Quoted from my Education Book: Your urine after surgery is going to look darker and have a more noticeable odor. Don't be alarmed by this. Such changes in urine may be a sign of dehydration because you are not drinking as much Fluid as is recommended and needed. As long as you are having two to three episodes of voiding per day, your kidneys are functioning adequately. Water, decaf tea and coffee, chicken or beef broth, SF popsicles, and any SF, non-carbonated liquids are acceptable to increase fluid intake. However please try to consume 73-100 ounces of fluid daily.
Bowel Movements- will not be regular until you start eating solid foods again. At that time, you may expect to have one bowel movement every one to two days and usually less in quantity than prior to surgery. If you are constipated for more than three days in spite of effective fluid intake, you may use an OTC laxative, such as milk of magnesia, Fleet enema, or a suppository.
I used 2 tbs of MOM after 2 days, and have been going every two days since.
I hope this helps.