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LAP-BAND Patients
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About peatie

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  1. 1 years have passed since you registered at VerticalSleeveTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary peatie!

  2. No second guessing for me. In fact, there are many times now that I *know* I made the right decision, because if I didn't have the surgery, I'd have finished the whole plate of food and then some. Restriction was a BIG key for me to lose weight and get it under control once and for all. No regrets. My hair did not fall out, no acid problems, no depression.
  3. I still feel she was a good choice for me. No issues at all with recovery or effects thereafter. I know someone else who used Dr Patterson and had a good experience as well. I have only heard good things about both of them. Good luck on your journey! april
  4. Thanks for the info! I did start my pureed stage today and was only able to get in 1-2oz of chicken. Def a different process from liquids. And i have to remember to take it s-l-o-w.
  5. peatie

    drinking while eating

    stop drinking 10 minutes before eating and wait for 30 min after. The liquid will 'liquefy' the food you just ate and process it quicker, meaning it would spend less time in your stomach digesting ultimately leaving you hungry again. There's a video on youtube about the whole theory. it's demonstrated by a cup of applesauce. Pretty interesting.
  6. I'm in my second week and stalled. I understand what you're saying about 'looking noticeably slimmer' for your mom, as i'm off from school for 3 weeks and feel when i return, those who know i've had the surgery are expecting me to look slimmer...and i don't. I weigh myself everyday, and my weight in the evening is always a couple of pounds heavier than i was in the morning. The day-day weighing is not accurate...there are patterns and fluctuations. Likewise, you could 'miraculously' lose 5 lbs overnight by 'not doing anything.' It's how our body responds...and we all have a different response system. We need to be realistic. This was never intended to be a quick fix. This is a lifestyle change, and this is a TOOL, not the answer. The sleeve works. You need to trust the process and let it help you. I am holding tight that it will work for me. Hang in there. I feel what you're going thru. You need to stand up for your sleeve rather than feel it's let you down. You need to rid those unrealistic demons in your head!! Good Luck!!
  7. I'm in the liquids stage, and I have no problems getting in 70oz of liquid a day. I can drink 3oz immediately at once, and drink my 11oz premiere Protein shake within 20 min easily. When i move onto soft and then dense food/protein, will I really feel the restriction everyone keeps talking about?? Will i only be able to eat 3-4oz at a time max? I have never felt the foamies or needed to vomit. I get an uneasy feeling in my breastbone and stop, and it goes away within a minute. I'm just trying to figure out if what i'm feeling is normal for my stage (full liquids). Thanks for any input! april
  8. peatie

    Aetna Question?

    If your PCP is not diligent in note-keeping, then chances are you will be denied. There are some Doc's who document well and the person is still denied. What are the requirements for your 3mo deal?
  9. peatie

    When I hit my goal I'm going to...

    Buy designer jeans! And have family pictures taken!!
  10. peatie

    Can only drink 2oz

    I am 12 days post op and am able to drink my 11oz protein shake over the course of 20-30 min.
  11. I am 12 days post op and so SICK of the liquid diet. I had some miso Soup yesterday and it was THE BEST tasting thing ever. My taste buds are being starved! haha. If I never see another tomato, cream of chicken, clam chowder, chicken broth can again, it will be too soon. I used to LOVE Soups, now it might take me over a year to eat another one again. bleh! Good luck to you and keep up the good work. Each day that passes is another one closer to real food AND goal!
  12. peatie

    I am sleeved and alive!

    I am 12 days post op and still have a hard time sitting in a chair, much less be on the computer. It will get better with each day. Also to remember, never trust a fart this early out. Keep up the good work and in no time we'll all be at goal!
  13. peatie

    Stalled already??!!

    I'm 12 days out an in a stall right now. SO FRUSTRATING. But glad to read the other stories in the post and I feel better *knowing* if I stick to the plan, it will come off! I'm just afraid that I'll start my pureed stage in 2 days and i'll GAIN weight. ugh....
  14. Hi, The experience was good. Dr Halpin hasn't done a whole lot of sleeves, but she's very seasoned in RNY and seemed very confidant in her sleeve ability, so i decided to go with her. I have no problems (other than my own doing.. haha), and she was attentive to all my needs. She is ok - personality wise. Not horrible bedside manner at all, but not necessarily the 'chattiest' person either. Which is ok with me, since i wasn't looking for a 'friend,' know what I mean? She was easy to contact and called me two days after being home to ck up on me. I would recommend her. I had insurance, so not sure what self-pay is. Sorry. Good luck to you!!
  15. peatie


    wait. let me get this straight. you were going fine before, or as you think you were. Were you feeling any discomfort or bloatedness in your intestines tho? And now you have cramping in your intestines and are going often? And your stomach is bloated too now? When you go to the bathroom, is it the same kind of pooh, or more? Or what? Do you FEEL the laxatives are getting out more than you were getting out before? Are you able to take a gas X? Sounds like your stomach is sorta gassy from the laxative? Can you try gasX to see if it helps? Other than going so often now, is the laxative REALLY working (like getting out a ton more than you were normally)? Sorry for the TMI questions, but just trying to understand more of the whole picture and rationale. And sorry you're feeling the pains... laxatives will give cramps b/c it's stimulating the bowels to get rid of what's in there..

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