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LAP-BAND Patients
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About leesakake

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    Expert Member

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  1. Hello i was sleeved may 11 Can we ever use straws again ? is it because when you suck from the straw the first sip is the air that's in the straw? And when can you drink a beer? ( I am not a drinker but I would enjoy 1 beer a a party ) Thanks for your help
  2. leesakake

    Stomach Stretch Question

    Lesson learned for sure!!! Thank you all
  3. Hi. I had surg may 11 and I did over eat today I am so stuffed I feel awful. I am afraid I may have stretched my stomach Anyone know could I have ?
  4. leesakake

    9Days Out I Feel The Food

    Actually when I eat anything yogurt soup pudding farina.
  5. Question. When I eat my soup I feel it go down and it makes my cheat hurt alittle and my throat makes noise.
  6. leesakake

    Any May Sleevers Here?

    Ok I am home now and starting my clear fluids for a few days and I tell you the best thing ever is chicken broth from the Chinese restaurant it's going to save me. I am not hungry but it will help me get my fluids in. I know it's salty but hell its good! I can drink Water and Protein drink My problem is I caught pneumonia and have to take meds which I crush and dr said add to apple sauce but not alot. And it's nasty bitter so 4 more days of that. I do feel a weird sensation after drinking something like I feel the liquids. I am not hungry and I have been feedin my kids so far I am not even wanting it One inscisin area hurts but others are fine .... Hope all others are doing good
  7. leesakake

    Any May Sleevers Here?

    Have to stay another night to be fever free for 24 hrs. Fever is gone now. And reason for fever is I have a little pneumonia I haven't had anything but water since Thursday. I had a rough night last night mentally. I was scared that I made the wrong choice. But then I thought how nice it will be when I can do differ t things with my kids. I think I was also feeling really bad being away from home for 4 days. I have never been away from my kids. I need to get home and start my life. Cause there is no turning back!
  8. leesakake

    Im A May Sleever!

    All done! Sleeping alot. Have a little pain walked about 3 hrs after surg. Can't complain expect I am so dam thirsty! Feels like Cotton balls in my mouth Had hernia repair to. Never knew I had it. Lol Good luck all. Back to sleep
  9. leesakake

    Im A May Sleever!

    On my way to hospital. Will post when I can. Good luck to all today
  10. leesakake

    Any May Sleevers Here?

    Got my approval today!!!! I am so stinking scared!!' now its real. The prep diet was not awful. I am just going nuts in my head making sure I want this. 99.9 percent wants it I should say I 100% want it. I am scared of life after there is no turning back. What are your thoughts?
  11. leesakake

    Im A May Sleever!

    Gwen. What part of NJ? I was told no caffeine. Decaf coffee or tea is fine. My hospital actually will serve that on the tray to me day after surg. My NUT gave me a list of what will be served in the hospital. costco shakes are the best! I highly recommend them. They are called premiere and buy a magic bullet blender it's great! I am still waiting for insurance approval. But I am scheduled this fri may 11 !!
  12. leesakake

    Im A May Sleever!

    Gwen. What part of NJ? I was told no caffeine. Decaf coffee or tea is fine. My hospital actually will serve that on the tray to me day after surg. My NUT gave me a list of what will be served in the hospital. costco shakes are the best! I highly recommend them. They are called premiere and buy a magic bullet blender it's great! I am still waiting for insurance approval. But I am scheduled this fri may 11 !!
  13. Hello. I am being sleeved may 11.I am scared... And I just want to get an idea say a year out what are you daily meals? Ex; half of an omolet ? Half of a chicken cutlet? Half of sandwich. I know all the protein amounts etc.better choices etc I want an honest answer please. What is life like after healing. What is normal life when you eat? Thanks

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