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Everything posted by Kashton

  1. Kashton

    I Must Be Crazy...

    Darl don't worry when normal food comes you will feel the restriction. Just remember what you used to be able to eat and what you eat now. you will be fine. Xxx
  2. Kashton

    Wine Post Op

    I had 3 glasses and found myself quite tipsy actually after the 1st I was feeling the effect I am a very cheap date now
  3. Kashton

    Wine Post Op

    Wine is fine with me!!
  4. Kashton

    Still A Slave

    I love the other comments about what we would eat without the sleeve. Good answers! I would of eaten 4 strips & chips and gravy now 1/2 a strip for a treat. Don't feel guilty AT ALL the more you deprive yourself the more you will crave and then you will eat it more. A) its protein it was 1! you didn't fail anything. Be proud you didn't eat the carbs not guilty you ate the chicken. Xxxxx
  5. "We eat to live not live to eat" I love the comments on "normal" its so true. I don't feel guilty when every blue moon I eat a cheese burger cause what I used to east was WAY MORE lol a "normal" meal which is a palm size peice of meat and 3 portion on veg. Does anyone in your house eat just that? Eat what you can and do it slow you will finish at the same time. I dredded meal time in the beginning but now Its completely normal ppl still giggle about my portion size but I think ehh look at me now I'm happy so : p
  6. I went back after 2 lasted 4hrs went home and took another 2 weeks off I was so sore and exhausted dont push yourself listen to your body good luck xxxxx
  7. Me too I never drink last drink was 6 years ago and all I want is wine. I crave it from lunch time onward.... wierd....
  8. Kashton

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    I love that it says " if everyday is like today you will be 45.5kg in 5weeks " Lmao ummmm yeh if i lose 60kg is 5 weeks i would be too dead to enjoy it. But that aside i love it too.
  9. Every surgeon is different I was on mush week one and 4 weeks totally normal food your body will tell you what not to eat.
  10. Kashton

    New Friend Issues.

    I left the father of my children cause he so desperately wanted me to have this surgery. I wanted it too but if he could only love me thinner then stuff him not meant to be. He once said how did my beautiful kids come out of your disgusting fat ugly guts. Now i am 5 weeks post op 30kg down and he is hating it why didn't we work will i come back. Not a chance love me smaller love me big its called unconditional for a reason. Also my good friends have stopped seeing me cause i might get smaller than them and i was their feel better about yourself friend yep they said that ( behind my back ) but i heard it with my own ears. I am surrounded with supportive ppl and this surgery has defiantly showed me who they really are. Its time to live life for us girls no one else well done to us xxx rant over lol
  11. I feel So lethargic and i exhaust so easily. I stripped My bed today and i was exhausted after my arms where heavy i felt like fainting. Anyone else feel this way ?
  12. Kashton

    Mushies Early? Scared!

    My doctor put me on mush week 1
  13. Kashton

    Just Saw My Post-Op Diet

    I was put on mush 1 week out and i have lost nearly 30 in a month. As for doing it on your own i know I always justified cheating "oh i only see one movie a month ill get popcorn" or "i only eat out once a fortnight so i would eat big "and cheat my diet. You'll be fine hang in there. Xxx
  14. Kashton

    3Rd Week Out

    Thanks everyone I had a powerade sports drink today and my goodness it helped my body needed sugar i think. I am starting to feel like normal again nearly 30kg down finally getting to enjoy it.
  15. Kashton

    Recovery Room Pain Level?

    Your very lucky i wish. I have had 2 c sections and i would do that again over this but both changed my life for the better so its all worth it
  16. Kashton

    Recovery Room Pain Level?

    Ok please don't hate me and please know i would do it all again. But the pain when i woke up was excruciating Plus i had the gas they blow your tummy up with trapped under my ribs which was awful and caused chest pain. It is different for everyone it was huge for me. But i am 25kg down in week 3 so how can we complain about that. Good luck its totally worth it. Xxx
  17. Kashton

    3Rd Week Out

    My surgeon put me on mush week 2.
  18. Kashton

    3Rd Week Out

    Thank you i am not at all regretting the surgery i just really want to be excited about my 25kg loss but have no energy to. :-P
  19. Will i ever be able to skull water again? I am dying of thirst and sip sip sip is killing me X-(
  20. Kashton

    Restriction Questionn

    I don't ever feel full either. I measure it out to make sure i don't over eat
  21. Kashton

    2 Days Post Op!

    Me too i was starving the first week but then i too came to the realisation not hungry, addicted its sad that i didn't realise this before. Its week 2 for me and it's already easier I've lost 20 kgs and its finally becoming well worth it. You'll get there xxx
  22. Kashton


    Mine was the tape too xxx
  23. Kashton

    6Th Days Out

    Thanks I'll try that xxx
  24. Hi all I was 133.00 kgs and now 113kgs I had my sleeve done on 6th March I feel ok now bit of cramping when I swallow but other than that ok. My surgeon put me on full fluids day 2 which shocked me as I was in so much pain I was to scared to swallow my water let alone custard. Now I'm home and cooking for the kids I feel hungry dont think I acctually am I just get the craving to eat. Is that normal ? To feel hungry?

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