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Everything posted by janerose

  1. janerose

    New Member From Ct

    I am from Connecticut as well - four months post surgery - I went to MidState Medical in Meriden - Doctor Benbarhim and his group were great - I have had no complications and have lost 59lbs as of today - one pound more to reach onederland - I feel great - have had a few rough times - but not for long. Good luck to you just keep the goal in mind and reach out if you need to. This forum is a good place to talk about what you are going through - but it is about you and how you deal with your life after surgery.
  2. janerose

    Over 60 and having the sleeve

    You will be fine - I turned 63 three days after surgery; and am now four months out and doing fine. The recovery time may be a little longer, I was exhausted for the first two months after, but that now has subsided. I followed my Doctor's advise but also followed my own body. I did have some issues with my blood pressure dropping low - but that was quickly remedied. I was back to work in two weeks. Alot of what we go through is in our minds; and a 63 year old mind is definetly different than a 30 year old mind - so be prepared to find out things about yourself you did not know before (or covered up) Head hunger is just that - it did not happen often for me - my body dicated what I should do. I followed the pre op diet (mine was five days) the doctor told me it made the surgery much simplier for him and the healing alot quicker - you can do this, take it one step at a time So far no hair loss for me! so don't worry about something that may not even happen ! I have lost 56lb to date - down from a size 24 to a 16 - the results are worth any struggle you may have at the beginning. I feel better than I have in years. Breathe in Breathe out - move on!
  3. Just spent the weekend changing over the winter clothes to the summer clothes (a new england tradition) I knew there would be some clothes that would not longer fit; but did not realize that 95% of them no longer remotely fit my new sleeved body. Rather than keep the old clothes, just in case, I have chosen to remove it all so I can't go back. I have always been considered a nice dresser and people I work with have actually asked me for my "too big" clothes - so, I have divided them amongst the people who have supported me over the past few months, put some in consignment and gave some to the homeless shelter. The experience was cleansing and rewarding. My closest is clean for the first time in years. When I finally got my sandals ready for the summer - I realized they were all too big as well - I have never dropped a shoe size before. So off to the shoe store I go - this sleeve is costing me some money ! So many changes in four months - emotional roller coaster for sure.
  4. Queen (yes I feel strange calling someone Queen) I have been following your blogs and enjoy reading about your lifestyle; it is a great inspiration. I am 63 - sleeved on January 10th - have lost 54lbs and feel great. My only goals were to be healthy and to shop somewhere else other than Lane Bryant/Avenue. So far I have succeeded in both and am thrilled. My starting weight was 257 so I am close to going under the 200lb mark - for the first time in 25 years. I would like to loose 28 more pounds and then see how I feel for a while. I know the CDC would still classify me as overweight and maybe obese, but they don't live in my skin so I am not holding there ideals too close to my heart and soul. I am happy, healthy and grateful. Looking forward to the summer, going to the beach and enjoying life once again.
  5. You look fabulous - what a difference - it is amazing how we all have changed but sitll come here to this site to share. I am a justice of the peace and often cringed at my photos which I knew would be in everyone's albums or mantels for years. I performed a wedding last Friday night and stood up there with a new feeling (54lbs lighter after 3.5 months). Thanks for always being so positive - the sleeve is a great tool which has brough to many of us a new sense of being
  6. janerose

    Before & Now Pictures

    you look fabulous - I was sleeved on January 10th and have lost 56lbs to date as well - I love the feeling!
  7. janerose

    Over 60 and having the sleeve

    Notime; I was 62 as well (turned 63 two days after the procedure) I am three months out - have lost 50lbs and feel great. Down three sizes in clothes. Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest; after all these years, you know your body best. I had a few minor issues; reaction to the adhesive on my stomach and my blood pressure dropping fast - both were easily resolved. Now I eat what I want - but much smaller amounts - I know what I can and can't do and try to adhere to the Protein first rules. The first month will fly by; take it easy and let people take care of you. I was back at work in 10 days! keep in touch
  8. janerose

    So Thirsty!

    It all gets better with time........sips get a little bigger and the thirst quench will be much easier.
  9. My story is like many others here –I am older (63) and after all these years of fighting the fight I made the decision to have the sleeve surgery. The only goal I have is to be healthy –get off the six meds I was taking. I am only taking two meds now and hope to be off of one more in May. I know this was the right way to go; I did not want to stop eating the foods that I like, just wanted to eat less of them. I do not count my proteins, carbos, calories at this time – I have changed my eating habits because the “junk food” which once took over my life has no appeal to me; I crave healthy foods – low fat frozen yogurt, not ice cream – have no desire for chocolate or candy now, but eat a few chips on occasion, but no longer a half a bag in a sitting – three chips once or twice a week. I eat small wheat crackers in the morning to ease the sometimes present nausea. I have had a glass or two of wine, drank a couple of beers St. Patrick’s Day, drink of choice at the bar is always vodka on the rocks with lemon; it lasts all night. I can’t do water unless it is loaded with ice cubes, so each morning I get a McDonalds unsweetned ice tea with lemon and drink it all day. I buy a bottle of Diet Pepsi (12 ounce) once a week sip it as needed. Not your normal sleeve participant – but it is working for me and I see it working this way for a long long time. My Doctor is fine – well he shakes his head a lot. The NUT loves me; she shakes her head a lot also. I have lost 44lbs to date – down two sizes – my face now has a shape, I feel great and for the first time I am not feeling as though I am giving anything up; yes, it is still a struggle when the stress of life gets to me; there is no shoveling food into my mouth to try to make it better (it never worked) – I don’t like excersing at all – but am trying to wrap my now flabby but smaller arms around it all. This sleeve has probably bought me a few more good years – and yes, I am now a cheap date !
  10. today I woke up at my usual time - normal routine. I feel as though I have not lost a pound.......... somedays it is better to look at where I have been, not where I am going.
  11. Israeljustice - I had my surgery on January 10, 2012.
  12. Thank you all for the kind words regarding my post; I have been reading the forum daily for support and ideas. Yes, I have found my way with the help of everyone here as well as a great support system of family and friends and many years of starving, fad dieting, diet pills (my family doctor gave them to me when I was 14!) Each one of us must choose the path that will not only get us to our healthy weight; but keep us there for life.
  13. janerose

    Buying New Clothes

    I thought I would love shopping for new clothes - I don't - I was acustomed to one or two small stores to choose my clothes from - now big stores with so many choices I am overwhelmed and find myself going to the woman's department in search of 1x (which are sometimes too big). Yes, my head is having issues with the tags.
  14. Good timing for me as well - I had one stall at 231.8 for two weeks; then started to loose once again; now three weeks later I am at a stall at 221.8 ! But the compliments just keep coming and the clothes just keep getting falling off. Today I had to move the seat of my car up closer to the steering wheel. Just came back from a work sponsored health fair - my cholestral is way down; blood pressure is perfect and BMI is down 12%. I am thrilled with all the good news. I am halfway to where I want to be; and happy with the results.
  15. janerose

    January 2012 Sleevers!

    I am doing well - learning to live differently; always have to remind myself to eat slower and remember to think small portions - I am down 39 pounds from my highest weight -34 from my surgery weight; I am happy. My clothes are all baggy and comfortable. Did not however think it would be as emotionally difficult - I find myself shying away from crowds and people in general. Walked into a clothing store only to walk out fast as it was all too overwhelming to me at this time. Thought I would be excited to buy new clothes but I am not at all; maybe the plus size stores were simplier; not nearly as many choices. food was my comfort now I seek other comforts. All and all I am happy with my decision - just want to suck down a diet pepsi without having to de fuzz it.
  16. Two months out - woke up with a cought/sneezing/runny nose full blown cold - plan on calling the DR's office sometime today to seek what I can/cannot take..........but thought I would check here to see if anyone has any ideas or suggestions. I always took Zycam to try to reduce the length (it worked) but don't know if this is ok at this point.
  17. Your blog is very interesting - thanks for sharing you life. I am two months out and a writer of sorts myself. I had a Margarita on Saturday and really enjoyed it - I miss my vodka club soda drink and coors light - my thoughts on the extra calories is simple. I did this surgery to get healthier and it is working - I normally would have drank two of them and then ate - this time I drank one and ate very little and all Protein. Keep those words coming !
  18. janerose

    Happy 1 Year Sleeversary To Me!

    My only goal is to feel and be healthy - the numbers that are important to me are blood pressure, cholestrol, and pain when I walk. Only two months out and feel much better already; don't worry about the scale - just know you are 70lbs lighter than last year and Celebrate your life
  19. This past weekend my family came from all over to Celebrate my mom's 83rd birthday. Friday night we all went to dinner at our favorite family restaurant (Italian) - as we sat down I realized that this would be different for me than ever before - so while the all dined on chicken parm, spagetti, etc; I ordered two meatballs (one for dinner and the second for another time). It was a bit awkward; but I had everyone's support - they even set aside a tiny tinypiece of bread and sent it down to me with love. Saturday we had Breakfast - I ate the bacon; lunch was at our favorite deli - I ate some tuna without the bread - dinner celebration they once again feasted on great italian food with wine and drinks - I had Chicken Marsala with light sauce and vegetables - I ate a small amount and took it home for a few more meals. Once again the nephews sent over a morsel of bread and love. Sunday - favorite donut shop - I ate some cheerios and ice tea - then it was off to a shower where they served all wonderful foods with Desserts galore. I ate veggies and chicken with a half of piece of the smallest bit of home fry. It was a learning experience - and even though there were some rough spots emotionally - I did it Got on the scale this morning - lost 2.6 pounds - there are many situations to come where food, once my comfort, has to be replaced..........but now I know I can to do it !
  20. Paola - We were sleeved on the same day - We all know what you went through - I honestly think we all need to do it at least once to find out the conseuences! Keep up the good work.............it is not easy but it is so rewarding.
  21. janerose

    Alcohol Post Op

    I am a drinker - not everyday - but I enjoy wine, beer and vodka (separately) on social ocasions. I am six weeks out. I tried red wine - it tasted heavy - white wine - tasted bitter - opted for a vodka on the rocks with lemon. I sipped it all night long; with drinks of water; did not get wasted or buzzed - but sat at the bar with the drink and relaxed. The sleeve was my choice because it allowed me to live my life well - by cutting down and not out. Not out to be skinny - just healthy
  22. janerose

    Help :(

    Just got over the three week stall - mine lasted 12 days - the good side of it all is when it is over you wake up one morning and bam - your pants fall off - everyone notices your new "face" and the pounds start to fall off again - not as fast but slowly but surely. I have been trying not to weigh myself as often and sticking to the NSV - they are so much better - gotta go - my pants are falling off me again - must readjust for the tenth time this morning and it is only 7:30a!
  23. janerose

    Im Stuck, I Think

    Six weeks out - Stall lasted 12 days - yesterday got on the scale and dropped 3 pounds; and put on a pair of pants I haven't worn in four years. So, I vowed to weigh in once a week and take the scale with a grain of salt for a while.
  24. I have had my sleeve for only five weeks - so I am still learning what works for me and what doesn't. I have lost 30lbs (but am on a long stall right now). I have not set a weight goal for myself nor did my Doctor - I went into this only to feel better - to walk without having to stop every 30 seconds - to fit into clothes that are not from Lane Bryant or the Avenue - to stop the pain of Arthritis that runs up and down my body - walk on the beach with my friends and family - carry my granddaughter without hurting. I like all of us here have gained and lost many pounds over the past - I look at the sleeve as my guide to good health and a good life - not to be thin. I don't care what the scale says - I just want to be healthy and feel good -
  25. janerose

    January 2012 Sleevers!

    MTC - I am in the same situation - have not been able to get the scale to move for 10 days - but all my clothes are fitting differently and had to put a few pairs of pants in the "give away" pile. I have a tough time with water/liquids so I just drink as much as I can and then a little more and be happy as I feel great inside and out. Each day is easier - five weeks out and so glad it gets better each and every day. I miss sitting down to a nice meal with friends/family - I still do - I just am finished long before they are and bring most of it home with me!

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