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Everything posted by peatie

  1. peatie

    The dreaded email

    Anyway, to keep this post RELEVANT in this post-op section, I understand that the question lisabug might be asking was "Is it normal to feel the need to chew while in the early post-op liquid stages?" Why yes, i do think it IS normal. Although i am only 6 days post-op, I can say that I have had to take minuscule bites of crumbled things (toast) just to get a 'chew' going. And i am craving gum like there is no tomorrow! aargh. Soon this will all be a distant memory.. Oh, and NO Girl Scout Cookies will enter this house. I just can't pass up the Thin Mints and watching the rest of the family eat them will drive me insane! boo!
  2. peatie

    The dreaded email

    You know, it's only appropriate to 'point out' lisabug's ill-placed post if she is a constant abuser of the post-op forum. But no need to jump on anyone's back for a slight error. Is there no room for leniency? You're being a bully. It might behoove you to return to just 'reading posts' rather than participating if this is the attitude you bring to the community.
  3. peatie

    Like a Jagged Little Pill

    I also heard you do not want to take your Vitamins w/minerals...about the absorption thing. I have liquid calcium and liquid vitamins from the Vitamin Shoppe. They're ok, but I hate taking horse pills. My Dr just said to make sure you don't get the gummy vites b/c they could get stuck in your stomach opening. yeowtch! Good luck!
  4. Ugh! I seriously had brain damage when i went in for my sleeve. I don't recall ANYTHING i'm supposed to do or the reason for it. OF COURSE it's to prevent DVT's...duh! I can't believe It didn't occur to me and I'm a nursing student who takes care of patients POST OP and have then up and walking asap. Seriously, I feel like an idiot! lol Thanks for all the info!
  5. I'm doing my walking, but i guess i don't know what the purpose is?? and... 1. Realistically, how much Fluid are we gonna get in during the first week post-op? 2. Do Protein Shakes count with the 'total fluids' for the day, or does the Water need to be 1.5-2 liters on their own WITHOUT broth, Protein shakes, etc... ? 3. What exactly counts as FULL liquid diet?? I know yogurt, protein shakes, broths/creamy Soups. Anything else??
  6. I was sleeved on Wednesday. Everything went well, other than serious nausea in PACU where they gave me three antiemetics before anything worked (zofran, reglan, phenergan). I also was one of the few beginners who was given an anti-nausea wrist band..which didn't work. Day two was horrible! I had the worst BACK pain. It was worse than my tummy area. I couldn't sit or lay down, and the pain meds were making me nauseated, so I stopped pressing my PCA. It was baaaad! What finally relieved it was a dose of Toradol and some oxycodone, which was a life saver! By Day 3 I was doing great... getting my 4oz/hour in and walking the halls like i was preparing for a marathon. I'm home now and other than the largest incision site which is very tender, i'm having no issues. I never had any gas pains from the surgery, only the horrendous back pain from laying flat on my back for half a day. I weigh the exact same pre-op and post-op, so my body did not hold onto any IV fluids. I can now join the loser's bench!! Yippeeee!!
  7. I am ckg in at the hospital bright and early at 7:30 for my 9:30 surgery on Wed! I'm not nervous at all, and i think it helps i've been super busy w/school AND have been anxiously awaiting for this day! Ahhhhhh I can't wait to start my new life on the losers bench! If you have a spare prayer, good vibe, positive thought available, I'd love for you to think of me! Thanks everyone!
  8. I would like to know too! I had a banana blended in my Protein Drink today and wondered if it was allowed (full liquid pre-op diet). I loved it so much i want to know when i'm allowed to have it after sleeved.
  9. peatie

    Pre-Op Weight Gain?

    They're Asian buffets, so while I do not 'gorge' there (i'd much rather pay a higher price for variety), I refuse to pay $15.99 for 2 sips of Soup and a pc of raw fish. Other than those, i'm planning to have no issue going anywhere.
  10. what does that mean? Do you know how the process works? Good luck to you... I was on pins and needles for two weeks waiting for an answer and just found out on Thurs...and it's happening this Wed.
  11. peatie

    Pills after VSG?

    I agree with the others. Find out specifically what your Dr wants. My Dr said I could take any pills that were the size of a pencil eraser or smaller. All 3 that i normally take fit that criteria. However, I did need to get a Multivitamin and calcium to supplement, and those I got were in liquid form. Not sure what the size of my oxycodone or pepcid will be, but i'll be swallowing those too. Good luck!
  12. peatie

    2 months after sleeve

    almost 40 lbs? And you're a lightweight? I think you should be really proud! I have about the same amt to lose and i'm afraid it'll take me at least 6 mos to lose 40lbs! I know it's tough when you want to be at goal already, but you're almost half way there... You would have been so happy to know this 2 mos ago!! Keep up the good work!
  13. peatie

    Pre-Op Weight Gain?

    You mean food funerals? Yah. I have surgery on the 8th and today was my first day doing the pre-op diet.. For the last week, everything i ate was planned and i said "this is the last time i'll be able to eat this." And i mean, those WERE the last time b/c I cannot go to those places once sleeved. I ended up gaining almost two lbs from my initial weight to my last. I have a BMI of just over 35 as well.
  14. peatie

    Coffee - how I miss thee

    I agree, there seems to be such a variation. My dr requires full liquids (not just clears) for the first 2 wks. All i wanted to know was when the coffee could enter the picture again. lol I'm being sleeved in 4 days. I figure i'd start to cut out the caffeine today...but around 10am i started to get a headache, and being we can't take ibuprofen or aleve, etc... I decided i needed to at least have a small cup. I don't know how this withdrawal thing will work, but at least if I have pain meds after surgery, that will help with the headache. haha
  15. peatie

    Aetna Weight & other stuff

    DANG! They are making you do a bunch of stuff! a. who is the one 'handling' this behavior modification for you? b. did they say how many you needed? Once every month? c. To cover your butt, i'd go every month to chart a record of your progress. The exercise therapist can always follow up with their documentation to the Dr's visit. d. sounds like this is why you're seeing the Nutr. every month, right?
  16. peatie

    Aetna Weight & other stuff

    Congrats! Wishing you a speedy recovery!! I can tolerate the pain (with pain meds of course, hehe!) as long as I don't have nausea. How was the barium drink? I almost might be dreading that over the surgery. haha
  17. peatie

    Aetna Weight & other stuff

    LISA! Are you sleeved???!!
  18. peatie

    Aetna Weight & other stuff

    Again, it all depends on what your Aetna plan requires. I did not have to lose weight during the 3-month period... and in fact gained 2 lbs. The first weigh-in is the 'official' what they go by. I did get weighed once a month (Sept-started process, Oct-PT, Nov-Nut), only saw the PT and Nut once during those months (three times total). But I went to my Dr's office to see these people, so they did chart my weight there. What exactly does YOUR plan require?? I did not have to log all my exercise, nor see a trainer all the time. Is this something your Dr's office requires of you rather than Aetna? Can you copy/paste what Aetna requires of you? It'd be easier to then answer. And, it took Aetna more than 2 weeks to approve me. I was banking on the 2-5 day deal everyone talks about.
  19. peatie

    Any December Sleevers?

    After what feels like a month of the waiting game, I was finally approved yesterday for the surgery which will be on the 8th. I am supposed to be on a modified pre-op diet one week prior (chicken, protein drinks, cottage cheese, salmon...mainly a low fat/low cal diet), but since i just found out for sure, It'll be more like 5 days only. I do have to do a liquid only diet on Tues. I guess i can't complain since some of you are having to do two full weeks of liquids. Anyway, i haven't had time to 'freak out' yet since i was almost doubting it would even happen... the whole defense mechanism thing. And I have finals next week (Mon and Tues), so I really don't have a whole lot of time to focus on the surgery until Tues evening. AACK!! Good to know I'm in good company with you all!! I can't wait to do family christmas portraits next year.... how crazy is that? LOL
  20. Hello! I'm your sleeve sister... having mine on dec 8th! Good luck to us, and I don't think we'll miss out on the holiday treats... we've eaten them for years and already know what they taste like.
  21. peatie

    Aetna Weight & other stuff

    What exactly is your requirements?? I have Aetna and was just approved yesterday. It all depends on what your Aetna plan requires..
  22. peatie

    Aetna Aetna Aetna

    Congrats on the last weigh in! My paperwork was submitted Monday and I'm in the wait now... I will call Aetna today just to be sure they have everything. I am still crossing fingers my surgery is Dec 8th!!
  23. What Protein drinks are there for those who are allergic to milk (incl the whey) and gluten?? Anyone on one of these diets ever been sleeved? Thanks!
  24. It would be nice to order from the 'Seniors Menu' tho! Sometimes i'd rather just have a smaller portion (and pay less) of the same food and this is before having the surgery. I can only imagine after...
  25. peatie

    Any December Sleevers?

    I am *hoping* to have my surgery on Dec 8th. I meet with the surgeon on Nov 12th and will have all my appts completed by then for submission. I know I have a pre-op appt 2wks before surgery where I get all the details, but i'm still foggy on the actual process until my appt w/the surgeon.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
