am 5 days po and I am still 2 pounds UP!
  18. cab0ad


    I got my sleeve on the 13th and I am definitely having some regrets right now! I just want to feel "normal" again. i want to eat with my family. I want to not have to obsess about sip sip sipping. I want to be able to sip without chest pain. I want to be able to get out of bed without my husband having to help me! dang, I'd give my right arm to have some corn beef and cabbage today! all of that being said, I'm sure I did the right thing. each day has been a little better. no leaps and bounds for me yet. I still struggle to get 36-40 ounces of liquids in. my abdomen is still in major pain on one side. still can't get out of bed on my own. can't bend over. my doc said I could start yogurt yesterday but I didn't because I couldn't even get in half the water I should be getting. I am still 5 pounds UP since surgery (I gained 15 from surgery for some reason. lots of liquid retention for me and it isn't all falling off like it is for everyone else). BUT... I keep reading these boards and comforting myself knowing I am not the only one feeling this way. I read the boards to see that everyone is so thankful they did it after a few months. I read the boards and see how everyone's lives changed for the better after the transition. I just pray I have the strength to make it through my own transition and hopefully be just as happy and at peace in a few months as everyone else seems to be. I feel thankful to have these boards to talk with others struggling in the same way.
  19. cab0ad

    I'm Sleeved :)

    lizbeth, I got my sleeve on the 13th. how are you doing? how much liquid can you get in a day? I am still only able to get around 40 ounces of liquid. I get chest pains with sips of liquids. do you? how is your abdominal pain doing? 3 of my 5 incision sites are fine for me, no pain at all. 2 of them are extremely tender (the 2 on the far left...one had the drain. the other just plain hurts, don't know why). coughing is extremely painful for me still. I don't take my pain meds because they make me want to vomit. is your abdomen still tender to the touch? have you lost anything or gained from surgery? I lost 18 pre-op diet but gained 15 back in the hospital from IV/liquid retention. I have lost 10 of them but I'm still 5 up from surgery. depressing! I don't know the timeline for when I should be feeling better and able to get more liquids in. I'd love to hear about your experience so far.
  20. cab0ad

    5 Days Post Op Terrible Rash

    did you take the wrappings off of the incisions? i am 4 days out and but my wrappings are still on. I was told not to remove them till the 1 week appointment. Is this common? I want to take them off so bad! my skin is getting irritated from the tape! Of course, I'd probably just freak out at what I see under them! LOL
  21. cab0ad

    2 Days Post-Op

    i am 3 days post op and mine does that too! I thought we wouldn't be experiencing those rumblies after being sleeved! Does anyone get chest pain sometimes after sipping? I get some chest pain frequently and it scares the poop out of me! how many ounces of liquid is everyone getting in? I"m struggling to get in 40....

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