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Everything posted by SaggiJ
Hmmm, definately worth a try - the apple before meal, and I know I've been eating too much mushy easy food too. Managed to spk to my radiologist today. She wants me to keep a food diary. She also think if I cant eat solid food ie meat etc, then I am too tight and shd have some fill taken out as the band will only work with solid food, cos the soft food go right through and I'll never be hungry. So true again. But I got one month to try to lose some weight before going back to her again, I really dont want to have to take any out, but on hindsight perhaps I should. Today, BFast - muller light, Morning Snk - banana Lunch - Salad with tuna & soup for lunch. Afternoon snack - 3pcs ginger biscuit and weight watchers yogurt. Dinner - Home cook chicken & veg soup and Bake salmon. Evening snack - 1 pcs of choc cake. Supper - 1 glass spritzer and 1 pck prawn crackers.
My radiologist will not do a fill on me 2 weeks before Im due to fly. Cos she say my band will tighten up.
Dear All, Im so glad I found this site. I've been worrying myself to death. I was banded last aug. I am filled up to 6.8cc on a 7cc band. So Im real tight. As I am a compulsive and emotional eater, I dont mind having this tight a band. I've initially lose 2 stone (28lbs) but started putting on 1/2stone (7lbs) Some days I can eat anything, on other days, I'll take a bite, and I'll start pb everything I eat. I will put a finger in my throat to throw all the food back out. Then when I though I have totally empty myself, I try to take another bite, and the whole roller coaster starts again. Im beginning to feel as if Im going towards bulimia habit. Still, a couple of weeks ago, the pb got so bad, I felt some acid reflux (1st time ever) follow up with the slime. That left a very bitter taste to my tongue. However, after that, for the next 10days, I could eat anything, bread, chicken, steak, everything, and I was beside myself thinking I've had a slip. So I rang my radiologist office up and the reception told me perhaps they need to take some fill out for me. But yday, my period came on, and now my band started tightenning up all on its own again and Im once again feeling the restriction?? Im really at a lost what is happening inside my band??? Anyone knows??
Yeah same greetings from me too..... : "H..a...p...p...y Bir...th...day... 22222222222...UUUUUUUUUU............... " I just took up keyboard lesson together with my 8yrs old daughter 3 weeks ago. If you are here, I could play the birthday tune to you. Thanks for the dr Chris de bruyne info. I have also been given dr shaw somers. So will try and get an apt with him. Got in contact with my prev radiologist in London. Ive been advised to take some fill out cos Im too tight!!! Hmmmm I want to seek 2nd opinion. I was complaining of eating 2 much the other day, but not losing weight, so dont understand why they want to take some fill out of me??? Worst scenario, might fly to Manchester to see Dr Mignon from Belgium who operated on me. But been quite good eating lots of fish these days The bad part is, between yday evening and today, I had 3 big packets of prawn crackers!!!!
Hi milton5A, £8000 is really alot to pay. As other bandsters have advised, definately worth looking at other options in UK. Likewise my initial consultation was with a dietician with Bupa. I weight 13stone at that time. Im 5ft 3. She said my BMI was border line. Also the cost was around £7,600. I have gathered so much courage to finally decide to go ahead for this lapband operation, and I didnt need anyone to give me any negative advise. So within a few weeks of thorough investigations, I decided to change from having the op in UK through BUPA to Belgium. The cost was only half on UK price. However, please note that aftercare is not included in the Belgium price. Because of what the dietician said to me initially, ie my BMI was border line, I started stuffing my face cos I was afraid the Belgium consultant wont operate on me either, therefore by the time I finally had the op in Belgium, I was 14stone. (So I put on 1 stone in a matter of 2months!!) If you can afford to do it in UK, go for it but make sure the support you are getting before and after is 101%. Good luck.
Hi Heresdeb, Thks for the above info. Im trying to get a consultation with Shaw Somers. I think he is great after watching him on Fat Doctor. Im already filled to the max yet after losing near 2stone, I put on another 1/2 stone, and now my weight have stop totally. But I suffers from an underactive thyroid so I wonder it thats the reason I cant lose weight despite being banded so tight. So I want someone to do an xray check on me to see my port is still working. I was banded in Belgium. I wont fault them cos the operation went well, but aftercare is abit lacking and dissapointing.
Mrs D Do you know any radiologist that would do xray fill in the south? I had my operation in Belgium and my filling done in London but she doesnt do Xray Fill. I live in Basingstoke. So any xray fill radiologist operating in Winchester, Reading, Chicester will really be good for me. I dont need another fill, I want to have an xray to check everything is ok.
Tell you what is even worst than going into the changing rooms with all those skinny girls.... Its when I try something on that I though looks real nice and not too 'fat looking' on me, I turn to my husband for a 2nd opionion and ask him " Do I look fat in this?", and he replied " The dress dont make you look fat, ITS YOUR FAT THAT MAKES YOU LOOK FAT!!!
Hi LibertySue and Anon, Long time no mail. Im surprised to see the site all jazzed up. Tried logging in the other day but forgot my password and after 3 attempts, it logged me out!!! Dopey system. Anyway, just contacted my radiologist in London today. I had a b few bites of burger 2 sunday ago, and ending up pb over 7x. In the end, the last pb, acidic reflux came up. And since than, I could eat everything. So I dont know what's going on in my banding at the moment. Im going up to London to see my radioloist in July (earliest she can fit me in). The lady taking the appt suggested that I should have some fill taken out!!?? They reckon Im too tight i.e. 6.8cc in a 7cc band. But I have not been losing weight at all and I just told her I've been able to eat everything the last 2 weeks, so I really dont understand why she said to have some out!!! I wanted an XRAY FILL so I can see the band is working but this radiologist doesnt do xray fill, and I dont know where in London or South I can have a xray fill done. So Im abit low and depress at moment. Any advise??? Take care all.
Wellcome back Liz, Glad to hear everything went well. Sorry re your pain, but hopefully the painkillers help. When u see yr new body, Im sure it'll be worth it. You are a very brave girl. Anyway, cant wait to see yr before and after photos once u r ready to load them. Take good care now.
Hello everyone, Im back again. Sorry Im always popping in and out. My son's been studying hard for his AS level so I have not been using the computer in the evening as I've been giving him sole proprieter to the usage of our home pc. Anyway, its great to see more and more people joining this site. To answer yr question Suz, for breakfast, I have water with my thyroidxine tablets first thing every morning. Then, I'll drive to work, once I arrived at work, I shall hv my muller light yogurt, follow by a banana 1/2hour later. So that will be my bfast plus snack no.1 and my fibre. Lunch time, I shall hv soup, some salad with either chopped up chicken pcs, or sliced smoked salmon and snk no. 2, always a weight watcher choc mouse. Does seems a lot, but it does takes me over an hour and 1/2 to eat them, so whilst I continue working at my desk, I'll be munching away, which is not so good. However, my problem time is usually tea/dinner time esp when Im going out. But if I stay in, its always either Lasagne, Cottage Pie or Fish pie. It does gets boring. Thats why I jazz it up with snack no 3 Creme Bullea, which is a killer as its over 300cals but I cant seems to stop cos thats my one sin for the day. Anon, when I go out for Indian, I always go for popodum starter, and for main, I have minced keema and rice (lovely and it goes down easily). Dont worry re yr restriction going off, and coming back. It happens alot to me too. THats why a few weeks ago, I thought I was having a slippage when I could eat tagettelli cos anytype of pasta is a big No No where I am concerned. Last sunday I went to the garden centre and inst of orderin my usual lasagne, I though I'll give sunday roast beef a try. Even though I cut the beef to tiny pcs, and chew over 50 times, I ended up pb everything out each time I tried it on and shove a tiny pc into my mouth. At other times, I cud bloody eat a burger!!!! So it goes to show our banding are quite erractic!! But I believe you have not even have any fill yet. So might be worth spking to yr doc. I already have 5 fills. Anyway, well done suz for being size 18. 2 more dress size drop and you'll catch up with me. We will hv to meet up and hv a celebration then. BrandyChick, well done for having loose 67lbs but how in the world can you managed 2 boiled eggs in the morning?? I cant even have bread for breakfast, it'll be stuck. Do you know how much you're filled up to?? U must hv quite a good restriction to have lose that much weight. Ok bandster, spk another time. Take care everyone.
I had 3 filled done by the radiologist up w/o xray and finally my final last filled with a doctor in the Hospital Group under Xray. I felt so much more confident seeing how the barium drink travels and how tight everything was. It was a reassurance to myself I needed. I will definately recommend under xray fill anytime.
Hi Liz, Gd luck on yr forthcoming TT. And keep us posted how you get on.
Hi everyone, Im back again. Yeah, Anon is right, Suzanne, I cant open your picture either!!! Anyway, have not been good at all. Had pizza today,. Was surprised I could eat them. Ate 3pcs of Pizza Hut spicy cajun chick & Beef, Italian Base (minus the crust) Cut into tiny pcs and it all went down well!! Yuk! Not good though. Hope I have not have a slippage. Last few days Im feel I seems to be able to eat more than normal. Infact put on a couple of pounds. I shall watch myself and if this ability to eat anything persist, I'll hv to go back to my radiologist in London. Bother!!! Really dont want to make the trip and waste the monies. And I was doing so well too!!! Suzanne, I rather hv muscles than shrinking boobs!! Hei Suzanne, can you ask your PT how to lose the spare tyre on the lowest part of one's tummy ? i.e. the one below the belly button!! No amt of sits up or crunch seems to be able to get rid of it!!! My 1st and 2nd spare tyre is dissappearing on my tummy, but the most bottom or as I called it my 3rd spare tyre, is still protuding out and not tightenning up at all!!! How to get a all over tone stomach? Well hv a gd weekend to you all. Spk soon.
Hi Suzanne, Im sure u will do well. I have big problem with chicken too. But it I cut them to pea size, I find it easier to go down. I tend to eat more cottage mince pie, lasagne and fish pie. It goes down easier. Try them. U r right, the last 1 stone is the hardest. But Im not worried too much cos Im not putting them on. I know I can go down the last stone if I cut down my desert and alcohol drink, but Im enjoying size 14/16 for a while and no hurry to go down to size 14 and I definately do not want to go down size 12 as my boobs will dissappear.
Hi Louise & Sara Moss, Sorry I have not come on this site for the last 2weeks. I have been so busy at work, and so deadbeat when I returned home from work. Anyway, how are you all? My weight still plateuing but Im not too worried as Im not putting on either. I want to apologise cos I wont be able to meet up with you guys in Bath after all. I realised the following week is school break, and I need to take time off at that time. So I wont be taking 18 may to come down to Bath after all. Hope u all hv a fantastic time. Take care.
Dear Suzanne, Hi there, nice to see you back again. Sorry I have been pretty busy at work and dead beat by the time I returned home to give my input the last 2weeks. Anyway, what Im going to write is not going to sound good, but Suzanne, you and I have always supported each other since Feb right? I have more down time than you since I was banded a couple of months earlier than you. And you supported me initially. Also, we both share the same hospital in Belgium, and have the same problem ie. both of us have an underactive thyroid. So I will get straight to the point and apologise in advance if you feel my input is too harsh. U know from my input previously that losing weight for us is NEVER going to be easy esp with our thyroid problem. In total I only had 3stone to lose, and only managed to lose 2stones since the op. Im not losing any further either. I could if I cut down drastically, but as I want some quality life thats why I can still eat pretty everything I want, and yet NOT put on weight cos my quantity is reduced now due to the band. However, looking at your last 6-7meals input, oh my god Suzanne, fudge, chocs, coffee with 2 sugar, snickers bar etc etc..... where are your PROTEIN intake??? Seriously Suzanne, Yr food (if any at all) intake is so low but so high in sugar contents, its just unhealthy. The whole 6-7days of your input, I only found 1 so-called healthy option, ie your own homecook omelette!!!! I know you have a personal trainer, does he not advise you on your food intake too? Just bcos u hv the band and 2fills, and do lots of exercise (more than me) doesnt necessary mean yr weight will drop considering yr sugar intake is so high. I know bcos of my thyroid problem, I am also under NHS dietician support. I get told off for my occassional creme bullea intake. If she sees yr intake, she would faint or tell you staight to yr face that u r wasting her time and not being serious about yr weight lose (She said it to me before!!) Firstly and mainly, the problem is, YOU are NOT eating PROPER food. Your body is holding on to all the calories cos looking at yr diet, and having gone through all DIETS before going for the lapband op, I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT YR BODY IS IN STARVATION MODE!!!! My friend, we are both operated from the same hospital in Belgium. Dr Mignon told me during consultation that I am suppose to take 6 small meals a day. BF, Snk (could be a cup of tea) Lunch, Snk (another cup of tea or healthy yogurt and DINNER and another Snk (light desert) Did he not tell you the same thing? And protein to be included in 2 of the meals. Soup wil go straight through our band and will not fill us up. If you cant get a dietician to spk to you, email Deirdre. U know she is very helpful. I bet she will tell u the same. I can give you her email if you dont have it. Change yr diet, and I guarantee with your amount of exercise you are doing presently which is fabulouse that in less than ONE month, you will drop another dress size. I am confident you will, BUT only if you change your diet. Have PROTEIN ie white chicken pcs, beef slices, healthy yogurt, all healthy options, and cut down on yr sugar intake. WHAT HAVE U TO LOSE, If u still dont go down another 10lbs in a months time, go for the 3rd fill. I went for 5 fills in total before my band is tight enough. I am size 14 / 16 now. Good luck my friend. Pls dont be offended by my advise.
Hi ANON, Thanks for a very wise advice. I totally agreed with you, your doc and your friend. I know I need to listen to the 'soft fullness of my band", rather than the 'fullness of my brain", which is nearly never. I feel I could do with a little defill, but am trying to see how much longer I could live with this tight restriction. As I said, it really is a catch 22 situation at the moment. However, each time I come on (and its 2x a month for me unfortunately) I feel I could gorge down everything. For some reason, a day or two prior to my menses, I can really eat alot if I chew and chew and chew, as if the restriction opens up during this period. The good thing is the weight is not going up. Thats a plus I suppose, even though its plateau and not going down either. I take lots of J2O (which is not good) cos I used to drink diet coke in pub/restaurant, but I cant take diet coke or any fizzy drinks now, so to prevent me from ordering alcoholic drinks, I go for J2O. Its not an option, but until I find something else, J2O is less calories (I think) than alcoholic drinks. Anyway here's my food diary today. Tuesday BF - 2spoon of cruncy cornflakes with milk Snk1 - Mullert light & 1 med size Banana Lunch - 1 pot Weight watcher tomato soup (84cals) and some low fat croutons. 10 pcs of Goumet Tiger Prawn & Garlic Crisps. Snk2 - WW choc mousse Snk 3 - A bar of cadbury brazil nuts choc (Very naughty!!!) Dinner -Starter: Small Chicken pcs, 100g smoke salmon pcs, cucumber & 2 slices of chick & mush quiche, Main: Chinese duck fillet pcs stir fry Snk 4: 1/2 apple. Exercise : Zero Monday BF: Muller light Snk 1: Banana Lunch: Asda sweetcorn chicken soup, 2 slices of mushroom&chic quiche Snk 2: WW choc mousse & 6 pcs Gourmet tiger prawn&garlic crisps Dinner: 1 small pc grill burger meat, 1 pkt chinese stir fry duck fillet, some chicken fillet pcs & 1pc of quiche Snk 3: Asda creme bulea EXERCISE: 5 mins walking up a steep steps
Hei Truly sorry for being inconsistent on this thread. Been away for the weekend, didnt have a pc where I was. Anyway, I'll try and work backward on my food consumption. Its been a totally disaster week, what with the school hols, Easter and 2 parties I had. But here goes. Sunday BF-Tea w milk & sweeterner lunch - Lasagne & salad, Tea w milk & sweeterner Desert - Finished up my daughter's ice cream - 1 pint of cider Snk - 4pcks of party rings biscuit & 1 small pack of range juice dinner - chicken & mushrrom veg stir fry w chinese sweet sour sauce and 1/4 pkt of flavoured rice Desert - Cream Bulea (I know I need to give up on this but Im so addicted to it) Eve Snk - roast chicken pieces Exercise: 5 miles cross country bike ride Saturday BF - Tea Lunch - Jkt potato with slice chicken pieces in green peso sauce - 1/2 pint of cider Dinner - Buffer party, eaten and grazed between 7.00pm - 9pm (2chicken drumstick, 2pcs egg sandwich, 2 breadstick, small portion of potato salad, 2pcs samosa and indian spring rolls) - 1 bottle of cider, 2 bottles of J2O Desert - Bday cake and some lemon meringue pie Exercise - 3miles bike ride at the canal Friday BF - Muller light Snk - Roaster honey cashew nuts Lunch - Took son and daughter to their chosen choice of restaurant, that being the Chinese Buffet restaurant. Thank god for my banding, so cant eat as much as I used to. 1/2 way, pb, and all food came back out. Went back to restaurant, sit down and try on abit more food. Snk 1 - 1 scope of vanila ice cream. Snk 2 - Went back to work at 4pm had a Weight watcher choc mousse Dinner - Met up with an old friend and had a junior burger with Burger Gourmet with only 1/2 the bun and NO fries. Dinner drinks - Water and 1 lager shandy Thursday (took a day off work) BF - Tea - small portion of home made thai curry chicken Snk - Mango ice cream cone Lunch - Spur Mushroom Burger & jacket Desert - Waffer and ice cream Drinks - 2 bottle of J2O Dinner - a small portion of home made thai curry chicken Drinks - 2 bottles of J2O See, told you all its been a disastrous week. Only good thing is I cycled cross country up and down hills 8miles this weekend. 1st exercise I've attempted since my banding 7-8months ago. (Apart from 1 session of salsa dance) Well tomorrow kids all go back to school, hopefully I'll be more discipline at work. Hope u all have a good week too.
Hei Louise & Sara Moss, Include me in if you are meeting up. Im live Nr Basingstoke. think its a great idea of bandster meeting up and supporting each other.
Hi Louise and anon, Cheers for your input. And yeah, I do know what Im suppose to do, but habits are hard to break somedays. Like you anon, someday I get so busy at work, I forget totally to eat, and by the time I have dinner, I'll be so famish, and I'll put things straight in my mouth and even though I think I hv chew enough, but after a few swollow, it gets stuck, and I know Im in trouble. So when Im hungry, I try to take some soft food like mash first, than attempt the meat part. It doesnot always goes well. Like you too, some days I can eat anything when I eat slowly, but someday like this evening, I cant keep anything in. I do wonder if it has anything to do with our time of the month. I also know at the mo Im too tight i.e 6.8cc on a 7cc band. I need to go back and have some taken out, Guesss Im just waiting and see how much longer I can hold on. Anyway, this is another week, so we shall see. Take care everyone.
Happy Easter Sara, Well done on losing 9lbs. Thats common in the 1st week. I lose 1stone too. Unfortunately, I put them all back once I went back to solid, and only started losing back the 1stone after my 2nd fill. And it wasnt until my 4th (or was it 5th?) that I started losing my 2nd stone. Im on a plateau now, only bcos I carve sweet desert cos I cant eat. The band does not change one's craving and bad eating habits. So its going to take me longer to combat it. Good thing is I only have 1 more stone to go, or 2stone maximum if I want to be realy slim. So Im taking my time getting use to eating less food. Unfortunately as I suffers from an underactive thyroid which means I hv very verly low metabolism, losing weight is very difficult for me. I need to go to the gym. U r doing well as u r starting to walk. Thats good. As for weighting, I weight myself nearly everyday. Its really individual preference. The downsite to this is when I put on (inst of staying plateau) I would get very discourage and end up eating a very high cal desert. (Very bad indeed) but the good thing is when I see I hv put on, I would make an effort to cut down and lose it straightaway the next day, which usually works. Many others I believe weight themselves once a week. Its whatever work best for you. Hv a good easter.
Why Aren't You Losing Weight?
SaggiJ replied to WASaBubbleButt's topic in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions
Hi soniacan, I've read in the health magazine that Chromium keeps craving for carbs away. Its a slimming tools. Ive bought mine yday and going to take it today and try it for 1 month and see if any difference. U said u cant do even a day of liquid. Hv u only been recently banded? Try food like soup, yogurt, fruit juice (all low in sugar and low cal) it will makes u feel like u r full.