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Jackie's girl

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jackie's girl

  1. Jackie's girl

    May Bandsters!

    I took gaviscon and that helped temporarily. The walking is helping. I am burping a lot,so for me it is coming out of the top end. It is all in my neck, shoulders, upper chest, working its way up and out, just very slow going. The heating pad helped me too especially when the pain was in my back yesterday. On another note, I am eating 1 cup of broccoli soup, which is liquid...no chunks. I mixed some cheddar cheese in and totally melted that. You would think I was eating a major steak dinner! It is so good! It is taking me 40 minutes to eat it though.im just listening to my body and so far, so good!
  2. Jackie's girl

    Minimum Calories...?

    Everyone is different. I don't think there is a perfect formula for anyone. I count calories because I don't like the idea of getting too few calories. Band or no band, I will not lose weight if I under eat, that's just me. Now that I have the band, I don't know that over eating will be as much of a concern, but under eating is just as damaging. I exercise, but do not subtract that from my calorie intake. I eat the calories whether I exercise or not. I don't lose weight without exercise. Again everyone is different. I like counting, so it works for me.
  3. Jackie's girl

    May Bandsters!

    You will be fine and just think, next time you wil be encouraging someone else. Just try to relax and before you know it, you wil be waking up.
  4. Jackie's girl

    May Bandsters!

    I was banded may 14th also. Today is the first day I feel half way decent. I just got up and starting to drink. Today I am going to try 8 ounces in a half hour. I can feel everything going down. I only did one pain pill overnight, so I'm going to try to come off in the next few days. The gas was awful yesterday and today I still feel it, but not as much. Hope all ones well over the next few days.
  5. Jackie's girl

    May Bandsters!

    I am not constipated yet, but I have not had a bowel movement yet and I had surgery on Monday. I'm a little worried about that. I took colace yesterday, but still nothing
  6. Jackie's girl

    May Bandsters!

    Good luck to all the new people joining our group. Just think by next week, you will be sharing your story. My first few days have been a little rough, but today is better. I uncovered my incisions today and boy that port site one seems huge to me. Not what I expected and certainly not the one inch I was thinking. I am suffering from the gas pains today worse than anything else. My stomach till hurts but I slept better last night. Drinking 4 ounces every 15 min instead of 1, so progress helps. Thanks for all the advice. The unjury chicken soup is too salty for me, but I am getting it down for the protien. Getting my 60 grams in today.
  7. Jackie's girl

    Am I Normal?

    I am on day three and feel pretty crummy. My stomach feels like I'm carrying a ten pound baby around. I'm holding a pillow to it and that helps. I am also home alone all day, so there is nothing to distract me. It sucks but it helps to know that it gets better. I also feel weak because I can't consume more than 300 calories a day, and that is with drinking all day every 15 minutes, but I can tolerate all protien or milk based products, so I'm doing a lot of water.
  8. Jackie's girl

    What Is Your Post-Op Diet Like?

    I have two weeks of full liquids, protien shakes, pudding, soup, etc. two weeks of mushy or puréed food, and two weeks of soft. I already have fluid in my band because I lost 37 pounds prior to surgery so my surgeon wants me to have restriction right away after I begin to heal. I want that too, was not too excited about the open band with no restriction at all. I want to be restricted. We will see how much foodi can eat when reaching week 6. It is interesting to see all the differences in instructions.
  9. Jackie's girl

    May Bandsters!

    I had 2 ounces of a protien shake when I can home from the hospital, 2 ounces of soymilk, and the rest water, tea, and jello. But today I did tomato soup, a protien shake, two jells, water, and tea. This has taken me all day to consume and I still have some of the soup and water and jello still sitting here. Will take me until I go to bed to finish it. Only drinking one ounce every 15 minutes.
  10. Jackie's girl

    May Bandsters!

    Thanks, I feel better through the day, I guess the gas settles at night, buti have been up moving around the house so it is not bad now.
  11. Jackie's girl

    May Bandsters!

    I agree that Popsicle is like heaven
  12. Jackie's girl

    May Bandsters!

    Good luck to you
  13. Jackie's girl

    May Bandsters!

    It was! I never thought a cold Popsicle could taste so good. Pain meds are covering any gas discomfort now.
  14. Jackie's girl

    May Bandsters!

    Spoke too soon, feeling the gas trapped now...guess the pain meds were masking it. Just got all my scripts so I'll be good as soon as they kick in. Just enjoyed a pop cycle. Yum!
  15. Jackie's girl

    May Bandsters!

    Well i am home after my may 14th surgery. All went well, went in the the or at 9 and was out of recovery about 2. Went to my room and pressed the morphine button evey ten minutes. I was in a lot of pain when I woke up. Once on the morphine it was bearable but eventually made me sick. They switched me to something else and then to oral meds this morning. The nausea was the worst part for me. I have absolutely no gas as so many others have complained about. No shoulder pain, just hurting in my stomach. It feels best to sit up for me or when I am perfectly still that I don't feel it. Thats the opposite of what they want, but when i move i feel like my stomach hangs and the pulling downward hurts. Coughing hurts and so does laughing. Drinking an ounce every 15 minutes. Glad to finally be post op!
  16. Jackie's girl

    May Bandsters!

    Well, I'm up this mooring and getting ready to go to the hospital. I'm not nervous right now, I'm so tired I'm ready to go back to sleep. I have benn a ball of nerves though up until now, ready as I'm going to be. So long waiting for this and it is about to be over in a flash, but then I'll be just beginning. So excited for the change I've been looking for.
  17. Jackie's girl

    May Bandsters!

    mine is overnight, but my insurance company is now only approving this surgery as an outpatient procedure. This happened as of April 15, so since I was already in the process, my hospital is eating the cost of my stay. They told me that many insurance companies are moving to this.
  18. Jackie's girl

    May Bandsters!

    I was just looking up plication. That is not coveted by insurance right? I wonder will it be in the future.
  19. I am wondering if anyone who is a singer can tell me how long it will be before I can comfortably sing again. Ihave heard that some people have trouble singing for awhile due to the possible strain on your stomach muscles. Did anyone have this problem. I am scheduled to perform at a party one month after my surgery. I also sing on a choir at my church.
  20. Jackie's girl

    Grocery Shopping??? Help

    Good Luck with your shopping. I found it kind of fun. I am surprised I am not focused on what I cant have. Having fun stocking my kitchen. I did a similar shopping list just based on my information books, nutrition classes, word of mouth etc. so I can be fully prepared. Preparation is key. I am saving a few things for other people who want to help can buy like Jello, pudding, SF pops etc.
  21. I agree. I dont care what people think. I have lost weight and gained it back so many times and was alwasy ashamed of failing in front of people. Then I realized something very important, those people dont care about me and i dont care what they think. I promise as i approach 40 years old, i get this attitude. None of those people were there for me whne I was struggling, so i honestly could care less about trying to be accountable to them. This is about me!!!
  22. The problem that I had when I told people who are larger than me who are not doing anything about their situation with weight, was that it made them uncomfortable, but I am hoping in the long run it inspires them. I told my family and close friends. No one else mainly because this is personal business that I am treating just like I would anything else that is personal. Once I have reached goal and maintained, I will tell people who are asking becasue they want more info about it, not just becasue they are in my business.
  23. Jackie's girl

    Anyone Banded At Less Than 200Lbs?

    Wow everything is relative, obviously the shorter you are, you carry weight differently. I am just laughing to myself thinking my goal weight is heavier than where you started, but everyone's body is different and I am alot taller. Good luck to you!
  24. Jackie's girl

    Liquid Diet

    I make my own shakes using unflavored protien, milk or soymilk, and fruit. I just got approval from my doc to use that on the liquid phase after surgery. I also use GNC Total lean shakes which are good and not full of sugar. The problem is pre surgery, they dont make you full, but give you the protien you need, but after surgery at least the first week, I am hoping hunger wont be a problem.
  25. Jackie's girl

    Suggestions For Liquid Diet??

    I don't have to do a liquid diet, but I am practicing as well and have been trying different ones for months now. I like to make my own using unflavored protien, milk and fruit, which you can do on the liquid phase. I also use GNC total lean shakes. They are low in carbs and sugar but high in protien...25 grams per bottle. Also GNC has a Muscle Meal, chocolate that I love. Good Luck! By the way, Special K are good,but I think high in sugar?? So be careful

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
