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About raven8888

  • Rank
    Bariatric Guru
  • Birthday 12/05/1973

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  1. So, I have not been on here in awhile. Actually several of us broke off in a group on facebook that had the surgery on the same month. I thought I would come back on here today to share my success story. It's only fitting since my journey really started here. I was in the exact same spot most of you over two years ago. First the lurker, just reading everything I could to figure out if this is what I wanted to do. I admit it, I was scared. I thought if I just keep trying harder, more time..I can lose on my own. This seemed so extreme!! However, the longer I waited, the more weight I gained, the harder it was to move, the more pain I was in. My blood pressure was OUT of control in a bad way. I was a stroke waiting to happen, and my blood sugars began to rise. So I finally "knew" it was this or I will be disabled, diabetic, worst dead before I reach 65. I have been watching my father slowly deteriorate from obesity and I decided I would not let this happen to me. I was spiraling, and spiraling fast! I received a lot of criticism, some even from people I really loved and needed, but it wouldn't change my mind. This is my life and my life to save, so you have to just let those entire punches role. If you let that get to you, it just feeds into that past behavior and insecurity that drives most of us to eat in the first place. Getting this surgery is NOT the "fix all" folks. If you are considering this surgery, or going through the first stages, you have understand the fundamentals to the success of this surgery is changing from the "inside" out. Or it's not going to work. Get your head straight first, because trust me, you are about to be tested psychologically and emotionally regardless. At least get a head start on yourself, and get some good solid coping skills together because I will be honest...it's hard. People will tell you hundred times over..."You took the easy way out" ha!!! That's a laugh! This whole process, our whole lives, our issues...all of it....this has never been easy...and either is this. That being said...let me now get to the good part!!! I am now one year and four months post surgery May 2012. I have lost a total of 115 pounds and I have maintained my weight at 130-132 for the past 10 months. The farther I get from surgery the easier and easier it is to tolerate and eat different food, including bad foods...hence why its important to change eating habits first!!! If I were not careful, I could gain it all back, small bite, by small bite. What is nice is I DID do it the right way and worked on the inside first, I tackled the head first...and when i thought I did enough, realized i even had more work when challenged further post op. There is a mourning period....or at least for me, and from many others I confided in, for them as well. I actually felt sad and depressed...i went through the period of ...oh my god...what did I just do? Did I just make a mistake? Oh no!!.....(I now know I didn't) But I had to go through it. It was a roller coaster for awhile. So NOW I am at a place that food no longer holds the same meaning to me. I am no longer a slave to the food if that makes sense. Ironically, I like to cook more now because it's all about finding that healthy great flavor in the matter of a few ounces. So quality verses quantity. I admit, I even forget to eat sometimes. Losing the appetite was definitely one of the biggest advantages to this surgery. Not everyone is so lucky, and some days I actually do feel like I could eat a horse, even though I can only fit an ear inside my tiny tummy, haha!! The best part for me was getting my blood pressure under control. My blood sugars under control, and I no longer have pain. If anyone goes and reads my old blogs from before surgery, all I ever complained about was the pain...oh the pain...It's actually funny to read because only once in a long time do I get pain in my joints and back now. In fact I went Boogie Boarding in San Diego last weekend IN A BIKINI!!!! Sometimes it's like you are looking at a stranger in the mirror, it takes a little while to identify with the new you, and that actually causes mixed emotions, more "issues" to deal with. The attention you receive will change..it's not always comfortable. And yes, I continue to still get the negative nelly's that want to try and bring me down, or are insecure, or jealous, or whatever their reason for being down right inconsiderate and tactless about it...but like I said, let it roll. It's their issue, not yours. You are saving your life; you are extending your life. This is your journey, no one else’s, don't let anyone else ever dictate how you feel or what you choose to do for yourself. If you have to, some relationships may just fall apart, its unfortunate, but it's realistic, it does happen. I hope most of you have supportive people in their life that they can turn to no matter who else doesn't stand by your side. If you don't, really utilize this site and these people on here. There are so many great people here wanting and willing to talk with you and support you through all stages of this. Stay strong, even at your weakest moments, remember...it does...and will get easier and better. Good luck and peace you all!!! The before and after picture I attached was actually completed at 11 months post op, so the skinny pics were from 5 months ago, but I look the same, just a little tanner, haha!!!
  2. It's true that it can cause gas pains, especially when you are so fresh post op. however the farther you are out the more it is tolerated. that forant mean its the best choice for you. it was explained to me that it is not so much that it stretches the stomach permanently, it that the carbonation stretches the stomach when it is in there and creates a larger space, which allows you to put more food in it, and ultimately gain weight back, and set yourself up for bad habits again. This is an opportunity to change bad habits that can lead to weight gain again. So it's more a choice you have to make, in my opinion it's self sabotage to even rationalize it.
  3. raven8888

    This Gets Better, Right?!

    Energy is hard right after surgery. Not eating all that much doesn't help. Just take it easy and remember that sleep and rest will also help your healing time, so don't push too hard, just enough. I struggled with energy all the way until I was finally able to have solids. Once you get to that stage and you can be more active again, it all falls into place. Just be patient and work on recovering from a major surgery. Trust me it goes faster than you think. Before long you will be 6 months post op like me telling someone else the same things and showing off your before and after photos. Hang in there!
  4. raven8888

    6 Month Check In

    Try this link, not sure if it will work or not
  5. raven8888

    6 Month Check In

    Go to my profile and there is a photo there, but I will post one in this thread in a few minutes????????
  6. raven8888

    6 Month Check In

    Don't obsess about the numbers on the scale, keep track in inches too. It helps to reassure yourself you are still losing. I found the more you stress about it the slower the loss goes. Also found when I eat too routinely, same thing everyday, loss slowed, throwing in higher protein days, then a higher carb day every so often seemed to keep jump starting my metabolism the scale to keep going. Keep your body guessing. Also water, water, water..... Low sodium! Anything from a can, even low sodium items, rinse once. It will reduce the sodium by half of what nut facts state. The best thing I have found now at six months is just be "practical" about your way of life and eating habits. I can just about tolerate anything now, and it's all about moderation. I eat and participate in activities that I enjoy. I am no longer forcing down a shake, or going to the gym that I hate. I'm eating every two to three hours, making healthy choices when I do, and I hike around my own property and take care of my livestock daily, take my toddler out for walks, and dance to silly preschool songs. It all fits into my lifestyle. And with every season new things to look forward to and experience. Can't wait to go sledding! I've been to embarrassed to go, and I'm ready to feel like a kid again! And I do! I found for me, looking at this journey in this way, makes sense and its realistic long term.
  7. raven8888


  8. raven8888

    6 Month Check In

    This was yesterday while trying on new jackets. Excuse my lazy day hair. Lol!
  9. Hi everyone! I have not been on for awhile. Things have been crazy with moving to a new home and whatnot. Just wanted to give a little inspiration to everyone. I have now lost 70 pounds since surgery and a total of 84 pounds. So great full for my sleeve. I went from a size 22/2X to size medium tops and 10 bottoms. I feel 10 years younger!
  10. I know what your talking about too. I also take omeprazole, it's a different sensation than acid reflux. It was worse when I first started sifts and solids. I'm three months out and it is a lot better now.
  11. Thank you! You will so be wearing a nice dress!!!! 3 months ago I was in a 1x or 2x top and size 20 pants. Today I am in a large top (getting big) and a size 12 pants!!!
  12. Good luck to you guys!!! You will do great. It will get a little tougher before it gets easier, but hang in there, stay connected on here it helps so much. Remember, you are taking charge of your life and future. This journey has been so empowering.
  13. Just wanted to give all you pre-op sleevers some encouragment. It seems like yesterday I was just in your shoes. Only 3 short months ago I could barely walk on pain medication and my blood pressure was sky high on medication for that, always out of breath, and prediabetic. Today, I can run up my stairs, walk 5 miles, hike down a canyon, ride a bike, I am off blood pressure medication and no more pain medication (other than tylenol sometimes) Hang in there, it is so worth all. It gets so much better!!! I have my life back!
  14. raven8888

    Ghrelin Hormone

    Once I started thick to solids I don't get that hungry. I have some head hunger in the evenings, but that is just habit.
  15. raven8888

    Help.... My Head!

    Sounds like a migraine. Also, check your blood pressure to make sure it is not high. Keep hydrated. Hope you feel better soon.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
