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    DIAMOND45 got a reaction from PEvette for a blog entry, " No Fear "   
    Good Morning To All,
    Our Spiritual Vitamin today is A for: ANXIETY
    1 Peter 5:7 says that we are to, "Cast all our anxiety on God because He cares for us."
    Aniexty: A state of being uneasy, apprehensive, or worried about what may or may not happen.
    Wow! If you are guilty of this at some time on a daily basis, then raise your "virtual hand!"
    Anxiety, at its highest point, is like putting your "worry" on steroids! This is not good for your
    heart, mind, or your spirit. As children of God we need to recognize that worrying is a sin against
    our heavenly Father because He loves us and only wants the best for His children. Psalms 56:3
    says, "when we are afraid, we will put or trust in the Lord." I know often it is easier said than done,
    but it can be done. We need to humble and quiet down our spirits, and then through our love and
    respect to God, go to Him in prayer and tell Him about the things that are our concerns, and when
    we finish, thank Him for listening, leave those "issues" at His feet for good, and push on forward.
    Those of us who are still waiting to be approved, or are on our pre-op liquids getting ready for our
    surgery, are finding it hard not to worry. We are anxious if we will even be approved, how the surgery
    will go, and if there will be any complications. Well, I would like to give this scripture to you all, as well
    as myself: Romans 8:28 says, "All things work out to the good for those who love God, and are callled
    according to His purpose!" So let us stop concentrating on "what could happen," and start meditating on
    "what Gods is making happen!" Say this to yourself everyday, that " I am persuaded as your child Lord,
    because of your merciful love for me, that you are able and willing to take care of all my concerns, and I tie
    them up together, giving them to you Lord, and I will not be anxious on those anymore because I know that
    the one who holds all power, has them in His hands."
    You will be amazed at how calm you will begin to feel everyday. It really works for me!! I'm being sleeved on
    March 15, and I'm going with God!
  2. Like
    DIAMOND45 got a reaction from PEvette for a blog entry, " That Thing I Need! "   
    Good Morning and Blessed Day Family,
    Our Spiritual Vitamin for today is: P for PRAYING
    Mark 11:24 says, Whatsoever "things" you desire, when you pray, if you believe that you receive them,
    you shall have them.
    This procedure is a "thing", a wonderful, life saving "thing" that God our Father, has provided through
    giving the knowledge and technology to man to perform on those who are in the need of some serious
    help. We must know that His word will not go out full and come back to us empty if we trust and believe.
    He wants to give His children "good things" that will help our need for an abundance of quality life in the
    "here and now!" God knows we need good health, even if we are mostly the reason why our health isn't
    where it should be. He will bless us with good health, so that we can continue to shine for Him in a glorious
    way in all that we do! The scripture above says we must go to Him in prayer for our need on all "things"
    and believe that if it is His will, we will receive what we ask. So no matter what "thing" we need, whether
    it be big or small, please don't hesitate to go to a quiet place, and with a repentive heart, ask your Father
    and believe without doubt, you will have it blessed upon you. To those of us who are spiritual and striving
    daily to be more Christlike, pray continually for one another that we may all be successful on our individual
    journeys. Godspeed to my sleeve family :wub:
  3. Like
    DIAMOND45 reacted to MsDebi for a blog entry, I Can't Believe I'm On My Way!   
    So very much has happened since my last blog in November. I suppose I got rather frustrated at times which is probably a normal way to feel when one is trying to get something so life changing scheduled. When I realized that being sleeved by the end of the year wasn't going to happen, I relaxed a bit and just decided to enjoy the wait as much as possible. To make a long story short, my insurance did not cover my surgery so I ended up being self pay. That's ok. I don't care. I had my sleeve done on Monday, March 5, 2012. I barely one week out, so I still have a lot to learn. I am so very happy tho. I don't care how fast or slow my weight comes off. It's coming off. That's enough for me!!
  4. Like
    DIAMOND45 got a reaction from yecats for a blog entry, " Happiness Unedited "   
    Greetings with love, my Sleeve family,
    Are we ready for our Spiritual Vitamins? Today's Vitamins are T & H:
    Ecclesiastes 3: 12
    "I know that there is nothing better for people, than to be happy and go good while they live."
    Happiness is a wonderful feeling! When we are happy, we just want to share it with everyone. Many of us are
    experiencing alot of this while we are losing the weight. Some are feeling happy as we get our letters approving
    surgery. We are getting happiness from our little non sleeve victories. As we are enjoying these accomplishments,
    let us not confuse them with "true happiness."
    True happiness is not shallow or external. It should never be based on how we look, our material possessions, our
    financial status, or how many people like us. This kind of true happiness, if we believe, should be solely based on our
    "internal spiritual" relationship with God. When we have a deep, personal bond with the Lord, we are so blessed with
    a "sense of happiness" that no other part of our lives can give us.
    We should never forget, that our transformations are blessings, courteousy of our Father and we should show all
    who are watching us change, how grateful we are by first, taking care of ourselves spiritually, and then physically.
    God is moving in our lives, we need to move with him!
    So, my fellow sleevers, as we "lose" these pounds and start to see all the changes in our faces and bodies,
    let us "gain" a better personal relationship with God so He can help us not to be "full of ourselves", now
    that there will be "less of us!" Godspeed on your journey.
  5. Like
    DIAMOND45 got a reaction from Patienlywtng on my Curves for a blog entry, " It's On!"   
    Started liquids today. I'm using a product called Bariessential that I purchased at my docs office.
    The flavors are chocolate and vanilla. I had both today and they are really good. I mix them with
    Smart Balance fat free milk (which truly taste like 2% milk) and some ice chips from Sonic restaurant
    and blends it all together to make shakes. The chocolate is my favorite, it taste pretty close to a frosty
    from Wendy's. I put some instant coffee grounds in my vanilla shake with some hazelnut extract, and
    had myself a "Vanilla Nut Latte", delicious. I am going to be over here in my "Crazy Kitchen Laboratory"
    making some yummy drinks, mixing all kind of "extracts", milks (soy and fat free) and spices to get the
    most enjoyment out of this experience as possible. ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO!!!!!!
  6. Like
    DIAMOND45 got a reaction from Patienlywtng on my Curves for a blog entry, " It's On!"   
    Started liquids today. I'm using a product called Bariessential that I purchased at my docs office.
    The flavors are chocolate and vanilla. I had both today and they are really good. I mix them with
    Smart Balance fat free milk (which truly taste like 2% milk) and some ice chips from Sonic restaurant
    and blends it all together to make shakes. The chocolate is my favorite, it taste pretty close to a frosty
    from Wendy's. I put some instant coffee grounds in my vanilla shake with some hazelnut extract, and
    had myself a "Vanilla Nut Latte", delicious. I am going to be over here in my "Crazy Kitchen Laboratory"
    making some yummy drinks, mixing all kind of "extracts", milks (soy and fat free) and spices to get the
    most enjoyment out of this experience as possible. ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO!!!!!!
  7. Like
    DIAMOND45 got a reaction from yecats for a blog entry, " Where Is The Faith "   
    Hugs and Kisses,
    Sleeve Family,
    Spiritual Vitamins are good for what ever is ailing your soul! Today is vitamin F:
    Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.
    When we first decided that this procedure would be the one to help us finally win our battle with obesity,
    we really had no idea how our lives were going to change forever. I'm sure if you are like me, you
    probably googled, researched, read, and watch every resource of information you could get a hold of,
    to try and get a more better understanding of what was going to happen and what the outcome would be.
    We also researched physicians that specialized in this procedure. Now, after all our careful research, some
    of us got nervous, "cold feet" and started thinking if we were making the right choice. But, our desire to be
    healthier (skinnier, LOL) made us push forward. We finally selected the physician we thought would be the
    best for our individual needs and we put our "Faith" in him/her that they would be successful in performing
    the surgery and help us get on our way with this journey. We did not have the slightest idea at all, how any
    of our procedures were going to turn out, but we "Hoped" they were very skillful and that all would go well.
    Think about this, we put so much (our lives) faith and hope in physicians who are men and women just like
    us. But in actuality, they are just the "avenues" that our Father in heaven "utilized" to get us to this point!
    As children of God, we should never put more faith or hope in any man/women or even ourselves than
    we put in our Father. This is why, we should talk with Him through prayer everyday and through our "faith"
    and "hope" in Him alone, shall we wait to receive our increases in life!.
    God utilizes whatever He needs, to take care of those He loves and those who love Him!
    "Faith and Hope in the Lord, are our avenues to having a blessed, and successful life!"
    Feeling strong in the Lord,
    Diamond45 (a.k.a. Blessed)
  8. Like
    DIAMOND45 got a reaction from yecats for a blog entry, " Where Is The Faith "   
    Hugs and Kisses,
    Sleeve Family,
    Spiritual Vitamins are good for what ever is ailing your soul! Today is vitamin F:
    Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.
    When we first decided that this procedure would be the one to help us finally win our battle with obesity,
    we really had no idea how our lives were going to change forever. I'm sure if you are like me, you
    probably googled, researched, read, and watch every resource of information you could get a hold of,
    to try and get a more better understanding of what was going to happen and what the outcome would be.
    We also researched physicians that specialized in this procedure. Now, after all our careful research, some
    of us got nervous, "cold feet" and started thinking if we were making the right choice. But, our desire to be
    healthier (skinnier, LOL) made us push forward. We finally selected the physician we thought would be the
    best for our individual needs and we put our "Faith" in him/her that they would be successful in performing
    the surgery and help us get on our way with this journey. We did not have the slightest idea at all, how any
    of our procedures were going to turn out, but we "Hoped" they were very skillful and that all would go well.
    Think about this, we put so much (our lives) faith and hope in physicians who are men and women just like
    us. But in actuality, they are just the "avenues" that our Father in heaven "utilized" to get us to this point!
    As children of God, we should never put more faith or hope in any man/women or even ourselves than
    we put in our Father. This is why, we should talk with Him through prayer everyday and through our "faith"
    and "hope" in Him alone, shall we wait to receive our increases in life!.
    God utilizes whatever He needs, to take care of those He loves and those who love Him!
    "Faith and Hope in the Lord, are our avenues to having a blessed, and successful life!"
    Feeling strong in the Lord,
    Diamond45 (a.k.a. Blessed)
  9. Like
    DIAMOND45 got a reaction from readyforachange for a blog entry, " It's A New Day!"   
    Good Afternoon Family, What A Glorious Day!
    It's time to take our Spiritual Vitamin, today is:
    Vitamin D: Delight
    Psalms 37:4 says that we are to, "Delight ourselves in the Lord, and He will give us the desires of our heart."
    These are very uplifting words for us as we go on our weightloss journey. But we, first need understand that it didn't say He would give us "all" the
    desires that we ask for. There's also a "condition" that we must fulfill before we can start to receive any of these blessings. We must "delight"
    ourselves in His love, His mercy, His grace and His Word on a daily basis to show our Father in heaven, we love Him and that He is the head of our
    lives. God wants us to be happy, joyful, and successful in all that we do. But first, He wants us to acknowledge that all we are, all we have, and all we
    hope to achieve, we owe to Him and without Him, we are nothing! There is not one thing we can accomplish that is "good for us" without Him!
    "Every good and perfect gift, comes from our Heavenly Father." James 1:17 (including healthy weightloss)
    Let us be concerned more about our "inward spiritual appearance" and in doing this, our "outward appearance" will happen as a result!
  10. Like
    DIAMOND45 got a reaction from Liberated Sleeve for a blog entry, " Why Is There No Satisfaction! "   
    Happy Lord's Day Family, Life Is Good!
    "Spiritual Vitamin" for today is C: CONTENTMENT
    Phillipians 4:11--- The apostle Paul states, "Not that I speak concerning my want, for I have learned, in whatever situation I am in, there will I be content!"
    Contentment means: to be satified, to be enough, to be at peace, to be full!
    How are we doing with our contentment as we go on this journey Family? Is God's grace sufficient enough?
    For us to be in full contentment, we must believe God will meet our needs, and that He will work out "all our circumstances" for His good and not our own! Remember, He knows how
    we have struggled with this weight and He has opened up an avenue (The Sleeve) for our battles to end. But, we must let Him lead us and be "content" with whatever big, small or no
    progress made, that we find ourselves facing each day. So let us take this Lord's day, to truly examine ourselves and when we are finished, Pray to our wonderful Father, and ask that
    He may search our hearts (mind), and take out those things which are preventing "our spirits from being content!" AMEN AMEN
    Much Love To You,
    Diamond :rolleyes:
  11. Like
    DIAMOND45 got a reaction from Dooter for a blog entry, " Be Still And Know That I Am God !"   
    Good morning my beautiful family ,
    I hope you all have a relaxing, spirit filled day. Take some time to talk with the Lord, he's listening!
    Spiritual Vitamins: Proverbs 16:9
    "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps!"
    Vitamin S: Surrender
    When we first begin our journey we're excited! We decide the amount of weight we will lose, how long we think it shoulde take us to reach our goals by day, week,
    and month. We lose wonderfully at first, (hooray) and then we stall. OMG!!! Now what do we do? Do we panic? Stress out? Are we failures? No, we are human!!
    What we must realize is that we belong to God and he, in his infinite wisdom, will help us get to our goals if we would "surrender" our plans to him. " God intervenes
    without controlling, and cares without hurting." Be still in your spirit, do not be anxious for anything and watch God move!
  12. Like
    DIAMOND45 got a reaction from Dooter for a blog entry, " Be Still And Know That I Am God !"   
    Good morning my beautiful family ,
    I hope you all have a relaxing, spirit filled day. Take some time to talk with the Lord, he's listening!
    Spiritual Vitamins: Proverbs 16:9
    "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps!"
    Vitamin S: Surrender
    When we first begin our journey we're excited! We decide the amount of weight we will lose, how long we think it shoulde take us to reach our goals by day, week,
    and month. We lose wonderfully at first, (hooray) and then we stall. OMG!!! Now what do we do? Do we panic? Stress out? Are we failures? No, we are human!!
    What we must realize is that we belong to God and he, in his infinite wisdom, will help us get to our goals if we would "surrender" our plans to him. " God intervenes
    without controlling, and cares without hurting." Be still in your spirit, do not be anxious for anything and watch God move!
  13. Like
    DIAMOND45 got a reaction from Dooter for a blog entry, " Be Still And Know That I Am God !"   
    Good morning my beautiful family ,
    I hope you all have a relaxing, spirit filled day. Take some time to talk with the Lord, he's listening!
    Spiritual Vitamins: Proverbs 16:9
    "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps!"
    Vitamin S: Surrender
    When we first begin our journey we're excited! We decide the amount of weight we will lose, how long we think it shoulde take us to reach our goals by day, week,
    and month. We lose wonderfully at first, (hooray) and then we stall. OMG!!! Now what do we do? Do we panic? Stress out? Are we failures? No, we are human!!
    What we must realize is that we belong to God and he, in his infinite wisdom, will help us get to our goals if we would "surrender" our plans to him. " God intervenes
    without controlling, and cares without hurting." Be still in your spirit, do not be anxious for anything and watch God move!
  14. Like
    DIAMOND45 got a reaction from Dooter for a blog entry, " Be Still And Know That I Am God !"   
    Good morning my beautiful family ,
    I hope you all have a relaxing, spirit filled day. Take some time to talk with the Lord, he's listening!
    Spiritual Vitamins: Proverbs 16:9
    "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps!"
    Vitamin S: Surrender
    When we first begin our journey we're excited! We decide the amount of weight we will lose, how long we think it shoulde take us to reach our goals by day, week,
    and month. We lose wonderfully at first, (hooray) and then we stall. OMG!!! Now what do we do? Do we panic? Stress out? Are we failures? No, we are human!!
    What we must realize is that we belong to God and he, in his infinite wisdom, will help us get to our goals if we would "surrender" our plans to him. " God intervenes
    without controlling, and cares without hurting." Be still in your spirit, do not be anxious for anything and watch God move!
  15. Like
    DIAMOND45 got a reaction from yecats for a blog entry, Medicine For The Heart   
    Top of the morning family :D
    Today is a great day to fill yourself with some spiritual vitamins, your body will thank you!!
    Vitamin T: TRUST
    Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways, acknowledge him,
    and he will direct your path!
    We must understand that God has all power, and that it is he who sustains our life. He has allowed all of us to be on this journeys path,
    so we must "Trust" that if "He brought us to it, he will see us through it!"
  16. Like
    DIAMOND45 got a reaction from yecats for a blog entry, Medicine For The Heart   
    Top of the morning family :D
    Today is a great day to fill yourself with some spiritual vitamins, your body will thank you!!
    Vitamin T: TRUST
    Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways, acknowledge him,
    and he will direct your path!
    We must understand that God has all power, and that it is he who sustains our life. He has allowed all of us to be on this journeys path,
    so we must "Trust" that if "He brought us to it, he will see us through it!"
  17. Like
    DIAMOND45 got a reaction from yecats for a blog entry, Medicine For The Heart   
    Top of the morning family :D
    Today is a great day to fill yourself with some spiritual vitamins, your body will thank you!!
    Vitamin T: TRUST
    Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways, acknowledge him,
    and he will direct your path!
    We must understand that God has all power, and that it is he who sustains our life. He has allowed all of us to be on this journeys path,
    so we must "Trust" that if "He brought us to it, he will see us through it!"

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
