did you know...... there are 6 teaspoons to every 1 ounce???
I know why am i thinking of this now. Well I was at Target this morning and found a rubber teaspoon that is used for portion size. You scoop whatever into it and you turn it upside down and push on the back side rubber and push it out (makes 1/2 ball shape). So anyway I got one and thought this would be a great way to measure my food. i.e. applesauce, ricotta, cottage cheese, refried Beans, even eggbeaters before i cook them. So as soon as i got home i had to calculate teaspoons to ounces. Holy Crap!!!! 6 TEASPOONS TO 1 OUNCE!!! Do you know how much food that is??? 12 TEASPOONS A MEAL. Really I am suppose to eat 12 TEASPOONS OF FOOD per meal??? According to my Doctor I should be eating 2-3 ounces 3-4 times a day. NO WAY!!!
I am 11 days post op and I have gotten sick twice now. I don't stuff myself by no means but when i feel like i am still hunger there has been that last bite that gets stuck in my throat and wants out in a bad way. Is this how i should be feeling? Has anyone else experienced this???