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About noname

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    Senior Member
  • Birthday November 27

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    State of Victoria
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  1. After reading some of the comment on here, something clicked in me, i realised there is no "shame" for lack of a better word in being proactive in taking control of your health, and decided to announce it on my Facebook 2 years out, not only do i feel freer, but hope others now may be aware of this as an option. Thanks for opening my eyes guys! Personal choice on what and who to tell, but was quite liberating
  2. noname

    A Year Out

    Hi Im 2 years out, I lost 125lbs in first 7 months, and have maintained since
  3. I initially told people I was unwell and it prompted a lifestyle change, that was until I ended up working at same hospital I had my operation, staff recognised me by name and word spread, but it ended up quite well as they would get me to come in and speak to fresh post op sleevers, was quite rewarding, I am no longer there, its completely up to you what you tell people, its funny isn't it though that people think they entitled to know what is going on
  4. noname

    C'mon Aussies C'mon (C'mon)

    thank you! I will be checking it out!!
  5. noname

    C'mon Aussies C'mon (C'mon)

    Can you send me a link? thanks
  6. I never measure, I just eat slowly and "listen" to what my body tells me, everyone is different, what works for some doesn't always work for everyone, don't think you are wrong cos someone else does it one way, you will find what works for you, can be frustrating, you have lightbulb moments, you have down days, and you have amazing days, take each day at a time
  7. noname

    Anyone getting grumpy?

    Wow Paul! Congrats on your loss, Amazing job
  8. noname

    C'mon Aussies C'mon (C'mon)

    Hey Guys, would love to hear about the support you have had post sleeve? Not much around I have found and would love to have some ideas of local support
  9. noname

    Where Are All The Guys At?!?!?!?!?

    Here Congrats to everyone on their journeys and those about to embark
  10. wowee, I joined here 2 years ago today pre surgery, not in wildest dreams did I think I would be where I am now
  11. Thanks laylasmojo jimmyhank congrats on making what I believe will be one of the best decisions of your life can completely relate to being nervous excited and scared but in the log run its worth it Cant wait to see your goal pics! Good luck
  12. Thanks guys There are times when I thought I never would get there, been hard work, but all worth it, I still look in the mirror and see myself as I was before, only in photos do I see what I look like now, thats abit strange I guess seeing yourself for so long as I was has warped my vision somewhat. Thats why I did the one leg pic, also that and my nephews thought it would be hilarious cos its like "the biggest loser" @coops Im not sure what is the best thing, as there are so many, I actually can enjoy food now without over doing it, I dont feel like I am a slave to it, i eat to live not live to eat, I like going into stores and buying the same size as most other people, not being as shy when meeting new people, sitting where I want without fear that I wont fit or the chair may not be sturdy enough, also just having more energy to do things are the best things about getting to my goal. I love this board, great to see everyone from pre sleeve to goal weights and beyond, just reading what people say, their obstacles makes you feel not alone, nor are you going crazy, im def stick around If I can do it, anyone can and I cant wait to be there at the finish line for all of you! xoxo
  13. Thanks Sarah, you'll be there so quick you wont even know, if someone told me in 7 months I'd be there I'd never believe them, but its true
  14. I never thought I would ever get here in my life and now I have, thank you guys for all your support and encouragement, my new life starts now

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