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    Diamondeyed reacted to CajunMaduro in When I drop my weight, I'm going to try (insert answer)!   
    Get my golf handicap back down to "0", and i am, or should i say my wife is, already enjoying the reappearance of much of my happy tool. Lololol
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    Diamondeyed got a reaction from lwilliams65 in MiDoctor Hospital (any surgeon!) 2013 Roll Call!   
    Tomorrow nite I will be able to say....'i am having surgery next month'
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    Diamondeyed reacted to Threetimesacharm in Going to Mexico alone   
    To the OP:
    No worries, I went in September to Dr Garcia. He is an amazingly skilled surgeon, you have made the right choice. I was by myself and you well meet others at the hotel/hospital.
    Tell Meli and Rosi that Donna says HI!!!!!
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    Diamondeyed reacted to Kapoorvilla in Pic, 50 pounds down at 4 months out   
    I love how weight loss makes folks look years younger! You are going to look like a different person the more you loose.
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    Diamondeyed reacted to LezzieLez in Got my date for Dr. Garcia!   
    I didn't know you had a date Amytug!! Congrats to you both!!
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    Diamondeyed reacted to amytug in Got my date for Dr. Garcia!   
    3 days before me! Cool!
    7 weeks seems so long. But not.
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    Diamondeyed reacted to Threetimesacharm in Got my date for Dr. Garcia!   
    Congratulations!! It will be 16 weeks for me on Monday from having a revision with Dr Garcia, he is fantastic!! Well wishes to you!!
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    Diamondeyed got a reaction from LezzieLez in Got my date for Dr. Garcia!   
    Yes mam!! I am so excited and ready!
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    Diamondeyed got a reaction from amytug in Got my date for Dr. Garcia!   
    Surgery date Feb. 15th!!!!!!!!!
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    Diamondeyed reacted to SerendipityHappens in Got my date for Dr. Garcia!   
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    Diamondeyed got a reaction from MzFree-Spirited Vsg in All Dr. Garcia's Sleeved Patients, Please Give Your Weightloss Amounts And Timeframes.....thanks!   
    Nurseghana, the way the way I even was directed to Mexico, is I had a consultation with a bariatric surgeon here in Houston, and at the end of the consultation, he gave me my options. If he preformed at one hospital, It was going to be 17,000, if it was at another 16,000, and another hospital 15,000, but then he said he would travel with me to Mexico, to assist a top surgeon there(dr. Alvarez) 10,700. Thats how my eyes were open. I went home amd researchex that night ALL night. And found out dr. Alvarez was 8700, and this local surgeon was charging me 2,000 to go with me. Well I figured if he was recommending him, I could alone. come to find out dr. Alvarez jad been training the surgeon here. And thats how I got confidence in the Mexico bariatric surgeons.
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    Diamondeyed reacted to latice19 in December 28, 2012 its here! Are you READY!   
    I am sitting here preparing to be at the hospital at 6am in the morning. I don't know if I should be scared or just happy?!? But I'm am praying that everything comes out safe and good. So this time tomorrow I will be SLEEVED.. WooHoo????????
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    Diamondeyed reacted to maleteacher in Gastric Sleeve with Dr. Louisiana Valenzuela & Dr. Ismael Cabrera   
    Hey guys,
    I looked on this page and others before choosing my doctor, so I figured I would share my experience now that I am done! I know it is a little bit long.....but it is everything I wish I would have known to ease my curiousity
    I went through Mexico Bariatric Center. Once I filled out the contact request I received an email from CHRISTY - who became my contact person the whole time. She was amazing! She was very friendly, stayed in contact with me frequently, stayed honest throughout, and made me feel like she was in it with me! I actually booked a surgery back in November....bought my ticket.....then chickened out. She did not try and persuade me at all! She agreed not to do it until I was ready. I ended up contacting her again, because I felt comfortable, and booked it for Dec. 21, 2012.
    The night before I flew down I received a call from VICTOR - who was my driver. He was such a sweet man. He had stories and jokes to share about Tijuana TO and FROM the airport. I flew in the day before surgery. Victor was already outside of the baggage claim when I arrived. We went directly to the Hotel Marriott. It was very beautiful and safe! In fact, you have to use your room key to even get the elevator to move. Everyone there was extremely friendly and helpful. The beds were so fluffy that I had a great sleep before the big day. When I arrived at the hotel I was greeted by my go-to person DANIEL. He was also very friendly, informative, and caring!
    Daniel is not just the contact person, but like a "brother from another mother". He makes sure everything runs smoothly, translates for you, and is there for you at every transition! He even came to visit a few times each day at the hospital! If you go through Mexico Bariatric Center you should totally request Daniel to be your contact person.
    On the day of surgery I took the Marriott (free) shuttle to Mi Doctor Hospital. Daniel was there to greet me and take care of all of the talking. I was given a room, a Johnny and TIGHT leggings to wear. I then had a pre-op session. This was where they did blood work, took my weight and height, and inserted the I.V. I was also visited and introduced to ALL of my doctors and nurses. Shortly after I was wheelchaired to the surgery room. It was very clean and non-threatening. I couldn't believe how many doctors/nurses were in there. Surprisingly I was NOT nervous at all - since I knew that I wouldn't remember anything once I fell asleep LOL. The anesthesiologist was so caring and gentle! I felt like I knew him............and then fell asleep! The last thing I remember was him smiling down at me while Dr. Cabrera rubbed my face. DR. LOUISIANA Valenzuela was heading my surgery with DR. ISMAEL CABRERA-GARCIA as her assistant. They normally take turns being the lead - but BOTH are excellent at what they do!
    Apparently my surgery went from 1 hour to 2 hours because they found a Hiatal Hernia in my esophagus. That is when your stomach pouch is larger than normal and pushes it's way into the esophagus. They repaired it along with my surgery for $500 more. I was so glad that they found it and fixed while up in me! I woke up in a recovery room. As soon as I woke up they walked me to my hospital room - where I slept in and out throughout the day. Closer to the evening I started my walking rounds around the hallway. (VERY IMPORTANT FOR RECOVERY!) I was barely in pain!!!! The easiest way to describe the pain was like a cramp when you are running. This pain was NOT constant! Whenever I felt it, I put my hand over it and pushed in - which helped ease it. The next day (day 2) I felt GREAT! I did a lot more walking around the nurses station and started drinking Gatorade. (after they did the Xray with the liquid). I had many visitors from the doctors, Daniel, people from the recovery room, and even my anesthesiologist! I couldn't believe how great I felt - after hearing about other people's experiences! You will feel gas bubbles here and there - but practice pushing it out through burps and eventually you will get a good fart in....smooth sailing from there LOL
    On day 3 Dr. Valenzuela came to do my final check before releasing me. Once again, I felt great.... little pain..... and was ready to go - BUT I had to get my tube taken out first. OMG, although it takes less than a minute to remove it - It was a surreal feeling to get a long skinny tube slowly pulled across and out of a whole in my stomach. Yes it hurt for like 30 seconds, but it had to be done! Once that was done, she gave me my 4 different medications, explanations, and a lot of nutritional paperwork. It also included a CD of the Xray of my new banana shaped stomach pouch! You can watch the liquid going down it - too cool!
    Once I got my release, Daniel was already there for me with the Marriott Shuttle. We even detoured to an outside pharmacy to pick up one more medicine bottle, and Snacks for my plus 1. I then stayed at the Marriott for another night (but could've stayed for two nights). Victor called an confirmed pick-up times. (By the way, at the hotel - the patient can eat in the restaurant for free using their room key. Make sure you tell them you are there for Bariatric Surgery. You can get broth, Jello, and popsicles. If someone is with you.....they have to pay BUT you get 25% discount. GET THE BUFFET! It is worth it - especially with the discount)
    To end my journey, Victor picked my plus one and I up at the Marriott. We then had to drive through customs to enter U.S. and make our way to the airport. NOTE: The San Diego airport is HORRIBLE and offers very little food options. They are under construction and will have a food court one day......but not yet! You can go to Terminal 1 where there is a Starbucks and a really nice restaurant! Although I couldn't eat......it smelled and looked so good. Starbucks had a good mint tea that I drank - which was very soothing!
    FINALLY (I PROMISE) a few points I wanted to add:
    *Tijuana is safer than you think!
    *Going into the border is quick and easy...Out of the border takes longer, but make sure you have your passports and meds out!
    * $1 US dollar is equal to $ 12.60 Mexican dollars. (although the currency changes daily)
    *Gastric Sleeve is running $4500 American dollars right now (which is great!) This includes pre-op lab work, Surgery, 2 day hospital stay, medicine, food for patient, personal driver, personal contact person, 1 pre stay hotel, 2 post surgery stay at hotel. (does NOT include airfare or food for the plus one). MY PLUS ONE STAYED IN THE BED NEXT TO ME AT HOSPITAL
    *Have your plus one bring snacks. There is a deli on the 1st floor of hospital which seems to run @ $6.00 American for a meal - but they close EARLY! If YOU, the patient, want broth, Gatorade, Popsicle, etc... be sure to ASK! It doesn't just come.
    * DR. VALENZUELA/DR. CABRERA are the doctors to go with!!! Call Christy before you change your mind... (you want to ask to have Daniel and Victor too)
    I hope this helps! Feel free to ask any question........ I know what you are going through! In a separate blog I'll update my status since this is so long LOLOLOL......
  15. Like
    Diamondeyed reacted to partofme! in I Dont Hear Much About Dr. Almanza Anymore........   
    I was sleeved by Almanza Nov 21st and I am still breathing. (rolling eyes)
    I have read ALLLLLLL the good bad and ugly on Almanza. I agree it comes down to heresay. A few years back, our very own Mrs Canada, or, Melanie Wildman, was sleeved by Almanza himself. She then posted negative things about him AFTER she stopped referring patients to him and switched to other Mexican doctors for - here it comes - her own surgery referral biz in Canada. While her posts seem very genuine, there was a lot of slander going on and with all she said, I am hoping she was able to back that up for her business's sake.
    After that, there were fake patients, real patients and everything inbetween posting stuff about him-and other doctors as well. I think it is important to look at a persons profile and history. Two posts and they all of a sudden write a flaming review? Just keep your eyes open, is all I am saying.
    Were there better options for me? I am sure there were...there is always better out there, right? But at the end of the day, what matters to me is that I had a safe surgery, no issues, infections, good treatment, feel good, and I am losing weight.
    One out of a hundred patients will have complications...more will have pneumonia..... .3 out of a hundred will have a leak.
    My experience personally was that I was in a van with maybe 5 other patients. He did 4, maybe 5 surgeries that day. There are only 8 beds in the hospital to recover in. There is no room for anyone else. You cannot move anyone around because there is nowhere to put them. You cannot move them to the hotel...they need the IV and such and the hotel would not allow that.
    Also, some people need to stay for observation for another night for vomiting, or issues, for example...the girl that stayed next to me after my surgery was vomiting and not doing well. She was there two nights.
    Everyone in my group had great success and we have all kept in touch and are healthy, no complications or issues, etc. Yes, it is in a strip plaza...they have numerous medical facilities throughout the facilty...two in that plaza, they own the xray clinic, and are building a new facility. They are not using the recover house anymore-its all at the hotel where you recover and you have your nurse there 24/7.
    I had comfort, privacy, a nice hotel, in-room patient massage.....I am sure it is just a matter of time before they will need to expand the facility as the one they have now is small. But it is clean-so clean....not a hair, smudge, piece of food, nothing. You have to wear booties entering their facility.
    Maybe they went through a tough time or growth issues or who knows what...I don't know. All I do know is that they have a tonne of patient testimonials on youtube that are posted daily by happy patients that make endless comments on the cleanliness, attentiveness...it sounds like they are really trying to turn whatever bad rap they had a few years ago around.
    I have nothing bad to say about them-it was a great experience!
  16. Like
    Diamondeyed got a reaction from rdoactv in February 2013 Seems Like A Year Away!   
    I am so ready go. I have started packing. My sleevie family, I cant think about Thanksgiving, my birthday, Christmas, New Years or anything else besides going to TJ in Feb. It is all I think about....I am so ready to go! I have been overweight all my life....and I see my daughter following the same steps. I just fwel if I can help myself I can help her.....I need this journey to begin, but I will remain patient ..... But God knows I ready ! Love you guys...
  17. Like
    Diamondeyed reacted to Jesser in Merry Christmas...   
    And here's to a fabulous new year ahead! I was just thinking as I ate my Christmas dinner, stuffing myself full as I can get, that next year will not be the same. Of course having some mixed feelings about that! But I'm ready. let the countdown to March 10th begin!!!
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    Diamondeyed got a reaction from AmandaRaeLeo in Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!   
    Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Diamondeyed reacted to ploveda1 in I Dont Hear Much About Dr. Almanza Anymore........   
    Dr. Almanza is sleeving me Jan 14, 2013. My sister used him a few months back and said he was great.
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    Diamondeyed got a reaction from Renaissance24 in Hurry Up Aleady....feb. 2013   
    Today I find myself not wanting to set any upcoming goals until I have surgery. I have already put gauze, tape, deodorant in my bag so far......Also been reading gastricsleeve.com blogs lot of great information there. Just so ready for the losers bench!
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    Diamondeyed reacted to Anewmeiscoming32 in tomorrow is the day!   
    Thank you everyone! I will try and log in throughout my hospital stay and recovery.
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    Diamondeyed reacted to chilihot59 in Dreams Do Come True   
    The past two weeks have been like living in a dream! Yet, I have to pinch myself and say, "No! This is really happening!" This gonna be a long thread, can't help it. I, need to share with others the joy that is in my heart, the tears that begin to well up in my eyes, and the laughter that floods my soul! Today, it has been 4 months and 16 days since I was sleeved! My journey started April 9, 2012, my first appointment. My sleeve date was July 30th. I've lost a total of 97lbs, since April, 81 of which since sleeved. This time last year, I couldn't stand more than 5 minutes without my back and knees hurting and would have to sit down. My blood pressure was through the roof. I was in the beginning stages of congestive heart failure. I had to get custom made compression stockings because the edema in my lower legs was so bad! I was so short of breath just getting out of bed winded me. I have severe osteoarthritis in both knees. I couldn't go shopping unless there were scooters available, so often I had to get others to do it for me. Aside, from dragging myself to work, I went nowhere else! I physically couldn't do it! Well, today, what I prayed for and dreamed about is becoming a reality! I've gone from being on 7 meds for my hypertension, down to 4 and being weaned down on those. I've gone shopping, been like a kid in a candy store without needing a scooter, and spending too much money! I am moving and bouncing around so much, family, friends, and coworkers are amazed! My shoe size has dropped 1/2 a size and no longer a wide width. I'm down from a size 28 pant to a 22. Folks you already know about the clothes issue, lol!!! I've gone to concerts, the movies, and a gallery opening with my trusty cane dragging behind me! Sometimes my knee(s) get a little weary. I, don't get short of breath from walking or moving around. No more compression stockings needed. What really did it for me was when I ran into an old neighbor this past week. I haven't seen her in 15 years. We ran into each other in the parking lot at one the malls. We stood out there for about a 1/2 hr., talking and reminescing. When I got in my car, it dawned on me that I had stood for more than a 1/2 hr, including my time in the store, and my back or knees weren't hurting!!! I was in shock! Before my surgery, that would not have been possible! I am living and enjoying life again! I still struggle with, getting my fluids and Protein in daily. My goal is to eat healthy each day, with some days I slip off the wagon, but I get back on. This journey is not easy, but so worth it! If this story can be of encouragement to someone, I am glad! Be encouraged, take one day at a time, and enjoy the ride! So buckle up! HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO MY VST FAMILY!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! SMOOCHES!
  24. Like
    Diamondeyed reacted to P.A.Arthur in All Dr. Garcia's Sleeved Patients, Please Give Your Weightloss Amounts And Timeframes.....thanks!   
    Thanks everyone for the well wishes. Mexico has been nice even without tequila, LOL. Looking forward to my long journey home tomorrow
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    Diamondeyed reacted to geewalk in Pray For the Sandy Hook Elementary School Tragedy   
    Praying for the families. Soooo sad!

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