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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lalaj

  1. i saw him today and asked about revising to a sleeve. he said insurance would never approve because my weight is too low. has anyone been through this? this has discouraged me. i am very unhappy with my band and it has been difficult to eat. All he said was let's do an adjustment. now i feel like there is no hope. i have to live with this band or get it removed. this sucks but i knew what i was getting into when i got the band.

  2. I switched because I couldn't eat. I mean I would chew up my food very fine, small bites and all that and yet I spent most of my time vomiting. It was very hard. I stayed sick a lot. I wasn't losing weight, it was tough. I switched to a sleeve, all in one surgery and I feel great! I've already lost 22lbs.

    Thank you for replying. I totally understand what you mean about not being able to eat. It has become frustrating for me. Im so happy for you and your outcome so far. Keep up the good work. You're doing great!

  3. Hello All,

    It has been quite a while since I've been on here. I'm currently not too happy with the way my band makes me feel which is why I'm seeking a revision. I''m going to speak with my surgeon about the issues I'm having and was wondering if you all have any advice for me as far as going from the band to sleeve? What has been your experience and are you happy with your decision? What made you choose to revise? Any feedback both positive and negative is ok. Thank you all in advance and good luck to those who have surgeries coming up.


  4. I agree about the Internet being full of endless ideas, that's why I wasn't excited about the idea but thought id ask anyway. Honestly WW Just seems like it isn't for me. I'd rather pay for a gym membership or extra cardio classes or even some nice workout gear. Thanks for the responses.

  5. Lately I've been needing some extra support with meal planning and meal ideas. I have been considering joining WW but I wouldn't purchase their frozen meals because I eat minimally processed foods. How has anybody experience been with WW. Has anyone tried the new WW 360 program?

    Thanks in advance

  6. Name, real or screen~LalaJ

    Goal weight for December 29th~172

    Weight on December 1st~176


    Dietary goal for December~ eat seasonal veggies and get Water in everyday

    Exercise goal for December~ jog and strength train

    Personal goal for December~Enjoy Christmas and adjust to the new job

    Date banded~5/15/12

    Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~60+

    What is your favorite Winter/Christmas/Holiday Activity?~ Children opening gifts, being around the people I love and baking Christmas Cookies with my 3 and 2 year old daughters

  7. Name' date=' real or screen~. Nitecap46

    Goal weight for November 29th~ 199

    Weight on November 1st~ 212.6

    Age~ 45

    Dietary goal for November~ to watch the size of the food and to eat more slowly. Having a lot of stuck issues

    Exercise goal for November~. To continue on from couch potato to 5K and then move on to 10K

    Personal goal for November~ to get my Xmas shopping done before vacation

    Date banded~ August 2,2012

    Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~ 45.6

    What is your favorite Thanksgiving/November Activity?~ well we always go on vacation after thanksgiving to a warm tropical place. This year is Hawaii. So it is vacation for me and I hope to be in onederland for it. The past week has been extremely challenging. We are dealing with the aftermath of hurricane sandy and are lucky enough to have a home but have no power for 6 days now which means in my house we can't even use the toilet or shower. I have curtailed my stress eating, not sure how but I did it. Exercise is non-existent since the streets are a mess and no power for the treadmill. We are at our wits end. I just want to cry right now. I am exhausted from working so much since I am essential personnel. House is cold so a good nights sleep is not happening. But this too will pass. Thanks for letting me vent.


    I'm so sorry to hear you're having such a rough time. My prayers go out to you and your family during this difficult time.

  8. Name' date=' real or screen~PrincessHeather

    Goal weight for November 29th~168

    Weight on November 1st~175.1 lb


    Dietary goal for November~More Protein and more Water

    Exercise goal for November~zumba class 3-4 xweek, zumba at home 1-2 xweek

    Personal goal for November~take to big clothing to consignment stores

    Date banded~June 2010

    Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~123 lbs

    What is your favorite Thanksgiving/November Activity?~Going to the snow to cut down xmas tree and play the weekend of thanksgiving with friend[/quote']

    Love your before and after photo! Awesome!

  9. Name, real or screen~ LalaJ

    Goal weight for November 29th~184lbs

    Weight on November 1st~188lbs


    Dietary goal for November~ Protein, fruit, and water/eat Breakfast

    Exercise goal for November~ Jog a complete 5K

    Personal goal for November~ Love me more

    Date banded~ 5/15/12

    Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~50+lbs

    What is your favorite Thanksgiving/November Activity?~ Family gathering on Thanksgiving day

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