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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Nessa1977

  1. Nessa1977

    Anyone from Geelong?

    Phew.....good Yeah drop me a line anytime
  2. Nessa1977

    Anyone from Geelong?

    Ha ha ha. Geelong is in Victoria, down south in Australia. Where are you from?
  3. Nessa1977

    Aussie singles :-D

    Another singleton here
  4. What would you do? I have an excess amount of annual leave (17 weeks) and need to take some. I'm going to Hawaii in Aug/Sep for 2 weeks. Then 2 weeks after I return home, I want to go to Canada to surprise my cousin for his 30th Birthday. Would you do it? Only downside is, with one of my jobs, things are changing hand in June or July and any leave to be taken after this time is yet to be approved, as we don't know who will have the contract. (Which means, the pre-booked leave I have for Hawaii may not be approved, even though it has by the current employer). I don't want to book anything yet (I can get flights for $1385) but would like to leave it until at least July or August when hopefully I can suss out if my cousin will be having a big party. Don't really want to go there for nothing, if you know what I mean, as I have things planned out as to how I will surprise him.
  5. Etihad Stadium in Melbourne.
  6. Off topick, but watch The Voice tonight...keep an eye out for me. I'm sitting next to a tunnel, very back row wearing a pink cardi and the band will be on my left. I saw Harrison, Bec & Sebastian, Kiyomi and Danielle perform. Can't remember who else. Not sure exactly which they will show tonight The judges also performed a Muse song. And I think Delta has cellulite, as she was almost in front of where I sat, as was Seal before he walked through the dancers.
  7. Just updated my weekly weight via My Fitness Pal and my ticker updated................48kg lost! 12kg to go and I'll be at my goal weight!!! Hoping to hit this when is see my surgeon on 17 June, but my sleevaversary is actually 26 June.
  8. I'm working at an Elvis theme night this Friday night and have NOTHING to wear. Haven't had a chance to hit the op shops for something from the 50/60/70's eras. I doubt op shops will be open on Thursday (ANZAC Day).
  9. A few new photos of myself...sorry if I've already posted these (can't remember). Taken about 2 weeks ago...45ish kg down. http://nessalosingit.blogspot.com.au/2013/04/new-photos.html Weighed myself today. 80.1kg. Last week 81.6kg. Dammit I just want to get out of the 80's but it's taking FOREVER.
  10. 9 weeks and 13kg. I had an appointment this morning and am to return in 9 weeks time. This concides with my appointment with my surgeon for my one year post op check. June seems still a while away but now that it's really only 9 weeks, I'm shitting myself. I'm worried I won't get to my goal of 60kg lost by the time I see him.
  11. This story was on ACA the other day: http://aca.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=8641459 His sleeve was performed by my surgeon.
  12. Has anyone eaten at The Cheesecake Factory and had any items from the Skinnylicious menu?
  13. We don't have a Cheesecake Factory here in Australia. I said to my sister that she'll order the cheesecake and I'll just have a bite. She thinks I'm trying to fatten her up LOL.
  14. 9 months post op today and I weighed myself........................and I've gained. How is that fecking possible? Gaining 1.3kg since last week. I am so not gonna be in a good mood today.
  15. Yeah I know. I'm taking 3 empty suitcases with me in readiness for a mammoth shopping spree. I've prepaid for 15 checked in luggage on the way up and 40kg pp on the way back. Methinks I'll need to buy more suitcases . Lucky they're cheap and hopefully Sears is still open. For the first time in a long time, I'll be able to buy clothes for myself and not everyone else. Previously I've bought very little because nothing fit. I'll make up for it now. First stop, Victoria's Secret On another note, I'm so over people asking "So, do you have a boyfriend yet?" now that I've lost weight. Was I not good enough for a boyfriend before I lost weight?
  16. I am. Feeling so much more energetic. I did my second wardrobe clean out post sleeve and have filled 3 large garbage bags . So much room in my wardrobe now. I think I need to go shopping LOL.
  17. Sorry been MIA for weeks. Just updating you: Current weight 83.1kg. Total 45kg. 8 months and 3 weeks out.
  18. Hey y'all. Sorry, been MIA (read as lazy) and haven't posted much lately. I'm now 7 1/2 months post op and down to 87.1kg as of this morning. 19.1kg until I reach my goal, which hopefully will be at one year post op (26 June). Hope everyone is well.
  19. Nessa1977

    ____ years old and never...

    Well I had my first bikini wax today...just a standard. Gotta build up to something more. It was less painful than I thought it would be.
  20. I think I already am out of plus sized. I bought size 16!!!!! pants from Sussan the other day. I now vary between 14 and 18, depends where I shop.
  21. I'm finally free of the 90's!!! Weighed myself this morning and I'm 89.7kg!!! OMG that feels so good to be free of another...um, can't think of the word though, not decade LOL. Help?!
  22. Nessa1977

    ____ years old and never...

    Baiting?! LOL. I'm sure you meant bathing ;p I can say I've smoked pot in Amsterdam. As you do. We did share it between 5 of us.
  23. I never took a proper 6 month post op photo.
  24. Happy New Year everyone!

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