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Everything posted by Skinnyfat

  1. Skinnyfat

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi guys think from today I will keep a journal of what I consume. And with all the chocolate around at this time of year I need some help.
  2. Skinnyfat

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I need a kick up the arse! Chocolate and wine are my downfall too. When nothing else goes down they still will. Will start again from now. Need willpower. And hi to freckles Et al. My app on iPhone not so good.
  3. Skinnyfat

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi freckles it's Jude. I met you in Belgium with your daughter October 2010. Couldn't remember email and passwords so had to register again as skinnyfat. Hope you are ok. Just read your news about op! Hope you will get better quickly. And you deserve to eat while you're not feeling yourself with the knowledge you can be re filled again. Xxx

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