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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Nessa1977

  1. Nessa1977

    Waxing...down There.

    I've never waxed down there as I'm too embarrassed to go. I know the waxer will be used to seeing every different shape and size, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Anyone else have this issue? How did you get over it? I think it's worse now as the skin on my thighs is much looser than it used to be. I'm going to Hawaii next year, so I want to tidy things up.
  2. 35 and * never been kissed * never been asked out on a date * never had a wax...down there * never worn a bikini I'm sure I have more but they're the top 4 for now.
  3. A year ago today, I made the post important decision of my life, to have weight loss surgery. Some of you may already know this, some of you may have figured it out or some of you had no idea. I have battled with my weight my entire life and tried many diets, my first one being at age 12, Jenny Craig. Each diet came with just a bit of success. The only one I really succeeded in was Sure Slim back in the mid 2000's. With that one, I lost 25kg in a year and felt great. Unfortunately that was short lived and I regained that weight...plus more. In my late teens, I went and saw Prof Paul O'Brien to discuss lap band surgery, which I had seen on a current affairs program. I went for the consult and never went back. I was young and scared and chickened out. In the mid 2000's, I went to see another Geelong surgeon to again discuss the band. And again, I chickened out. Fast forward to November 2011 and I saw another Geelong surgeon to discuss the lap band, except he suggested to me a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy or the sleeve. I really didn't fancy this option as it involves cutting away 2/3 of the stomach and it's gone forever. I still wanted the band as cutting away stomach is so drastic...and permanent. I went away to think about things and research more about the sleeve. I only knew of one other person who had the sleeve, my friend in Perth. In the meantime, I had to have a sleep study, even though I didn't commit to the surgery, as I didn't know I wanted to go ahead with it. I also saw a nurse and dietician to discuss the procedure in more detail and to see if I was ready for surgery. I went back to see the surgeon in February and booked a tentative date for March. That rolled around but I still wasn't quite ready and cancelled that. Went and saw my surgeon to just talk things over and I guess for him to reassure me, so once again I booked a new date for 26 June 2012. And the rest they say, is history. The surgery only took 1½ hours and it was uneventful and there were no leaks or other complications. I spent 2 nights in hospital and was discharged home in no pain, well, the only bit of pain I had was from one of the port site wounds, the one from where my excess stomach was pulled out from...ouch. For the first 2 weeks following surgery, I could only have liquids, so Water, Soups etc. Initially I could only manage 2-3tbs of Soup. I was allowed to have water throughout the day to keep my fluids up. It was a big adjustment, going from a massive meal to something so small as a few tbs at a time. Some mouthfuls were very uncomfortable and I had pain. The next 2 weeks was pureed food, the consistency of which could be sucked through a straw. Then 2 weeks later, I was allowed soft foods before another 2 weeks before I could tolerate a normal diet. Even to this day, it's still a learning curve. There are a few rules to follow, which I sometimes break (hey, no one is perfect!). The main one is food and drink...I can't do both. I stop drinking 30 minutes before a meal then start drinking 30 minutes after a meal. If I drink during the meal, it pushes the food through too easily and it'll make me eat more, something that I don't want to do. My meal capacity is around ½ a cup. Not much is it? Now, the all important numbers. I had to do Optifast for 2 weeks pre op. My start weight was 128.1kg and in that 2 weeks, I managed to lose 4.6kg, making my start weight on the day of surgery 123.5kg. As of yesterday, my weight was 75.9kg, a total loss in 12 months of 52.2kg. I need to lose another 7.8kg to get to my goal weight of 68kg, which both my GP and my surgeon agree with this number. So what now? Going to see a dietician in the coming weeks to get some advice on how to stop losing weight. I have a fair idea, but just want reassurance and to ensure I’m doing the right things. Due to the rapid weight loss, I’ve developed quite a fair amount of excess skin, which I plan to have removed in June 2014, as my surgeon has recommended I wait a year before considering this. I’m going to consult with a few plastic surgeons in Geelong just to get opinions on what can be done and how much it’ll cost me…apart from a lot. Here’s hoping I win the Lotto…or rob a bank…or find a sugar daddy to fund this for me LOL. So there you have it, my year. Feel free to ask any questions. I’ll try and answer them as best I can. I’ll be adding some before photos as well as some progress photos in the coming days…stay tuned.
  4. Thankyou and not exactly sure where to post? Perhaps the pre op?
  5. I dunno....................just felt like the right thing to do I guess. If anyone has issues with what I did, then (excuse the French) f**k them!
  6. So far the few I have gotten have been positive. It wasn't easy to put everything into writing, but I'm glad I've done it now.
  7. OK folks..........get ready for a long post. I've just come out on my Facebook page: A year ago today, I made the post important decision of my life, to have weight loss surgery. Some of you may already know this, some of you may have figured it out or some of you had no idea. I have battled with my weight my entire life and tried many diets, my first one being at age 12, Jenny Craig. Each diet came with just a bit of success. The only one I really succeeded in was Sure Slim back in the mid 2000's. With that one, I lost 25kg in a year and felt great. Unfortunately that was short lived and I regained that weight...plus more. In my late teens, I went and saw Prof Paul O'Brien to discuss lap band surgery, which I had seen on a current affairs program. I went for the consult and never went back. I was young and scared and chickened out. In the mid 2000's, I went to see another Geelong surgeon to again discuss the band. And again, I chickened out. Fast forward to November 2011 and I saw another Geelong surgeon to discuss the lap band, except he suggested to me a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy or the sleeve. I really didn't fancy this option as it involves cutting away 2/3 of the stomach and it's gone forever. I still wanted the band as cutting away stomach is so drastic...and permanent. I went away to think about things and research more about the sleeve. I only knew of one other person who had the sleeve, my friend in Perth. In the meantime, I had to have a sleep study, even though I didn't commit to the surgery, as I didn't know I wanted to go ahead with it. I also saw a nurse and dietician to discuss the procedure in more detail and to see if I was ready for surgery. I went back to see the surgeon in February and booked a tentative date for March. That rolled around but I still wasn't quite ready and cancelled that. Went and saw my surgeon to just talk things over and I guess for him to reassure me, so once again I booked a new date for 26 June 2012. And the rest they say, is history. The surgery only took 1½ hours and it was uneventful and there were no leaks or other complications. I spent 2 nights in hospital and was discharged home in no pain, well, the only bit of pain I had was from one of the port site wounds, the one from where my excess stomach was pulled out from...ouch. For the first 2 weeks following surgery, I could only have liquids, so Water, Soups etc. Initially I could only manage 2-3tbs of Soup. I was allowed to have water throughout the day to keep my fluids up. It was a big adjustment, going from a massive meal to something so small as a few tbs at a time. Some mouthfuls were very uncomfortable and I had pain. The next 2 weeks was pureed food, the consistency of which could be sucked through a straw. Then 2 weeks later, I was allowed soft foods before another 2 weeks before I could tolerate a normal diet. Even to this day, it's still a learning curve. There are a few rules to follow, which I sometimes break (hey, no one is perfect!). The main one is food and drink...I can't do both. I stop drinking 30 minutes before a meal then start drinking 30 minutes after a meal. If I drink during the meal, it pushes the food through too easily and it'll make me eat more, something that I don't want to do. My meal capacity is around ½ a cup. Not much is it? Now, the all important numbers. I had to do Optifast for 2 weeks pre op. My start weight was 128.1kg and in that 2 weeks, I managed to lose 4.6kg, making my start weight on the day of surgery 123.5kg. As of yesterday, my weight was 75.9kg, a total loss in 12 months of 52.2kg. I need to lose another 7.8kg to get to my goal weight of 68kg, which both my GP and my surgeon agree with this number. So what now? Going to see a dietician in the coming weeks to get some advice on how to stop losing weight. I have a fair idea, but just want reassurance and to ensure I’m doing the right things. Due to the rapid weight loss, I’ve developed quite a fair amount of excess skin, which I plan to have removed in June 2014, as my surgeon has recommended I wait a year before considering this. I’m going to consult with a few plastic surgeons in Geelong just to get opinions on what can be done and how much it’ll cost me…apart from a lot. Here’s hoping I win the Lotto…or rob a bank…or find a sugar daddy to fund this for me LOL. So there you have it, my year. Feel free to ask any questions. I’ll try and answer them as best I can. I’ll be adding some before photos as well as some progress photos in the coming days…stay tuned.
  8. Anyone see Insight a few weeks ago when they discussed weight loss surgery? Anyone remember that bitter woman whose surgery failed her and in her eyes, everyone failed her? Well she'll be on The Project tonight. Get ready to bombard their Twitter and Facebook pages with our positive stories.
  9. Hey y'all! So today I went to see Darrin for my almost one year check up. On his scales, I have officially lost 50kg and said to him that I want to get to 68kg....so a 60kg loss and he was happy with that number. He asked how I'm going food wise and I said have my good days and bad days, meaning some days I can eat more than others. Everything is going down as it should and I don't have any vomits, just slight pain when I've overdone it. He also examined my stomach and said that there was some 'jelly' there and I said that's why I wear these (Spanx) LOL. Discussed removal of said excess skin and still told me to wait a year (ARGH torture) and also discussed which surgeons I should see and I told him of a few names and he agreed with me. Didn't discuss exact procedures, but I'm definitely looking at a whole body lift, arms and boobs (the surgeon I want to see does good boobs according to him LOL, which is why I want to see her). I see him again in January for the next check up. Will post new photos when I've officially hit the one year mark on 26 June.
  10. Nessa1977

    Anyone from Australia

    I am and there's a whole thread of us Aussies: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/37770-attention-australian-sleevers/page__st__3660 Where in Oz are you from?
  11. Nessa1977

    Aussie singles :-D

    Don't think I will be in the near future, but I'll let you know.
  12. Nessa1977

    Big Island Hawaii

    So everything is booked and paid for. Ended up booking into hotels in Hilo and Kona because looking for private rentals was just overwhelming. I cannot wait to get there. Got so much planned to see and do now that I have so much more energy to actually do things. Got a few hikes planned, which I'm so looking forward to doing. Also planning to swim with the manta rays, stand up paddle board and parasail.
  13. Nessa1977

    Big Island Hawaii

    Has anyone travelled to the Big Island? Looking for accommodation. Please suggest on what area to stay and where to stay. I'm travelling in September next year, Thanks guys!
  14. Nessa1977

    Aussie singles :-D

    Sydney is central enough LOL
  15. I have 47 days to lose a tad over 10kg...want to get to 68kg before I see surgeon.
  16. 79.7kg...goodbye 80's forever!!!
  17. Nessa1977

    Anyone from Geelong?

    No didn't have any issues with the procedure. Had no excruciating pain. The only bit of pain I did have was at one of the incision sites where the stomach was pulled out from. No shoulder pain following the gas either, which was rather surprising...had more pain from this following gallbladder op. The nurses were even surprised at how well I was. I stayed for 2 nights. First night was a very restless sleep as I couldn't get comfortable and second night I asked for sleeping tablets but they wore off, plus had a bit of a side effect with them...had a hallucination, which I read can happen. I thought there was another tremor in Geelong as it felt as though the bed was shaking.
  18. Nessa1977

    Anyone from San Francisco?

    Not sure if I'm asking in the right section, but need some help. Travelling to Canada in October and stopping over in San Francisco for the night. Looking for somewhere to stay. Budget is $100-$150/night. Needs to be in a safe area and close to public transport. My flight out departs at 8am. Will stay near the airport if I have to, but would like to venture into the city and explore. Will be arriving from Australia. Have previously stayed at a hotel near Chinatown (2001) and more recently Best Western Americana (2010), but that's a bit over my budget at the moment.
  19. I was good with everything in pre op but just as my parents were saying goodbye, I shed some tears. More for fear I guess. After that I was fine.
  20. FOR SALE: Knife, Fork and Band book $35 with free postage.
  21. Today marks 10 months post op.................AND I'VE CRACKED THE 80's!!!!. 79.5kg thankyouverymuch!!! Even though I did weigh myself on Tuesday and record that as my official weight, I also weigh myself on my sleevaversary date.
  22. Nessa1977


    105lb lost with another 25lb to go until goal (am now 9 1/2 months post sleeve) and my girls are shrinking though still quite big (in a way good I guess LOL). I used to be a 42DD/DDD and when last fitted, I was a 38G and now I think I'm less, so need to get remeasured. I'm guessing I am now probably a 36DD if not less?
  23. Yeah he may not even recognise me. I'm getting a lot of people who have to do a double take before they realise that it's me as they haven't seen me in a long time. He hasn't seen me in person since, um, 2010 I think, at 128ish or so kg.

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