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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by momlambert

  1. momlambert

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    Hmmmm. Where does it say 4-16? I can't find it. I was banded March 19. Let me know so I can fix it. Thanks, Karen
  2. momlambert

    How is weight loss for people over 50?

    Yes, I had a month before I graduated to solids (how did you ever do liquids for 4 weeks? I thought 2 was bad) but ooooooohhhhhhhh, do those solids taste good after so many weeks of liquids + mushies! Yummmmm. (Can you tell it's my first 2 days of solids?). Have a good weekend, everyone.
  3. momlambert

    Marchies In April

    No, he didn't now but has said before that rice often causes problems. I assume that since I'm not quite supposed to be on solid food that he just want me to be extra careful for now. MMMMMMMMM, was the chicken Enchilada Suiza ever DEEE----licious!
  4. This is nice! Thanks so much for all your work, Alex. Karen
  5. momlambert

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    That doesn't seem so slow! My dr. says 1-2 lbs a week (but closer to 1) is expected and you have done MORE than that! Good for you--hang in there!
  6. momlambert

    Marchies In April

    Congrats on both your stats and your loss, Lori! You ROCK! And, yes, two pounds IS much!
  7. momlambert

    Marchies In April

    That's exactly what I've lost, too. But loss is loss and I'm happy. Guess what???? I get to have a chicken suiza (chicken/avocado/sour cream enchilada covered with mole sauce!) tonight--three days before I'm supposed to start solids--with the dr.'s support ("NO chips, rice, or drink with the meal, though!!!"). Woohooooooo. Way to celebrate my one-month bandiversary: with a few bites of my very favorite Mexican dish! In the words of my Grandson: "I just tan't wait."
  8. Ditto! Thanks so much, Alex, for your hard work and your $$$ to keep the site running. The ads are definitely worth having the site up and going--I'm glad you found an alternative to self-pay. Now, if we could just do that for the band!
  9. momlambert

    any one in utah want to talk

    Wow! I bet you do love being with the band! Good for you--you must feel like you have a new life. Keep up the great work--I hope to follow your example!
  10. I'm still having troubles--when I click a link in my email (just my old ones--not getting any new ones since yesterday), I do get to LBT but not to the message or even the thread. Is anyone else finding the new coloring difficult to read? Not enough contrast between the background and the text. When I posted a message on this thread earlier I got an error message so I tried again, got another error message, so I used the back button and got a message that I was posting duplicate messages. I do see the message was posted and only posted once, though. But with the error message appearing, who's to know? Changes are always hard to accomplish and adjust to! Good luck technicians and go luck LBT'ers!
  11. I'm still getting the 500 error when I click on some posts. Also, I'm not getting any notifications via email--either no one is posting on any of the 10 or so threads or the notification isn't working.
  12. momlambert

    Marchies In April

    Thanks, Sugarbear. I wrote a pretty detailed post on this page a few posts up--maybe you saw it. Yes, it is hard. I certainly appreciate your prayers and I know Dad does, too. He tells us, "When the Good Lord calls me home, I'm ready to go!" He's got a great attitude. We are doing quite well--right now it's easy because he's like he was a month ago when we didn't know he was so sick! Then we had the scare a few weeks ago where we thought we only had a matter of days with him and that has put us all on edge--but I really think it helped us face reality and prepare us for what is to come. I have to remember to visit him now and every chance I get because that horrible day a few weeks ago will repeat itself unannounced at any given time. I am trying to take care of myself and my precious band but in the grand scheme of things, it's not the highest priority. But I'm still on mushies and that probably makes it easier for me now--my choices are pretty cut and dry (actually, not cut and dry at all but very wet and, well, mushy). I'm sorry for the loss of your parents--I've been blessed to have them with me all of my life and I'm so grateful for that. Thanks for your kindness and prayers, Karen
  13. momlambert

    I need Help to Help my wife with her Big 0's

    yes, there definitely is a morphine patch! Hospice applied one to my father-in-law in his final painful days with the caveat to the family: "now, you know what this might do, right?" But he lived through that one and several others before he left us. Don't think I'd recommend it for the sane (or semi-sane) and relatively healthy among us...
  14. momlambert

    Lower BMI Bandsters!

    Good for you guys! Can't say I'm not jealous but am so happy for any loss and rejoice mightily in your success. Keep it up!:clap2:
  15. momlambert

    Marchies In April

    Thanks for asking, Pam. How sweet. Dad is doing wonderfully well the last two days. Ten days ago we thought the cancer had obstructed his colon but then Hospice was able to give him some steriods (for comfort, not cure) and it reduced the swelling enough that he felt better. That lasted a few days and then the obstruction again, it seemed. Milk of Magnesia, etc. seemed to push things through (not a pleasant experience for Mom to clean up after, however). But yesterday he was able to have a very normal, unassisted BM and has been eating a lot, feeling great, ready to go for rides in the car, and driving my mother crazy. So, I guess things are good! My oldest daughter is coming in on Thursday for a few days to see him, another daughter and her husband are coming in 3 weeks, and another daughter with her two little boys are coming a few days after that. To me, it looks like they are all going to get to see Grandpa in good shape! Unfortunately, the daughter who is the closest to him was here during the blockage and could hardly visit with him but they both know she was there. Of course, the roller coaster will probably take many turns and ups and downs but for now...well, we are very grateful! No, I haven't had to confess about the surgery. I'm still on mushies and so just tell my mom that it's because of the sugery I had (she knows I had a hiatal hernia repaired) so all is well there. Honestly, this is the best for everyone. My kids all know and one of my sisters along with DH so I have a great support system without the negativity I would get from others. Someday, maybe. But for now, I'm happy with no one else knowing. Hope you are doing well. I so appreciate your support and the support of everyone on the board--it's so wonderful to have such great friends from afar. Much love, Karen
  16. momlambert

    any one in utah want to talk

    Thanks for the Taco Amigo address, Sandy. I did find it online but haven't been there yet--it's out of my "roads most traveled" area. I was planning on going Saturday but may have a complication now. Have you tried Red Iguana in SLC? My daughter is coming in on Thursday and loves to go there when she gets off the plane. I'm wondering if there is anything "mushy friendly" there. Congrats on your weight loss! Over 60 lbs. is absolutely amazing to me. The most I've ever lost on one diet is 37 (Weight Watchers). Of course, if I were to add up all my losses over the years, I would have lost way over 60! lol. Have a great week everyone! Karen
  17. momlambert

    I need Help to Help my wife with her Big 0's

    Hope you have time to celebrate that fact that this birthday may not have happened for you at all if not for the positive changes, fortitude, strength, and courage you have exhibited. Happy Birthday, TOM! Celebrate all that's good today and not what has been and what may be. Sending prayers your way. Karen
  18. momlambert

    Marchies In April

    Congrats, Kyethra! Things look like they are turning around for you--hope the good news continues. Best of luck.
  19. momlambert


    There are two sizes of cups that come with it, but they are standard. Yesterday I watched an infomerical (honestly, the first in my life--it caught my eye because I'm such a fan of the Magic Bullet) and they showed some accessories that come with the TV offer--a full-size blender with a juicer attachment. I thought that looked interested and may be the other sized pkg. that you are referring to. Let me know if it is! I'd love to have the juicer attachment and sometimes a bigger blender would be nice (although I have a really good blender already, it's hard to clean). Thanks!
  20. momlambert

    This forum is dangerous

    Hehe. I was going to point that out but wasn't sure I wanted to get in this fray. I think the thread should have been stopped when the first name calling began--that is uncalled for. This is a SUPPORT group and this thread is not supportive.
  21. momlambert

    Marchies In April

    Glad you found us and that all went well with your surgery. I was banded the 19th and haven't had back pains but still have really painful abdominal gas. Yuck. I'm hoping when I start solids next week it will go away. Argh. Good luck! This is a great thread.
  22. momlambert


    I use my Magic Bullet at least 2-3 times a day (still on the mushies stage). I think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread (much greater since I can't have sliced bread!). I've never had anything get stuck in the blades and it chops everything really well. This morning I threw in some milk, Isopure (chocolate), and a banana--10 seconds later--voila! a wonderful shake. Last night I put in some uncooked broccoli with a clove of garlic and some chicken broth, but on the steamer top, put it in the microwave for 2 minutes to cook broccoli, took it out, added some milk, grated cheese, and a little bit of leftover ham and zapped it for 20 seconds--mmmmm. Wonderful cream of broccoli-ham-cheese Soup. Hot! And no pans or cutting boards or knives or mess. I'm sounding like an infomercial!
  23. I can't help with the fill question but does your dr. know you are drinking diet cokes???? My doc said that carbonated drinks are the one thing that can never cross our lips again. It goes through the stoma, sits in the stomach and fizzes and can actually cause the stomach or pouch to burst and/or the pouch to be damaged by slippage or erosion or expansion. BIG problem!
  24. I LOVE your attitude, Chuck! Sounds like you are really in this together--a family starting the journey together. Good luck to you both! Every doctor is different and my doctor wanted me adding Protein during Clear liquids but ONLY clear Proteins. I used Isopure. The pre-mixed drink was too sweet for me but I diluted it 1:1 and it was fine. I also used (and still use now) Isopure protein powder--I love both the chocolate and the vanilla. While on clear liquids I mixed it with Water, which was tolerable, but now, since full liquids, I mix it with milk every morning and LOVE it. Some doctors seem to allow slim fast drinks during clear liquids but my doctor was very firm about not drinking anything that you couldn't see through. I'd give the dr. a call just to be sure before you drink something not clear. Congrats to both of you! :clap2: Karen
  25. momlambert

    Marchies In April

    Wow! You are so brave and, besides, that you may lose another 10 lbs this week just from the weight of your hair! Thanks for letting us celebrate with you--good changes are happening!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
