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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. pommyprincess


    I feel u on that . I was supposed to do a liquid Pre op diet and probably did 1 whole day perfect. I told the Dr. He was like its ok but can u atleast try and stick to the Atkins diet before surgery . Doing much better with actual food involved !! Surgery is Thursday so excited !
  2. pommyprincess


    Thanks guys !!
  3. pommyprincess


    New here and still trying to figure out how this works !! My surgery is scheduled for this Thursday . I'm getting nervous but excited !
  4. pommyprincess

    Low Bmi And Weight Loss

    That's great ! I had talked to someone this morning who has lost like 25 lbs in 8 months and isn't really happy about her decision to have lap band . I just wanted to know of more success stories bc she kind of put a downer on my excitement to have the surgery
  5. pommyprincess

    Low Bmi And Weight Loss

    I am having my surgery next Thursday (march 16) and have a BMi of 34. Getting nervous about the surgery and if it will be really worth it . Has anyone been extremely successful with it starting with a lower BMI?

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