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Everything posted by Dizzle

  1. Just take ur meds and u will be fine.. eating will be a a whole new learning curve for u but dont rush it...I have no regrets and its by far the greatest thing ive ever done..I was lucky and progressed much faster than anyone I read about on here... I ate real food fairly quickly.. once u allowed to eat meat, u will realize how much "real estate" u have.. its not much. Good luck and enjoy ur new life.
  2. Just fyi... u made an awesome choice with dr. Aceves... hes the best! He did my surgery 1.5 years ago and I couldnt be any happier! Good luck and rest assured ur in good hands.
  3. Dizzle

    I'm worried

    Yes life is sooo much better after surgery and after u can eat normally. Its so wierd how life doesnt revolve around food anymore, its so awesome! I could care less if i ever eat and i dont even like all the stuff i used to like, ie pizza, cheeseburgers, cake, ect. My only problem ive noticed (my wife and kids notice also) is i get mad easier, more quickly. I dont understand it cause im soooo happy with everthing. Im not sure if my kids get to me more or if lack of grehlin has anything to do with it. Im sure it will pass tho.
  4. Dizzle


    I wouldnt risk it, just apply for a new passport. I was told i had to had one when i went and the border patrol wanted to see it when we crossed back over.
  5. Dizzle

    I'm worried

    Haha i dont know what people are talking about when they say they have stretched their stomach back out, ITS IMPOSSIBLE! (At least from my experience). Trust me this will be the best thing u ever did for urself. I was sleeved in mexicali on 6/2/12 and lost 100lbs in 6 months. Thats all i wanted and needed to loose and i couldnt have done it without the sleeve. Ur new stomach will let u know when its full and i cannot fathom how it could stretch out! U'll be fine, take it one day at a time. Everyone has up and down days and my kids say i get angrier faster now but i think its just their way of getting out of doing their chores! good luck!
  6. I was a 5'11, 286 lb male and gained 4 lbs after surgery but i lost 20lbs in within one week of surgery! Just keep a positive outlook on life and it may take u a lil longer to get some weight off but remember one thing: u didnt put the weight on overnight so dont expect it to come off that fast either!
  7. I had a drain and it was no big deal! It is a great peace of mind also because when u have all your leak tests (i had 3) u can visually see if there are problems! I would not have surgery by anyone who does not use drains, that is just plain laziness and poor judgement on the surgeons part! But its ur body and if ur ok with ur doctor being cheap and skimping out on things, then who am i to say anything except "good luck!"
  8. Im just curious to hear if anyone has any regrets about being sleeved? How long post-op? Doctor used? Any complications?
  9. Yeah day 2 was a lil worse but now day im back to feeling great!
  10. I fly out in the morning to san diego then over the border for pre op preperations. Dr. Aceves will be a lil richer after Saturday morning! Damnnn this whole experience scares the hell out of me and im not looking forward to that first of liquid hell! Oh well gotta suck it up!
  11. Ok so just had surgery this morning w dr aceves and i all finushed and feel amazing... Readytobethin is here with me and she is doing great also with the exception of a lol nausia! I truely was scared for nothing! I barely even hurt! The doctors and staff are amazing and second to none! Cant wait til morning so i can finally drink something!!
  12. Ok so just had surgery this morning w dr aceves and i all finushed and feel amazing... Readytobethin is here with me and she is doing great also with the exception of a lol nausia! I truely was scared for nothing! I barely even hurt! The doctors and staff are amazing and second to none! Cant wait til morning so i can finally drink something!!
  13. Thanks for the advice.
  14. Ok so during post op my first 10 days are supposed to be clear fluids only but unjury is not clear! Can I drink it or am I supposed to drink clear protien? If so, who sells clear protien? Please explain!
  15. Really? Sweet! Ok im good then.. Ive been freaking out trying to figure this out.. Saturday is the big day so im a wreck! Lol
  16. Ok I know im supposed to consume 60 to 70 grams of protein per day and after surgery thats gonna be tough sooo is it better to drink shakes that have 40 grams of protein per 20 ozs OR drink those little shots thatare like 40 + grams per 3.5 ozs?
  17. Dizzle

    Any June Sleevers?

    Im having mine june 2nd in mexico so ill be there the 5th! Dr aceves!
  18. Dizzle

    Any June Sleevers?

    June 2nd here
  19. Ive heard the nectar ones are good too, are they clear?
  20. Ok, thanks for ur opinions! Sooo what do you guys think is best protein drink since you have all been there done that! And does it have to be clear for the first 10 days?
  21. Im trying to find a great, previous thread that someone posted about what to buy in advance for surgery ie. Chicken broths yada yada.. it was such a great, detailed thread! If you know where its at please send me the link cause my big day is approaching and i need to buy all my stuff! Help!
  22. Dizzle

    B-12 Injections

    I read somewhere that after surgery your body will need b-12 suppliments/injections for the rest of its life! Has anyone experienced this or have any info in this topic?
  23. Does anyone know how big or how much food ur stomach will how 1 to 2 years out? Will u be able to eat more than 1 cup per sitting?
  24. M2G thank u sooo much for that bit of insite! This has bothered me for a while but hearing ur story makes me feel alot more confident about my decision!

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