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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Karla0306

  1. I had my 3rd fill yesterday, so I now have 5ccs in my 10cc band, I immediately started feeling a difference, and low and behold I had my first pbing episode....of course it happened at work :(.....defenitely not something I want to expience again. With the feeling of very little to no restriction I guess I got a little lazy in my chewing and small pieces. Will have to be more diligent from now on!

    I am the same way, my first two fills didn't give me alot of restrictions but my third one has and I sometimes forget to chew really good. i have 2 episodes and its not a good feeling.

  2. ok help please...I have no energy at all I have tried to drink more Water cause I thought it was dehydration, but thats not it. So I would like to start exercising but by the time I get home I am exhausted. So my question is can anyone suggest something that is not a diet pill that I can drink to give me that little boost of energy after work to get a work out in??? Got the gym membership and really want to use it.

    Have you had lab work done recently to see if you are anemic or have a B12 deficiency? Sometimes that happens after surgery. Make sure you get enough Protein as well.

  3. My Dr is not strict about what I eat after fills. I am instructed to do liquids for 24 hrs and mushies for 24 hrs. If your dr says liquids a week and mushies a week that will certainly speed up the weight loss. I wish my dr would"scare me straight " like that. As my fills get tighter, it won 't be as easy to return to normal eating. Slow but steady weight loss is OK with me. I have a goal to no longer be obese by christmas. That's about 25 lbs more. I hope that is realistic. I encourage you all to set a time/target interim goal that is realistic for you. keep you eye on the prize. Melvan

    I have a goal to at least have lost 60lbs by the time August gets here and nursing school starts again. I have 13 more lbs to reach that goal.

  4. My doctor is VERY CONSERVATIVE!!! Has been this whole process!! I'm 2.5 months out and only have 2cc.

    He didn't want to give me anything because I was going on a cruise...I finally talked him into 1 cc and when I did the drink test, of course everything went down as normal and then I talked him into 1cc more...so I got 2cc out of him...but it was hard fought. I go back this thursday (31st)for another one....not sure what I need though....I seemed to be doing ok in the weight loss department its slow, but steady. Everything is just so perfect right now...I don't want to mess with anything.

    oh btw----How strict is my doctor? he actually wants a FULL week of liquids after a fill, followed by a Full week of mushies before returning to regular food.

    Wow, while my doctor required the 2 week pre op diet and all, she is not that strict. I have to be on liquids the day I have a fill and then can slowly increase to solids depending on how I feel

  5. Ok I know everyone is different as well as our docs but I was banded 3/5/12 and only have 3cc's in my band. I am hungry about every 2-3 hours and my doc says only 0.5cc from here on.....seems like every one else is at 5-6cc's that was banded around the same time. Weight is starting to stand still and I am hungry all the time which causes me to make bad food choics.....HELP.....

    I have 5.5 cc in my band and seems like the scale is standing still. I have only lost 3-4 lbs in the past month and that is with starting to work out 3 days a week after my surgeon gave me the ok to start working out. This has been the worst month ever. I was banded on 03/06/12

  6. Feeling very frustrated on my weight loss so far! I was banded on 3/20 and have lost about 8 pounds since surgery (no pre-surgery diet required). I have had 2 fills so far totaling 3.2 cc. I don't really have restriction at this point. The fills have helped to curb by appetite. I don't get a "starving" feeling anymore, but I can still eat as much as I did before surgery.

    the key to success is not to eat what you were before, you need to get away from the fried foods, the bread, rice and pastas and since you didn't have a pre op diet it will be harder for you but you can do it. Did you have to do dietary consults prior to lap band, if not you may want to check into a few. They really are beneficial.

  7. nicole, so you are stressed, hungry and sick? You poor thing! I'm so sorry things have been like that for you. I was banded on 3-6, I have had one fill and felt restriction for about 2 days and I have had to cancel my appt. for my second fill 2 times! Can you call your doctor and make an appt, for another fill? Or maybe just tell them you don't feel restriction all day. If I take too big of bites, or eat too fast, I can feel it, but at night, I have practically no restricton and am just trying to stick to my 1200 cals a day until I get another fill.

    Hang in there dear! Call your doctor! and take your medicine!!

    Something you learn quickly is to chew your food well and take small bites because if you don't you hurt really bad, I have learned that lesson the hard way, been in a hurry and starving and eat way to fast and to big of bites. Right now I don't feel like I have any restriction but I go back and see the dr on 5/30. I hate to have too many fills to soon because I only have a 10cc band and already have 5.5 cc in. but the scale is on a stand still and I don't like it

  8. ..i want to add a comment to this even though these posts are a bit older.

    im about ten days out from my first fill... in an empty 10cc band. i find it very hard to eat. ican eat baked Beans, eggs, a little... chick peas, but when i go to eat veges and meat i have difficulty. about two mouthfuls and im in trouble. i know that i must eat more than this at any one time. im taking no more than a teaspoon of food. any advice or anyone else had this? at this rate im not having any more fills for a long long time.

    I was the same way, the important thing is to get your Protein and as much calories as you can 1200 is what is recommended. I wasn't able to get past 3-500 calories until the past 2 weeks and now I am up to 1000 most days, meeting my protein intake but the scale is not moving. You maybe too tight and may have to have some Fluid removed.

  9. MWest I can't believe this! I'm so sorry. Did he explain what he meant by "opening a can of worms" and what does your age have to do with it? I don't blame you for wanting to cry, I would have broken down there in the office.

    I had surgery on 3/6/12. My second fill a week and a half ago gave me good restriction. But up until that time I didn't have any and I told the PA I was getting a little tired of the $16K DIET I was on and she laughed and said "Well I don't blame you. Let's get you the help you paid for."

    I sure wish you the best, dear. Dieting is so very hard, and if we were successful at it, we wouldn't have the surgery. You need and deserve the help the lapband is supposed to give you. You paid for it, you should get it. Good luck dear and in the meantime, hang in there. Try to stick to the diet and I wish you the best.

    We are band buddies/twins I had my band on the same day and had good restriction up until this last fill of .5cc and now don't really feel like I have any restriction and the scale hasn't moved, not sure what is going on but hoping working out at the gym will jump start my weight loss again. This is typical of me, lose 40 lbs and then stop except this time I have lost 44 lbs and have stoped.

  10. hi there sleeping beauty. this might be my second post in reply. lol.. who cares?? lol. I didnt have any fill either when i had the band put in. it was strange because it sure does feel like its got some. i did ask my dr about it and he said no.

    but, it feels like restriction. im wondering how much swelling would be still in my stomach after just over four weeks?? i had a nasty episode this morning which i posted about earlier so i cant take anything for granted at all. i certainly cant fool myself that i can eat anything anyways.. it just doesnt happen for me. Im pleased about that though.

    having said that... im wondering about my first fill. im assuming that i will have some fill put in on the 7th when i go back to the dr.

    Have you been very hungry these last couple of weeks?? what do you think your hunger has been for?? ive found out it was for red meat. last night i had my first plain hamburger... and it was just sooooo good. lol. im having another one tonight. just mixed in with some sloppy veges and some gravy. I never ate a lot of read meat... but obviously my body was missing it a lot. i have had some chicken now for the last week... it was the red meat that really did the trick.

    ... i havent lost anything in at least a week. not since my food has been more substantial anyway. how many others experienced a loss of weight gain when their diet was changed from liquid?

    I have only experience a plateau for the past 2 weeks after I got my .5cc fill, doesn't make alot of sense but that is how it has gone, don't know if I am lacking restriction or what it is. I am hoping that working out at the gym (now that I have no wt restrictions) will kick in my wt loss again

  11. im doing o.k. but have some issues with meat and fish right now. im getting Protein in though which is the main thing. im hoping that this will ease as the next few weeks go by. im not sure that i will need any more fill at this rate. i dont want to have any fill taken out. ive had 3 ccs. in a 10 cc band.

    I don't seem to have any problems with meat except with steak and I have only eaten it just a couple of times. I have 5.5 cc in a 10 cc band and it scares me that after my last .5cc that I don't feel alot of restriction :(. I have hit a plateau on the scale and really don't like it. I go back and see the doctor on 5/30 and hopefully will be down a few more pounds by then, I love working out at the gym. My family and I are spending between 1-2 hours at the gym 2-3 nights a week and hopefully will increase the days at the gym too.

  12. Hello march bandsters, I want to thank you all for your wisdom and encouragement. Your stories of your journey help me so much. I am down 27 lbs now and lose 1 or 1 1/2 lbs every week now. Slow but steady. My only problems are if I eat too fast , not chew enough or eat something too dry....I get a temporary discomfort above the band. This is nothing I can t handle. 2times of sliming but not PB ing. If I had not read about this on online, I would have been a little scared. Now I know this is all a learning experince about what I can eat. All in all I am pleased with how easy this has been so far. I know this could change as the band is tightened, I have read the scary horror stories but my bloodwork is better and meds are being reduced. This will buy me more time to enjoy grand babies. My skin is starting to look like a saggy baggy elephant. Melvan

    I am on a plateau right now and so don't like that the scale is not moving but I still feel like I am losing inches. I started working out at the gym this week and feel really good, so can't wait to continue my journey because I know this won't last very long. You are doing great, keep up the good work

  13. Had my second fill on Thurday may 3rd... can't really feel a difference yet but all is good....

    I was the same way with my second fill but my surgeon only put .5cc in the second go round. Looks like you are doing awesome on the weight loss. I am down 44lbs and would really like to be close to 200 by june but don' think I will be that close, oh well just another goal to work toward.

  14. Surgery date was 3/7/12. Been feeling down, although 30 pounds down since preop, i went shopping and after seeing my body, I was second guessing myself, thinking i should have opted for Sleeve or BYPASS, would be down 50 by now.. maybe in a size 18 instead of 22/...faster weight lost, less followup, less frustration.......right?

    Then, I got a call from my dr. My blood work was perfect. 2 months ago i was border pre diabetic and bad Chol was high. Low Iron too! But, now, blood work was perfect!!! I am working out with less pains and more energy. Had to remind myself of why I made this decesion.

    SOOOOOOO, I thought to myself....hard work and dedication goes hand in hand with the band. i do not have cravings anymore..and have not been binge eating. I am now excercising 5 days a week like I was doing 100 pounds ago. Slow and Steady works for me, the journey itself is one full of self reflection and change for the better!! Keep trucking Bandsters!!! And be sure to high five yourself for every accomplishment!!

    Whoo hoo!! What an accomplishment. so proud of you, you know you have done the right thing and made the right decision. Just continue to remember the band is a tool to help you lose weight not the solution,you and the changes you are making are the solution. Great Job!!

  15. im so sorry this has happened to you. they abused your trust. i hope that it all blows away very quickly. this is one reason why i didnt share at all only with two people.. hubbie and my youngest daughter. no one else. people are so fickle when it comes to lapband surgery. For some reason a lot of people feel threatened by others having it done. maybe its lack of self worth or weight issues that they have?? and not enough strength or whatever to do anything about it? One thing.. if anyone said to me that it was the easy way out.. there would be a verbal blast from me. its a hard road to hoe, but its well worth it. Sending you a big hug and i hope that you dont lose precious friends and neighbours over something that is none of their business. (( hugs )))

    Wow that is rough. I am sorry you are not finding the support you need from your close friends and family but you have it from all of us. Don't get discouraged, you did this to help you not them and honestly their opinion doesn't count. You are doing an awesome job, keep your chin up and do your thing. I have had alot of support from my family, friends, co workers and classmates but I have also had some ridicule as well and you know it doesn't matter that people don't like what I have done, I know that I want to be around for my kids and their kids and I can't do that if I am overweight and killing my self with other health problems related to my obesity. So for those who don't like what I have done, they can find someone else to be friends with or talk about and think of it this way if they are talking about you, your life must be so much more interesting than their boring lives and jealously never got anyone anywhere :). Keep smiling and keep walking off those pounds. You are doing great and I am proud of you

  16. hey bandsters i am going to have have my first fill on may 21. I am down 24 lbs. my question is did anyone who has had a fill have Any restrictions after their first fill?That is my only concern, cause right now i can eat anything.

    I felt restriction after my first fill but not as much on the second because she didn't put as much in the second time. I think you are going to do fine.

  17. hi Deb... good to hear about your weight loss so far, thats great news. You must be really encouraged by that. It sounds like you are really busy .. probably a good thing, you are pre occupied and dont have to think about the transition with food so much. lol.

    im doing o.k. first fill was a breeze, on wednesday, ive got a tender port area now though, by the end of the day. Im feeling restriction but it well could be swelling still, its too soon to notice. Im still getting ''peckish'' though, before mealtimes. im having Protein Shakes with a banana in it. that helps a lot.

    my next fill is june 20th... a little ways to go yet. Ive lost a 1/4 of my body weight so far, in seven weeks. im losing just over a pound a week. That suits me .. im too old to cope with rapid weight loss. Im feeling so much better, all the time. more energy, its easier now to bend down and pick things up , get out of the car, etc etc. my feet and legs are still doing well.. so all up im really pleased with it. Im not starving myself either.. i made up some great homemade Soup last night, enough to last for three days. its winter here and soup is on the menu. plus the fact i really like it. if i want more in it i just blend it in. Im having a fried egg of a morning and that goes down really well... much to my delight. that fills me more than anything first thing.

    So.. all in all, both of us are doing well so far. Its great to hear from you. hugs for you judy :)

    You ladies are doing awesome. I had my second fill a week ago but she only put in .5 cc, still enough restriction. I am down 44 lbs and 29% of my body weight. I am quite proud of where I am at right now but would really like to be around the 200 mark by June but we will see. My husband and I are going to start working out at the gym now that I have the ok to do what ever I want when it comes to excercise and that I have gotten through my first year of Nursing School. I still have a problem getting the required amount of calories in, Protein I am really close on though. Good job on your success and I know that you ladies will continue to succeed.

  18. i was banded on march 21 and have not had my first fill yet. i will on May 21. does the needle hurt that badly???

    and right i don't have any restrictions.is it common to have alot of them after a fill

    My doctor using a numbing wipe before inserting the needle. I didn't feel anything this time around except pressure

  19. Ladies, the only thing I can say is that I have learned to listen to my body. I eat slow, and when I know longer feel hungry I stop eating. I also do not get a large plate, when I eat with my family I use a small plate, like that of a saucer really. I only allow my self to have a table spoon of sides and a piece of meat that is the size of my hand. I use the myfitnesspal on my iphone to track my Protein, sugar, calories and carbs along with my exercise activity. This really seems to help alot. Just today I go the ok to lift and do whatever excersises I wanted which is great because my husband is wanting to start playing rackett ball at one of the local gyms and I can't wait.

    You ladies are doing awesome don't get discouraged but listen to your body and don't eat the things that you have been instructed not to eat my your dietician, no breads, rice, oatmeal, corn or drink carbinated beverages or caffeine...etc, etc.

  20. yep.. thanks waitingpatiently., i will send invites to everyone as well. im not real sure what it is i have to do. do i send out invites as well?? theres nothing registering in my friends list at the moment. i just checked it all out. So, do i have to write to everyone sending and invite as well? can someone help me here please?? judych

    I tried to add you Judy but it wouldn't let me, said I had to have email address, but I am using my phone so don't know if it is different when using the computer.

  21. I was banded on 03/06. I had my first fill of 2 CC's on 4/04. I am just now getting back to where I can eat salads because of not being able to get the lettuce down. I am down total of 43 lbs and quite excited. I go back on 05/02 for another fill and hopefully she will tell me I can increase my exercising. So far just walking is all she wants me to do.

  22. Great job!!!!! Those are amazing numbers! Congrats n good look with ur fill!!!

    Thank you so much. I had my fill on 4/4 which was great and still can't eat much but the srugeon wasn't happy that I am not eating 1200 calories. I have started tracking my intake and can at times barely get 500 calories in

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