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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Nessa1977

  1. I had never heard of the sleeve until I saw him.
  2. Same with me. I went in wanting the band but my surgeon discussed sleeve with me and the more I thought about it, the more I wanted the sleeve.
  3. Nessa1977

    Time In Surgery?

    Yeah drugs were great. I only had pain in the top port site (between my boobs) and I asked for more pain relief but they wouldn't give them as I was already doped up to my eyeballs whislt in recovery.
  4. Yeah I know. I've added a little cordial to try and get it down easier but it's hard. In summer I can do 2lt, just not during cold weather.
  5. I've noticed that my urine is a little on the dark side, but I can only manage to drink 1lt a day and even that is a struggle.
  6. Nessa1977

    Showing Off The New Bikini Body

    Looks like I may get to show off my body earlier, as my sister and I are planning to go to Hawaii next September. Although the body may not be ideal, I hopefully won't need to cover up. So excited!!!
  7. Nessa1977


    Maybe try massaging vitamin E cream or oil.
  8. Nessa1977


    I was sleeved on 26 June and was about 4 weeks until I was pain free, although the port site that the stomach was pulled out of was still just slightly sore. All good now coming up to 3 months post op.
  9. Nessa1977

    Time In Surgery?

    I think about an hour. Went in at midday and woke up very groggily in recovery at about 2.30pm.
  10. You look AMAZING 2 months post op! What a huge difference. And I just LOVE your hair! I haven't done anything dramatic with my hair yet. My sister says I should wait til I lose more. I wouldn't know what to do with it anyway.
  11. Lot of fiddling around with them though.
  12. Nessa1977

    Temptations And Head Hunger

    Head hunger sucks.
  13. Nessa1977


    I went to the movies on Saturday night and was looking forward to popcorn but the cues were so damn long.
  14. Whilst not the same, I went to the movies with my sister and 2 of her coworkers and they haven't seen me in a while and they were very complimentary on how I looked. Even my sister says I'm much happier now that I've lost some weight.
  15. I sometimes think I'm eating to much as I never really measure things out. Will keep an eye on things and see how I go. This morning I would've had 1/4 cup muesli with about heaped spoon of Greek yoghurt and some diced tinned mango. dinner last night was a golf ball sized meatball and about 1/4 cup cous cous. lunch today will be the same (leftovers).
  16. I tend to still eat quick but am trying my hardest to slow down. I just had lunch and it's taken me an hour. I had a Vita Weat lunch slice with avocado, cheese, tuna and sliced tomato. I've now started taking my Breakfast with me to have at work (the days I go into the office) as previously would get up at 6.00am, eat and start getting ready at 6.30am, which was too rushed.
  17. Nessa1977

    Baby Food

    I don't think they would be very nutritious. Better of prepping your own food.
  18. I'm trying to figure out what to have for lunch tomorrow at work. Now I just had left over pearl cous cous with a can of tuna with some olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
  19. Susie, I too am lacking my daily protein. I'm looking at getting some protein shakes but there are so many out there on the market.
  20. Lila, at least now you are on the road to recovery after that hiccup. Every day will get better and you will get stronger.
  21. Nessa1977

    How Long Does It Take You To Eat?

    Intentionally an hour, more for lunch. Breakfast and dinner I can do in 1/2 hour to 45 mins. I feel that if I eat slower, I won't get as hungry as quickly. Fullness wise, I'm just comfortable, not at the point of overdoing and feeling sick. I'm still scared that I'm stretching the stomach if I overdo it, but I know it's not possible...right?
  22. Nessa1977

    Is It Normal To Feel Super Hungry After Eating 2-3 Hrs

    I'm 2 months out and still feel hungry, though I don't know if its 'hunger hunger' or 'head hunger'. Still learning. I didn't want to get into the habit of snacking between meals, but my dietician said it was OK, as long as it wasn't junk food. I tend to have some multigrain crackers with laughing cow cheese. Haven't really had much in the way of fruit, just some strawberries or bananas in my morning muesli. I do want to get some Protein shakes though, just gotta find the right one.
  23. Nessa1977

    Haven't Had Protein

    I'm from Australia, so not sure if you have an equivalent there...I assume you are from the US?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
