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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JessRess

  1. JessRess

    What Would You Do??

    Passion, I was literally just about to post a thread about the same issue. I've been waiting 3 years to get this surgery, it is scheduled for Tuesday and I came down with a nasty cold this week. Gah! My sinuses are congested but my chest isn't. My tonsils are swollen and sore and my throat kills. I know exactly how you feel. I hope you get to feeling 100% before your big day!
  2. My paperwork should have been submitted today, now I'm obsessing about hearing back! How long did it take for you to get your approval?
  3. I called BCBSIL today and found out that I've been approved! My surgery is scheduled for 4/17! Wooohooo!
  4. JessRess

    Approved!! :-D

    BrokenWings, it took just under a week for insurance approval for me. My surgeons office sent everything over last Tuesday, it was approved yesterday and I found out when I called to check on it today. Hopefully it'll be just as quick for you! Good luck everyone!
  5. JessRess

    April Bandsters!

    April 17th! Good luck everyone!
  6. JessRess

    Bcbsil How Long For Approval?

    Sounds like persistence pays off! He told me to check back Friday, I can't wait that long!
  7. JessRess

    bcbs of illinois

    Good for you for taking it into your own hands Debra! Good luck!
  8. JessRess

    bcbs of illinois

    I agree with lollicatt. Sleep apnea might be worth looking into. I had no idea I had it until my Bf pointed it out... It turned out to be severe sleep apnea. That, high bp and a bmi well over 40 makes me...a mess...ugh. Anyway, that could be your ticket.
  9. JessRess

    bcbs of illinois

    I'm sorry girls- that is unbelievable! If your bmi is at a certain number, I thought you didn't need co-morbidities?
  10. JessRess

    bcbs of illinois

    How.long does it take to say no? Is say its a good sign :-) Please keep us updated! All my paperwork has been at my surgeons office since Friday, waiting to be reviewed tomorrow. This waiting is making me crazy!
  11. JessRess

    bcbs of illinois

    I know how you feel Debra. My surgeons office got the paperwork from my pcp today so everything should be submitted to insurance today or tomorrow. I'm gonna start calling them right away. Good luck, hope you get good news soon!
  12. JessRess

    Bcbsil How Long For Approval?

    Thanks SLCoggins, did you call them during your wait or just wait to hear from them?
  13. Hello banders and fellow banders-to-be! I started the lap-band process (again) in September of this year. I have BCBSIL, I just finished my 6 month doctor supervised diet (which BCBSIL no longer requires as of February). I believe my surgeons office sent my paperwork in to insurance today, I am super anxious and excited! I am 25 and I (reluctantly admit that I) weigh 327 pounds. I have (untreated) high blood pressure and severe sleep apnea...and since it runs in my family, I believe type 2 diabetes is knocking on my door. I work full time, live with my wonderful boyfriend and two cats and I am so ready to do this. I used to be an athlete (track, tennis & soccer in high school) and once I graduated, the weight piled on. I want to be able to do the things I used to take for granted. I want to swim, play with my niece and nephew, sleep without a cpap and not have to worry about whether or not I can fit in a chair. I can't wait to get this journey underway. Good luck everyone!
  14. JessRess

    bcbs of illinois

    It looks like they don't require the physician supervised diet anymore, Sissy, so you should be okay. I've already been denied once for the surgery a couple years ago and I have spoken with people who were denied several times before being approved. If they deny it, fight it! I know I will! Good luck!
  15. JessRess

    bcbs of illinois

    It looks like they don't require the physician supervised diet anymore, Sissy, so you should be okay. I've already been denied once for the surgery a couple years ago and I have spoken with people who were denied several times before being approved. If they deny it, fight it! I know I will! Good luck!
  16. JessRess

    bcbs of illinois

    That's great news! Granted, my sixth appointment for the sixth month pre op diet is tomorrow... But I've been stressing that they'd deny me based on the fact that I've pretty much maintained the same weight...but if they've taken out the diet maybe it won't be as difficult...
  17. JessRess

    bcbs of illinois

    I see Debra, so no more physician supervised diet, but they still require a six month pre op diet. Booooo. That is NOT what they told me on the phone :-(
  18. JessRess

    bcbs of illinois

    Debra, Where do you see that part, I don't see it on the document- or is that what they sent you?
  19. JessRess

    bcbs of illinois

    I'm on my cell phone but I think I can post a link to the document: http://medicalpolicy.hcsc.net/medicalpolicy/home?corpEntCd=IL1&path=/templatedata/medpolicies/POLICY/data/SURGERY/SUR716.003_2012-02-01&ctype=POLICY&cat=Surgery#hlink
  20. JessRess

    bcbs of illinois

    I'm on my cell phone but I think I can post a link to the document, just a sec :-)
  21. JessRess

    bcbs of illinois

    If you go to their website they have the requirements listed and there is no diet anymore. The date on the document is 2/2012 so it must be a very recent change. Good luck everyone. Hopefully I'll be submitting the request to insurance tomorrow!
  22. JessRess

    bcbs of illinois

    I just got off the phone with BCBSIL about an hour ago. My sixth appointment for my six month pre-op diet is tomorrow and I found out today that they've done away with the pre-op diet altogether. Has anyone else heard this?

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